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1. 虫 [chóng]虫 [chóng]节肢动物的一类:昆~。益~。雕~小技(喻微不足道的技能)。动物的通称:大~(老虎)。长~(蛇)。介~(有介壳的虫子)。……
汉语拼音:chóng cǎo
You may say so. Anyway, caterpillar fungus is one of the traditional Chinese tonics . It's good for your health.
可以这么说。总之,虫草是一种中医补药,有益于身体健康。The soxhlet extraction showed that water was better than ethanol for the extraction of the cordycepin.
索氏提取结果表明水比乙醇更优于提取虫草素;All the cultivars could be established for evergreen turf under optimal nutritional, water and pest management in Shanghai.
在适当的肥水和病虫草害管理条件下,都能在上海地区建植周年常绿的绿化草坪。This heavy rain, coming on top of the severe cold, is enough to kill the caterpillar fungus hunters.
暴雨外加严寒,挖虫草的群众命在旦夕。Ground ginseng is a kind of herbage plant with its shape like cordyceps and is considered as a treasure from Shibaoshan Mountain.
地参是野生草本植物,其形似虫草,堪称石宝山山珍。The medicine containing cordycepin in the form of freeze dried powder, injection, coated tablet and drip pill is disclosed.
该发明还公开了含有虫草素的药用制剂,如冻干粉剂,针剂,糖衣片和滴丸。The infection abilities of different strains of C. militaries to silkworms had an extremely significant difference.
不同蛹虫草菌株对家蚕的感染能力存在极显著差异。Through orthogonal experiments and contrast tests, the optimum formula and technological conditions of the wine were determined.
通过正交试验和对比试验确定了酿制北虫草酒的最佳配方和工艺条件。Conclusion The culture cycle of Cordyceps militaris fruiting body can be shortened by this method.