


1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……


关于货币、货物出入的记载:~本。~簿。~号。指“账簿”:一本~。债:~主。欠~。还(huán )~。……



汉语拼音:yào zhàng






  1. 讨债。

    《儿女英雄传》第十三回:“他僱船的时候,我只知道是伙计三个,到 淮安 要账来的。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五十回:“这十几家钱庄,在 上海 会议定了,要问他索还旧债,公举了一个人,专到这里,同他要账。”



  1. A decade after the Latin American country welshed on $81 billion, disgruntled creditors are still chasing their money.


  1. 你怎么会认为我是来要账的呢?

    Why should he think I have come here to ask for my money?

  2. 我有个账要和你结了。

    I've got a score to settle with you.

  3. 所以说亲兄弟也要明算账。

    So even brothers keep careful accounts.

  4. 太棒了,下周二之前就要到账,保重

    Great. I will need your check by next Tuesday. Take care.

  5. 这个密码对了。您要提取账上所有得存款吗

    It is correct now.Do you want to draw all your money from your account

  6. 这个密码对了。您要提取账上所有的存款吗

    It is correct now. Do you want to draw all your money from your account.

  7. 人生要算大账,不要算小账。

    Life is to calculate big Zhang, do not calculate cumshaw.

  8. 纵使天塌下来,该算的账也要算。

    Let justice be done, though the heavens should fall.

  9. 他们要跟不买账

    They didn't buy it.

  10. 有朝一日,我总要和他把账算得相欠。

    I ll get upsides with him some day.

  11. 当然是从开业当天就要建帐和做账啦。

    It is of course was about to build that day from practice account and do Zhang.

  12. 有朝一日,我总要和他把账算得互不相欠。

    I'll get upsides with him some day.

  13. 我一有机会就要与对手算清旧账。

    I would get square with my rival on the first opportunity.

  14. 做账时,这部分要另做分账。

    This part should be dealt with as a separate account.

  15. 做账时,这部分要另做分账。

    This part should be dealt with as a separate account.

  16. 坚持输出多栏账的企业也同时要做出相应的标示。

    Adhere to the output multicolumn account of the enterprises also have to make the appropriate mark.

  17. 今天有笔账要结。

    Harry has an account to work on today.

  18. 我有好几笔账要付。

    I have several bills to settle.

  19. 有一大堆账要付呢。

    There's a whole stack of bills waiting to be paid.

  20. 我要把这些费用记在账上。

    Ill charge these expenses up.

  21. 这样看起来, 我们每人都要向天主交自己得账。

    So each of us shall give an account of himself.

  22. 这样看起来,我们每人都要向天主交自己的账。

    So each of us shall give an account of himself.

  23. 但他们要向那已准备审判生死者的主交账。

    Who shall render account to him, who is ready to judge the living and the dead.

  24. 我要去买一件新衣服, 记在账上, 月底付款。

    I am going to charge a new dress, and pay for it at the end of the month.

  25. 彼前四5他们必向那预备好要审判活人死人的主交账。

    5 who will render an account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.

  26. 企业放账,一定要谨慎行事。

    A company should be very careful when lending money for interest.

  27. 企业放账,一定要谨慎行事。

    A company should be very careful when lending money for interest.

  28. 这些陈年旧账就不要算了。

    we may just as well forget about those old scores.

  29. 信用、收款和应收账款精要。

    Essentials of Credit Collections and accounts receivable ii.

  30. 除此之外,客户还要会算两笔账

    In addition, investors should cast two accounts


  1. 问:要账拼音怎么拼?要账的读音是什么?要账翻译成英文是什么?

    答:要账的读音是yàozhàng,要账翻译成英文是 to demand payment of a debt; to importune fo...