


1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……


1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……



汉语拼音:fā jiā







  1. 兴起家门。

    汉 刘向 《列女传·梁夫人嫕》:“君子谓 梁夫人 以哀辞发家,开悟时主,荣父之魂,还母万里。”

  2. 发展家业,使家庭变得富裕。

    周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部四:“ 韩大棒子 韩凤岐 ,伪满乍一成立时,是中等人家。往后,他猛然发家了,年年置地。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第四章:“ 郭主任 专心发家啰,对工作,心淡啰。” 梁斌 《红旗谱》八:“村乡里传说: 冯 家是 明 朝手里发家的财主。”



  1. In other words, Americans think you are just as likely to get rich by winning the lottery as you are by saving.


  2. He had made a vast fortune in gold and diamonds. He had built railroads through the wilderness and become one of the century's great rulers.


  3. But the father did not expect others to also express delivery service for sending and fortune into the rich.


  4. But the company's origins can be found not in finance, but rather in fabric.


  5. Darrell Issa, a Republican representative from California, is one of the richest men in Congress.


  6. China's largest e-commerce company Alibaba Alibaba fortune is from the beginning of foreign trade edition.


  7. It rails against corruption, especially over the distribution of land, which has enriched members of the Khalifa family and their friends.


  8. Columbia began as a family owned hat distributorship in 1938, and has grown into one of the world's largest outerwear brands.


  9. Notoriety: Deripaska's rise is one of the emblematic stories of the mad scramble for wealth in early 1990s Russia.


  1. 他们由此而发家

    And they got fabulously wealthy in doing so.

  2. 对不起, 你是如何发家的?

    Excuse me, what is your net worth?

  3. 他给我讲述他的发家史。

    He told me of his success story.

  4. 他说自已是勤奋发家。

    He referred his wealth to his own hard work.

  5. 他以得到友谊为代价发家。

    He accumulated his possessions at the cost of losing friendship.

  6. 他以失去友谊为代价发家。

    He accumulated his possessions at the cost of losing friendship.

  7. 要想发家致富, 就得妻子同意。

    He that will thrive must ask leave of his wife.

  8. 卡明是凭自己的本事发家致富的。

    Cumming was wealthy in his own right.

  9. 她是靠养殖代代花发家致富的。

    She built family wealth by planting bitter orange flowers.

  10. 她是靠养殖代代花发家致富的。

    She built family wealth by planting bitter orange flowers.

  11. 这才是他的真正发家之道。

    That's how he really made his money.

  12. 知道我怎么发家的吗?我发明武器。

    How do you think I got rich? I invented weapons.

  13. 资本家利用劳工的剩余价值发家致富。

    Capitalists use laborers'surplus value to make a fortune.

  14. 资本家利用劳工的剩余价值发家致富。

    Capitalists use laborers' surplus value to make a fortune.

  15. 难以在一年之中又聚媳妇又发家

    It is hard to wive and thrive both in a year

  16. 没受过正规教育并不妨碍发家致富。

    A lack of formal education is no bar to becoming rich.

  17. 这些人是靠别人的劳动而发家的。

    These people fattened on the labors of the others.

  18. 这些人是靠别人得劳动而发家得。

    These people fattened on the labors of the others.

  19. 如果我们长期稳健行事, 就会发家致富。

    We'd be rich if we could keep off the spot long enough.

  20. 这个老板是靠榨取工人的膏血发家的。

    The boss became rich by bleeding the laborers dry.

  21. 这个老板是靠榨取工人的膏血发家的。

    The boss became rich by bleeding the laborers dry.

  22. 这个老板是靠榨取工人得膏血发家得。

    The boss became rich by bleeding the laborers dry.

  23. 情感障碍高发家系遗传学初步研究

    Preliminary genetics study of five pedigrees with high incidence of affective disorder

  24. 先天性心脏病高发家系的遗传学研究

    Study on Genetics of Congenital Heart Disease in Highly Attacked Families

  25. 商业兴趣以石油,制铝和民用航空发家。

    Business interests Made his fortune from oil, aluminium and airline Aeroflot.

  26. 韩非是战国时期发家学派得主要代表。

    Han Fei was the most important representative of Legalist school the period of Warring States.

  27. 在南韩三星靠生产和营销联袂发家。

    In South Korea Samsung has prospered by keeping both production and marketing in house.

  28. 等不到聪明就娶妇。势必来不及发家就呜呼

    He that marries ere he be wise will die ere he thrives

  29. 原发性癫癎高发家族的46个家系调查

    Investigation of high incidence families of primary epilepsy in46 clans

  30. 春联的内容常以发家致富和吉祥喜庆为主。

    Amass a jar of coins. Bury them in your back yard. Draw a treasure map and give it to a friend.


  1. 问:发家拼音怎么拼?发家的读音是什么?发家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:发家的读音是fājiā,发家翻译成英文是 make a family fortune

  2. 问:发家致富拼音怎么拼?发家致富的读音是什么?发家致富翻译成英文是什么?

    答:发家致富的读音是fājiāzhìfù,发家致富翻译成英文是 to build up a family fortune; to build famil...