


1. 条 [tiáo]2. 条 [tiāo]条 [tiáo]植物的细长枝:枝~。柳~儿。荆~。泛称条形的东西:~子。面~儿。便(biàn)~儿。金~。铁~。细长的形状:~形。~纹。~案。~几(jī)。~凳。~幅(直挂的长条字画)。苗~。身~……






1. 射 [shè]2. 射 [yè]3. 射 [yì]射 [shè]放箭:~箭。后羿~日。用推力或弹力送出子弹等:~击。扫~。发~。~程。~手。气体或液体等受到压力迅速流出:喷~。注~。放出光、热、电波等:~电。辐~。~线。照~。反~。有……



汉语拼音:tiáo jiàn fǎn shè







  1. 生理学名词。指有机体因信号的刺激而发生的反应。

    《花城》1981年第6期:“ 心心 形成了一个条件反射,没有妈妈的优美的故事引路,他进入不了梦乡。”



  1. The implicit assumption was that fear, like hunger, was a simple provoked response.


  2. A natural goal scorer makes natural goal scoring movements and over the next few months Michael is going to be an important player for us.


  3. Normally, these things, or blind notifications of these things, would prompt you to pull your phone out of your pocket.


  4. With a reflex action he felt for the ailerons with his feet , and his hands steadied an imaginary joy-sticker .


  5. Unwrapping a stick of gum can even turn out to be a substitute ritual for lighting up a cigarette as a conditioned response to stress.


  6. It was Duke Wayne hitting moviegoers over the head, knee-jerking to what he perceived to be negative imagery of the troops in Vietnam.


  7. host: frist, let us show early in the round when you head him on the ropes and you butt him, was that some reflect actions?


  8. When Jill's alarm clock sounds she automatically reaches for her gym bag and heads out the door.


  9. This experiment is all about seeing if an infant can be conditioned to kick their foot to make the mobile move.


  1. 非条件反射

    unconditioned reflex

  2. 恐惧条件反射

    fear conditioning.

  3. 阴性条件反射

    negative conditioned reflex

  4. 倒行条件反射

    backward conditioning reflex.

  5. 经典式条件反射

    classical conditioning

  6. 非条件反射强化

    unconditioned reflex reinforcement

  7. 那属于条件反射。

    That belongs to conditioned reflex.

  8. 非条件反射测听

    unconditioned reflex audiometry

  9. 条件反射二因素说

    bifactor theory of conditioning

  10. 消除兔子的条件反射

    to decondition the rabbit

  11. 时间条件反射的研究

    A study of time conditioned reflex

  12. 建立起一种条件反射。

    Establish a conditioned response.

  13. 打喷嚏是一种条件反射。

    Sneezing is reflexive.

  14. 操作性条件反射的运用

    Employment of operational conditioned reflex

  15. 发表他关于条件反射的发现。

    Publishes his findings regarding classical conditioning.

  16. 条件反射,学习和记忆的机制。

    Conditioned reflex, Mechanism of learning and memory.

  17. 染色体条件反射非条件反射兴奋

    Chromosome conditioned reflex unconditioned reflex excitation

  18. 可控行为调节。操作性条件反射

    operant conditioning

  19. 你还会有这样的条件反射吗?

    or your boy reading Shakespeare. Right?

  20. 没错,对你来说,那就是条件反射。

    Exactly. It's just a it's a reflex for you.

  21. 她打哈欠是对我打哈欠的条件反射。

    Her yawn was a Pavlovian response to my yawn.

  22. 双氢氯噻嗪对狗的条件反射的影响

    The effect of hydrochlorothiazide on the conditioned reflex in dogs

  23. 方法一次性被动回避性条件反射法。

    Methods One trial passive avoidance response method was used.

  24. 这个现象还可以联系到经典条件反射。

    What this comes down to is classical Pavlovian conditioning.

  25. 为什么人们会条件反射般的抵触艺术?

    Why do people instantly resist the idea of associating themselves with art?

  26. 亚什倒下,条件反射的缩成一团。

    Ash fell and reflexively curled into a ball.

  27. 条件反射理论在心理治疗中的应用研究

    The Application of the Theory of Conditioned Reflex in Psychological Treatment

  28. 爱情是条件反射与深思熟虑之间的冲突!

    LOVE is not altogether a delirium , yet has it many points in commmon therewith.

  29. 我甚至不知道这是不是叫做条件反射

    I don't know even if there is something called a conditioned reflex.

  30. 经过训练,那些动物对声音形成了条件反射。

    The animals were conditioned to respond to auditory stimuli.


  1. 问:条件反射拼音怎么拼?条件反射的读音是什么?条件反射翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条件反射的读音是tiáojiànfǎnshè,条件反射翻译成英文是 The conditioned response; the conditioned re...

  2. 问:条件反射法拼音怎么拼?条件反射法的读音是什么?条件反射法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条件反射法的读音是tiáo jiàn fǎn shè fǎ,条件反射法翻译成英文是 conditioned reflex method

  3. 问:条件反射学习拼音怎么拼?条件反射学习的读音是什么?条件反射学习翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条件反射学习的读音是tiáo jiàn fǎn shè xué xí,条件反射学习翻译成英文是 conditioning learning

  4. 问:条件反射模拟拼音怎么拼?条件反射模拟的读音是什么?条件反射模拟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条件反射模拟的读音是tiáo jiàn fǎn shè mó nǐ,条件反射模拟翻译成英文是 conditioned reflex analog

  5. 问:条件反射疗法拼音怎么拼?条件反射疗法的读音是什么?条件反射疗法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条件反射疗法的读音是tiáo jiàn fǎn shè liáo fǎ,条件反射疗法翻译成英文是 conditioned reflex therapy

  6. 问:条件反射能力拼音怎么拼?条件反射能力的读音是什么?条件反射能力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条件反射能力的读音是tiáo jiàn fǎn shè néng lì,条件反射能力翻译成英文是 conditionability

  7. 问:条件反射过程拼音怎么拼?条件反射过程的读音是什么?条件反射过程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条件反射过程的读音是tiáo jiàn fǎn shè guò chéng,条件反射过程翻译成英文是 conditioning process

  8. 问:条件反射催眠法拼音怎么拼?条件反射催眠法的读音是什么?条件反射催眠法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条件反射催眠法的读音是tiáo jiàn fǎn shè cuī mián fǎ,条件反射催眠法翻译成英文是 hypnotic method of conditioned reflex

  9. 问:条件反射性免疫拼音怎么拼?条件反射性免疫的读音是什么?条件反射性免疫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条件反射性免疫的读音是tiáo jiàn fǎn shè xìng miǎn yì,条件反射性免疫翻译成英文是 conditioned immunity

  10. 问:条件反射性反应拼音怎么拼?条件反射性反应的读音是什么?条件反射性反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条件反射性反应的读音是tiáo jiàn fǎn shè xìng fǎn yìng,条件反射性反应翻译成英文是 conditioned reflex reaction

  11. 问:条件反射性恐惧反应拼音怎么拼?条件反射性恐惧反应的读音是什么?条件反射性恐惧反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条件反射性恐惧反应的读音是tiáo jiàn fǎn shè xìng kǒng jù fǎn yìng,条件反射性恐惧反应翻译成英文是 conditioned fear response


