




1. 教 [jiào]2. 教 [jiāo]教 [jiào]指导,训诲:~习。~头。~正。~师。~导。管~。请~。~学相长。因材施~。使,令:风能~船走。指“宗教”:~士。~主。~皇。~堂。姓。教 [jiāo]传授:~课。你~给我做。……



汉语拼音:shòu jiào








  1. 接受教诲。

    《战国策·魏策四》:“ 信陵君 曰:‘ 无忌 谨受教。’” 南朝 梁 任昉 《到大司马记室笺》:“况 昉 受教君子,将二十年。” 明 刘基 《郁离子·千里马》:“ 平原君 豁然而寤,起再拜受教。” 郭沫若 《断断集·答马伯乐教授》:“这是我虔诚地期待着受教的一个问题。”



  1. During the former period, there was no particular educator or education receiver and the main form of inheritance was free education.


  2. one will never be a good teacher if one does not show oneself to be teachable and always ready to learn .


  3. If you realized that you do not perceive your own best interests, you could be taught what they are.


  4. Rich parents used private schools; poor ones knew too little to understand how badly their children were being taught at the public ones.


  5. We also addressed the AoE scoring exploits, a few other scoring imbalances, and made minor tweaks that should reduce stalemates.


  6. Although Obama had invited Crowley and Gates as part of what he called a "teachable moment, " it was barely seen by the masses.


  7. I'm a very disciplined person actually, and I appreciate a lot of these traditional (LH: Values. )values and culture.


  8. But they did not hear, nor incline their ear: but hardened their neck, that they might not hear me, and might not receive instruction.


  9. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear To hear as the learned.


  1. 德教受教方法

    accepting methods of moral education.

  2. 受教于某人

    go to school to.

  3. 求知受教是我的权利。

    Seeking knowledge and good education is one of my prerogatives.

  4. 求知受教是我得权利。

    Seeking knowledge and good education is one of my prerogatives.

  5. 什么成就一个受教的人?

    What Makes a Person Educated?

  6. 他受教于哈佛大学。

    He was educated in Harvard.

  7. 受教规约束的神职人员

    canon regular

  8. 我曾长时间受教于他。

    I studied under him for a long period of time.

  9. 我曾长时间受教于他。

    I studied under him for a long period of time.

  10. 他是个受教规束缚的可怜人。

    He's a poor man who was strapped by the beliefs.

  11. 温柔意味着你有一个受教的精神。

    Meekness means you have a teachable spirit.

  12. 喇嘛教的活佛特别受教徒尊重。

    A living Buddha, or lama, is highly respected by followers.

  13. 喇嘛教的活佛特别受教徒尊重。

    A living Buddha, or lama, is highly respected by followers.

  14. 过去,不同的学生受教方法相似。

    In the past, different students were taught in similar ways.

  15. 求您保守我们常存受教和悔改的心。

    Please keep out hearts receptive and repentant.

  16. 论受教主体的能动性动态数据的决策作用

    On the Subject Dynamic Role of the Educated

  17. 实在令人忧心,学童在受教后考得更差

    that's quite worrying. They do worse in tests afterwards, after the teaching.

  18. 在道理上受教的、当把一切需用的供给施教的人。

    Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor.

  19. 温柔的人是可以做出有益的选择来使自己受教的人。

    A meek person is someone who has made the healing choice to be teachable.

  20. 而那只是我们仍然受教的她聪明想法中一个!

    And that was just one of her bright ideas that we still reel from!

  21. 我敢说在座的各位,都曾受教于伟大的老师

    Well, all of us here, I'll bet, had some great teachers.

  22. 我把你错认为来此受教的另一位医生了。

    I mistook you for another physician who is receiving instruction here.

  23. 这正是为什么我们要存谦卑受教的态度才能成长的原因。

    This is why you cannot grow without a humble, teachable attitude.

  24. 马先生目前正在研究禅宗,受教于恭乔才让大师。

    Ma is studying Zen Buddhism from his Lao Shi Gong Qian Cai Rang.

  25. 我主上主每日清晨唤醒我,使我好像学徒一样悉心受教。

    Morning by morning the Lord GOD wakens my ear to listen as those who are taught.

  26. 他显然已经入读犹太人的学校,受教于教法师的门下。

    No doubt he had already attended a Jewish school under a rabbi teacher.

  27. 学校应积极维护怀孕学生之受教权,并提供必要之协助。

    The school shall affirmatively protect rights to education of pregnant students, as well as provide assistance where necessary.


  1. 问:受教拼音怎么拼?受教的读音是什么?受教翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受教的读音是shòujiào,受教翻译成英文是 be taught; receive instruction in

  2. 问:受教育权拼音怎么拼?受教育权的读音是什么?受教育权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受教育权的读音是shòu jiào yù quán,受教育权翻译成英文是 right to education

  3. 问:受教育的拼音怎么拼?受教育的的读音是什么?受教育的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受教育的的读音是,受教育的翻译成英文是 instructed

  4. 问:受教育者拼音怎么拼?受教育者的读音是什么?受教育者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受教育者的读音是shòu jiào yù zhě,受教育者翻译成英文是 the educated

  5. 问:受教育能力拼音怎么拼?受教育能力的读音是什么?受教育能力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受教育能力的读音是shòu jiào yù néng lì,受教育能力翻译成英文是 educational ability