







汉语拼音:yù zhī








  1. 谓预先借领或支付工资、稿酬等款项。

    清 袁枚 《随园随笔·预支俸薪》:“今官吏不及支俸日期而借领之,号曰预支。” 曹禺 《日出》第四幕:“你( 李石清 )做了三天,会计告诉我你已经预支了二百五十元。” 丁玲 《韦护》第三章:“他又预支了一些薪水,常常带她到电影院去,或是饮食馆去。”

  2. 比喻某种现象提前发生;或要求某种现象提前发生。

    清 富察敦崇 《燕京岁时记·东西庙》:“至於春花中如牡丹、海棠、丁香、碧桃之流,皆能於严冬开放,鲜艷异常,洵足以巧夺天工,预支月令。” 刘大白 《洪水》诗:“一度两度三四度,还有预支明年的第五度呢。” 张天翼 《清明时节》四:“脸上微微有点发烫,眼睛里露出了光亮,他现在已经把胜利的快感预支了点儿过来。”



  1. But the question now is how much of last month's gains were robbed from January.


  2. You can get a $1000 cash advance for your trip from the financial department . Bring your itinerary with you .


  3. The tragedy was never brought out in book-form, though Martin pocketed the advance royalties that had been paid.


  4. do you think it would be possible if I got a $100 advance in my salary?


  5. I just can't wait. Today you've got to give me an advance of a few dollars.


  6. Full set of clean on board ocean Bills of Lading is to be issued to order and blank endorsed and marked "Freight Prepaid" .


  7. Prepare pre-cheque for the overdue accounts settled at the current month based on the bank reconciliation statements.


  8. They may also be used for cash advances and instead of a deposit on car hire.


  9. i would ask for six months in advance , under pretence of being able to purchase a farm , then with my six months i would decamp .


  1. 他要预支薪水。

    He will pay in advance salary.

  2. 我要求预支薪水

    I ask for an advance.

  3. 归还预支款

    repayment of advance.

  4. 所以预支薪水就是

    Have an advance in salary

  5. 她请求预支薪水。

    She asked for an advance on her salary.

  6. 我能预支工资吗?

    Can I have an advance on my salary?

  7. 个人预支和偿还制度

    Personal Advances and Recovery System

  8. 他预支我十元薪水。

    He advanced me 10 dollars of my salary.

  9. 预支事假和病假扣还

    restitution of advance annual and sick leave

  10. 我需要提前预支我的钱

    I need to ask for an advance on my billings.

  11. 她预支了一个月工资。

    She received one month's salary in advance.

  12. 不要预支明天的烦恼。

    Do not overload yourself with tomorrow's worries.

  13. 信用卡还可以用来预支现金。

    Credit cards can also be used for cash advances.

  14. 我的工资可以提前预支吗?

    Can you advance me on my salary?

  15. 她预支了一个月的工资。

    She received one month's salary in advance.

  16. 预支了五十圆薪金给他。

    He is given an advance of fifty dollars on his salary.

  17. 预支了五十元薪金给他。

    He was given an advance of fifty dollars on his salary.

  18. 他甚至已经开始在预支退休金了。

    He started borrowing against his pension.

  19. 我们盼望第挨次订货请求预支货款。

    We expect payment in advance on first orders.

  20. 等到你需要预支的那天吧,老大!

    Just wait until you need an advance, bigshot!

  21. 现在得账, 我们预支了将来去付。

    To pay the present bill, we draw on our future account.

  22. 直接存款预支服务可用来防止透支?

    Can the Direct Deposit Advance Service be used to prevent overdrafts?

  23. 现在的账,我们预支了将来去付。

    To pay the present bill, we draw on our future account.

  24. 咱们但愿熬头次定货要求预支货款。

    We expect payment advance on first orders.

  25. 你可否预支给我一个月的薪水?

    I'll pay a visit to you next week.

  26. 人们在尘世的黑暗里预支天上的光明。

    One discounts in terrestrial gloom celestial light.

  27. 他请求他们给他预支一个月的薪水。

    He asked them to advance him a month's salary.

  28. 我能从下个月工资中预支50英镑吗

    Can I have an advance of 50 against next month s salary

  29. 我们总是预支明天去偿还昨天的债务。

    We often borrow from our tomorrows to pay our debts to our yesterday.

  30. 软流塑地层地铁隧道预支护施工技术

    Forepolling Construction Technology for Subway Tunnel in Soft Flow Plastic strata


  1. 问:预支拼音怎么拼?预支的读音是什么?预支翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预支的读音是yùzhī,预支翻译成英文是 to pay in advance; to get the payment in advanc...

  2. 问:预支金拼音怎么拼?预支金的读音是什么?预支金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预支金的读音是yù zhī jīn,预支金翻译成英文是 advance of fund

  3. 问:预支借据拼音怎么拼?预支借据的读音是什么?预支借据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预支借据的读音是yù zhī jiè jù,预支借据翻译成英文是 advance note

  4. 问:预支条款拼音怎么拼?预支条款的读音是什么?预支条款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预支条款的读音是yù zhī tiáo kuǎn,预支条款翻译成英文是 red clause

  5. 问:预支账户拼音怎么拼?预支账户的读音是什么?预支账户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预支账户的读音是yù zhī zhàng hù,预支账户翻译成英文是 drawing account

  6. 问:预支货款拼音怎么拼?预支货款的读音是什么?预支货款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预支货款的读音是yù zhī huò kuǎn,预支货款翻译成英文是 Advance Funds

  7. 问:预支限制拼音怎么拼?预支限制的读音是什么?预支限制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预支限制的读音是yù zhī xiàn zhì,预支限制翻译成英文是 restraint on anticipation

  8. 问:预支信用证拼音怎么拼?预支信用证的读音是什么?预支信用证翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预支信用证的读音是yù zhī xìn yòng zhèng,预支信用证翻译成英文是 Anticipatory L/C

  9. 问:预支申请表拼音怎么拼?预支申请表的读音是什么?预支申请表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预支申请表的读音是yù zhī shēn qǐng biǎo,预支申请表翻译成英文是 Request for Pay Action

  10. 问:预支膳宿费拼音怎么拼?预支膳宿费的读音是什么?预支膳宿费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预支膳宿费的读音是yù zhī shàn sù fèi,预支膳宿费翻译成英文是 Advance Payment of Subsistence and Quarters...

  11. 问:预支通知单拼音怎么拼?预支通知单的读音是什么?预支通知单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预支通知单的读音是yù zhī tōng zhī dān,预支通知单翻译成英文是 bill of imprest

  12. 问:预支旅差津贴拼音怎么拼?预支旅差津贴的读音是什么?预支旅差津贴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预支旅差津贴的读音是yù zhī lǚ chāi jīn tiē,预支旅差津贴翻译成英文是 Travel Allowance Advance

