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汉语拼音:bái hè
He threw out a gold coin for the valet to pick up, and all the heads craned forward that all the eyes might look down at it as it fell.
他扔出了一个金币,命令他的侍从拾起来。所有的脑袋都像白鹤似地往前伸,所有的眼睛都想看见那金币落下。They are long legs, long neck, giant beaks, much like the crane, but systemic feather pale pink, two-wing bipedal tonal slightly deep.
它们都是长腿、长颈、巨喙,很象白鹤,但全身羽毛呈淡粉红色,两翼两足色调稍深。It is also an ideal place for white cranes, swans and many other rare birds to spend their winters due to its humid weather.
鄱阳湖水面广阔,饵料丰富,气候湿润,是白鹤、天鹅、白鹳等多种珍稀鸟类的理想越冬场所。His main regret is not building more things: he waxes lyrical about visiting South Korea and counting the cranes on the skyline.
他的主要遗憾则是没有做成更多的事情,比方说向往访问韩国以及数一数地平线上出现的白鹤。The population of Siberian cranes in Poyang Lake will also be affected by the dam.
鄱阳湖中白鹤的数量也因为三峡大坝的建设受到影响。Siberian cranes feed on the frogs, mollusks, insects and fish in Poyang Lake, which is filled by the seasonal flooding of the Yangtze.
白鹤以鄱阳湖中的青蛙,软体动物,昆虫及鱼类作为食物,这些物种都会被长江季节性的洪水冲到鄱阳湖中。This article describes the design o protection project for the White Crane Ridge Inscription.
对白鹤梁题刻本体保护工程设计进行了论述。Although scientists know siberian crane's migration way, but haven't known more about its secret of migration.
虽然科学家们已经知道白鹤迁徙的路线,但并不完全了解它们飞行的秘密。Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis on the Anther Filament and Rapid Propagation of Spathiphyllum cannifolium . L .