


年纪大,时间长,有经验,陈旧的:~当益壮。~朋友。~练。~化。少年~成。~马识途。对年纪大的人的尊称:吴~。~人家。~大爷。极,很:~早。~羞成怒。老年人:敬~院。扶~携幼。~有所为(wéi )。晚年:~年。~境。敬老,养老:“~吾老,以及……


父亲:“军书十二卷,卷卷有~名”。祖父:~~。姥~。对长辈或年长男子的敬称:张大~。旧时对官僚、财主等的称呼:县太~。少(shào )~。对佛、神的称呼:佛~。财神~。……


父亲:“军书十二卷,卷卷有~名”。祖父:~~。姥~。对长辈或年长男子的敬称:张大~。旧时对官僚、财主等的称呼:县太~。少(shào )~。对佛、神的称呼:佛~。财神~。……



汉语拼音:lǎo yé ye




  1. Mum asked me to help her to buy some milk for an old man.


  2. When the old man just stepped into the door of Kai, his son came out, even with a broom, throw him out.


  3. I'm running away from an old woman, an old man, a little boy, a bear, a pig and a wolf, and I can run away from yon, too.


  4. If this book show grandmother, their grandfather, they do not have to wear glasses, do not rely on a pair of ears on the line yet?


  5. I'm running away from an old woman, an old man and a little boy, and I can run away from you, too.


  6. The muscle in my leg twitched as the old man squinted at me, stared at his drawing and then turned to the instructor.


  7. He stretched out his arm and said, "Grandpa, let me take you across. "


  8. (The girl rushes to the old man)Grandpa, what's the matter with you? Can I help you?


  9. "Granddad" himself, as Malasha in her own mind called Kutuzov, was sitting apart from the rest in the dark corner behind the stove.


  1. 老爷爷怎么啦?

    What's eating Grandpa?

  2. 太阳是个老爷爷。

    The sun is an old man.

  3. 我也是啊,老爷爷。

    You and me both,Pops.

  4. 我也是啊,老爷爷。

    You and me both, Pops.

  5. 老爷爷波本威酒

    Old Grand Dad

  6. 圣诞老奶奶祝福圣诞老爷爷。

    To Mr. Claus from Mrs. Claus.

  7. 老爷爷,我又做错什么了?

    All right, Pops, what did I do now?

  8. 老爷爷,您真的叫她姑婆?

    Grandpa, do you really call her grandma?

  9. 我们把老爷爷搀下了公共汽车。

    We handed the old father down the bus.

  10. 老爷爷负责喂猪, 感到很自豪。

    The grandfather takes great pride in caring for the pigs.

  11. 这个淘气的孩子模仿他的老爷爷。

    The naughty boy mimed his old grandfather.

  12. 老爷爷回忆起旧时得一些逸事。

    Granddad fetched up some anecdotes of the old days.

  13. 老爷爷回忆起旧时的一些逸事。

    Granddad fetched up some anecdotes of the old days.

  14. 老爷爷,你是说我和你都是一体?

    Old Papa, you mean you and I are one?

  15. 老爷爷,你怎么拉?要我帮忙吗?

    Grandpa, whats the matter with you Can I help you.

  16. 老爷爷向他挥挥手, 并且表扬了他。

    He waved his hand to grandpa, and scolded him.

  17. 我的老爷爷仍然健在且精力充沛。

    My old grandpa is still around and kicking.

  18. 你有老爷爷们最爱吃的药吗?

    You got that shit the old granddaddies have been taking?

  19. 老爷爷,您每天都来这运动吗?

    Do you exercise here every day, granddad?

  20. 卖冰糖葫芦的老爷爷走街串巷地叫卖。

    The old man was wandering on the streets selling sugarcoated haws on sticks.

  21. 卖冰糖葫芦的老爷爷走街串巷地叫卖。

    The old man was wandering on the streets selling sugarcoated haws on sticks.

  22. 老爷爷,您好啊!您的太极打得真好!

    Hello, granddad! Your Tai Chi form is beautiful.

  23. 不错啊,我喜欢你老爷爷的新形象。

    Nice do. I'm liking the grandpa look.

  24. 老爷爷脸膛儿红润,身体一定很好。

    The grandpa has a red face. He must be very healthy.

  25. 不过老爷爷不想再在荞麦面馆工作了。

    But Grandpa did not want to work at Soba restaurant anymore.

  26. 这位老爷爷很小得时候就入了村塾。

    This old man entered a village school when he was very young.

  27. 这位老爷爷很小的时候就入了村塾。

    This old man entered a village school when he was very young.

  28. 这位老爷爷很小的时候就入了村塾。

    This old man entered a village school when he was very young.

  29. 所以我们需要帮助更多的老奶奶或老爷爷。

    So we need to help more of the grandmother or a grandfather.

  30. 妈妈让我帮她给一个老爷爷买一些牛奶。

    Mum asked me to help her to buy some milk for an old man.


  1. 问:老爷爷拼音怎么拼?老爷爷的读音是什么?老爷爷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:老爷爷的读音是lǎoyéye,老爷爷翻译成英文是 great grandfather; grandpa



“老爷爷”是个多义词,它可以指老爷爷(词语解析), 老爷爷(肯德基标志), 老爷爷(动画片《葫芦兄弟》中的人物)。