











汉语拼音:yī xuě qián chǐ






  1. This time we intend to at least give it a go.

  2. Redemption for Italy which defeats France in the final to win soccer's World Cup.

  3. We will have the revenge today!


  1. 他们正在等待一雪前耻的机会。

    They pant for an opportunity of revenging that humiliation.

  2. 意大利一雪前耻,战胜法国队,捧起大力神杯。

    Redemption for Italy which defeats France in the final to win soccer's World Cup.

  3. 给她一雪白色,棉花维多利亚睡衣,边在瑞士小孔。

    Give her a snow white, Victorian nightgown of cotton, edged in Swiss eyelet.

  4. 帕格抓了一把雪,把它捏成雪球。

    Pug scooped up snow and packed a snowball.

  5. 雪一停,皮诺奇就带着他的识字课本去上学了。

    When the snow stopped, Pinocchio went to school with his new spelling book under his arm.

  6. 当冬雪一融化时, 他就带领他的教徒们向大盐湖出发了。

    He started to move his people toward the Great Salt Lake as soon as the winter snows melted.

  7. 汤姆抓起一把雪往妹妹的衣领里塞。

    Tom grabbed up a handful of snow and shoved it down his sister's collar.

  8. 汤姆抓起一把雪往妹妹得衣领里塞。

    Tom grabbed up a handful of snow and shoved it down his sister's collar.

  9. 汤姆抓起一把雪便往妹妹的衣领里塞。

    Tom grabbed up a handful of snow and shoved it down his sister's collar.

  10. 我刚出门,一大片雪白晶莹得冰冷扑面而来。

    As soon as I walked outside, I was greeted with the shimmering white blanket of cold.

  11. 陈点了点头,抓起了一把雪,并把它捏成了一个冰球。

    Chen nodded and scooped up a handful of snow, which he squeezed into a ball of ice.

  12. 他把一铲雪放在凯特的床上, 以此来开玩笑。

    He put a shovelful of snow in Kates bed as a practical joke.

  13. 我妻子拿着双筒望远镜, 她猜想应该是一只雪兔。

    We could see it was carrying something beneath it and my wife, who had binoculars, thought it was a white mountain hare.

  14. 突然, 一大团雪没有任何预兆地掉了下来, 火被压灭了。

    Suddenly, without warning, a heavy mass of snow dropped down tree only a tiny bit.

  15. 伸出萎缩了很久的小手, 抓上一把雪, 舌尖一舔, 很涩。

    Shrinking atime out of little hands, grasping on a snowy, tongue licking a very shy.

  16. 就在那个星期天,我铲来了一捧雪,很快就做好了一个雪人。

    That Sunday I scooped a handful of snow and in no time had my man made.

  17. 就在那个星期天,我铲来了一捧雪,很快就做好了唯一雪人。

    That Sunday I scooped a handful of snow and in no time had my man did.

  18. 下了一冬天的雪。

    It snowed all winter.

  19. 昨晚下了一晚的雪。

    It was snowing all night yesterday.

  20. 昨晚下了一晚得雪。

    It was snowing all night yesterday.

  21. 太阳一出来,雪很快就融化了。

    The snow soon melted away when the sun began to shine.

  22. 雪每一分钟都在越积越厚。

    The snow is getting deeper by the minute.

  23. 为什么说抢拍, 因为天一大亮, 雪就会溶化成水。

    Why said grabs the moment to take a picture, because day one big bright, the snow can dissolve the water.

  24. 一连下了三天雪。

    It snowed for three days on end.

  25. 一冬不见雪,墓园忙不休。

    A Green Christmas makes a fat churchyard.

  26. 屋顶上的雪吹了一院子。

    The yard was overblown by snow from the roof.

  27. 每年冬天啊,我这窗子底下都会堆这么一大堆的雪。

    Every winter, this giant snowdrift grows right under my windows.

  28. 每年冬天啊,我这窗子底下都会堆这么一大堆得雪。

    Every winter, this giant snowdrift grows right under my windows.

  29. 风把雪吹聚成一堆一堆的。

    The wind has banked up the snow.

  30. 风把雪吹聚成一堆一堆得。

    The wind has banked up the snow.




