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1. 还 [huán]2. 还 [hái]还 [huán]回到原处或恢复原状:~乡。~俗。衣锦~乡。返老~童。回报别人对自己的行动。~手。~击。以眼~眼。以牙~牙。偿付:归~。偿~。~本。原物奉~。古同“环”,环绕。姓。还 [hái]依然,……
1. 少 [shǎo]2. 少 [shào]少 [shǎo]数量小的,与“多”相对:多~。~量。~许。缺,不够:缺~。减~。不经常:~有。~见。短时间:~等。~候。~顷。丢,遗失:屋里~了东西。轻视:“且夫我尝闻~仲尼之闻而轻伯夷之义者,如……
汉语拼音:hái shǎo
晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·仙药》:“饵之一年,老者还少,令人彻视见鬼。”《太平广记》卷五九引《女仙传》:“女服药时,年已七十,稍稍还少,色如婴儿。”《东周列国志》第五三回:“且闻其善於採炼,却老还少,心甚慕之。”
It was tough making ends meet on the island, and many families had to make do with a lot less than what they were used to back in England.
在这个岛上,想做到收支平衡是很困难的。许多家庭只好用比过去英国国内还差还少的东西勉强维持生存。Nothing amuses me more than the easy manner with which everybody settles the abundance of those who have a great deal less than themselves.
没有一件事比这更能给我欢乐以轻松的态度和那些比他们所拥有的还少很多的人安排处理优裕的事物。I have been averaging less sleep than I was as a Wall Street investment banker, and that was not much.
我的平均睡眠时间比我作华尔街投资银行家时还少——那时我睡得就不多。"The hours are long, and the work can be dangerous at times, " he said. "Counting inflation, I am making less than I did 10 years ago. "
“工作时间很长,而且经常很危险,”他说。“算上通货膨胀,我现在比10年前赚的还少。”therefore the total number of favourites is likely to be fewer under a monarchy.
因此在君主政治下,宠臣嬖人的总数多半还少些。So, I thought, I'm going to let this college thing go and I only had one credit short.
所以我想,我不能让关于我大学的那件事就这么过去,我还少一个学分。Angry doctors, some of whom claim to be earning less than bus-drivers, have already staged wildcat strikes.
愤怒的医生已经发动了自发式的罢工,有些医生表示他们挣的比公交车司机还少。The organizers said the number of injuries was lower than usual.
主办单位表示,今年伤者的人数比往年还少。No, but I hear Lyme disease is open, so you know.