


封建时代君主受朝问政的地方:朝(cháo )~。宫~。~杖。~试(科举时代皇帝的殿试)。~对(a.在朝廷中当众对答;b.科举时代皇帝的殿试)。……


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:tíng shuō






  1. 在朝廷上游说。

    《战国策·秦策一》:“且夫 苏秦 特穷巷掘门、桑户棬枢之士耳,伏軾撙衔,横歷天下,廷説诸侯之王,杜左右之口,天下莫之能伉。”



  1. Because technology is changing rapidly, states are still trying to catch up with various laws, statutes and case models, Bunting says.


  2. "In the last couple of years, financial activity became less related than we've seen before to real economic developments, " he said.


  3. But dead planets can be in disequilibrium too, it's only a matter of degree, says Kasting.


  4. According to Bunting there is no reason specific formulations should be targeted at men only.


  5. Taking off his shades and looking the boy in the eye, Putin said: "I agree completely. "


  1. 他说他是在阿根廷长大。

    He said he grew up in Argentina.

  2. 您坚持说阿根廷已然逝去?

    Still insist that Argentine are gone?

  3. 起初,阿根廷政府说,不。绝对不可能。

    At first, the Argentine government said, No, there's no way.

  4. 据昆廷说,唐纳休想把你搞垮。

    According to Quentin, Donahue wants your scalp.

  5. 可是你说不出西斯廷教堂里的味道。

    I bet you cant tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel.

  6. 昆廷,你必须开始。我们不能忘记我们的故事。你必须说。

    Quentin, you must start. We can't lose our Tales. You to tell.

  7. 阿根廷代表说, 他同意乌拉圭和智利的发言。

    The representative of Argentina said that he agreed with the interventions made by Uruguay and Chile.

  8. 她说, 我们欢迎并感谢江主席前来阿根廷进行访问。

    She said that we welcome and thank President Jiang for his visit to Argentina.

  9. 阿根廷代表团感谢主席,说他想谈一谈方法的问题。

    The Delegation of Argentina thanked the Chair and said it wanted to talk about the methodology.

  10. 阿根廷人事后曾说,这次袭击对他们是出其不意的。

    The Argentines have said subsequently that they were taken unawares by the attack.

  11. 阿根廷人事后曾说,这次袭击对他们是出其不意得。

    The Argentines have said subsequently that they were taken unawares by the attack.

  12. 对我们来说重要的事是再次为阿根廷赢的一些东西。

    The important thing is to win something for the country again.

  13. 声明说,加雷和昂格尔12日在阿根廷国防部举行会晤。

    The statement said Gareth Unger and 12 in Argentina to meet Department of Defense.

  14. 比赛几小时之后,杜舍尔对阿根廷媒体说了这样一番话。

    A few hours after the match Duscher told the Argentine press just that.

  15. 对那些看不起王储的国王廷臣来说,去职将遂王储之愿。

    For senior courtiers who have and look askance at his successor, an exit will be welcome.

  16. 没能为阿根廷赢得美洲杯对他来说实在是太遗憾了。

    It was a pity for Mascherano Argentina didn't win in the Copa America.

  17. 裸体的巴克说庞迪的裸跑活动可以追溯到黑斯廷战役时期。

    Buck Naked places the origins of the Pundits'nude runs atthe time the battle of Hastings.

  18. 帕尔帕廷解释说,西斯尊主普雷格斯具有所谓非自然的能力。

    Palpatine explained that Plagueis, a Sith Lord, had abilities that some would describe as unnatural.

  19. 不过我赌你连站在西斯廷教堂里是什么感觉都说不出。

    But I bet you cant tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel.