


哺乳动物,肉可食,鬃可制刷,皮可制革,粪是很好的肥料:~倌。~场。~圈(juàn )。~肉。生~。野~。种(zhóng )~。古同“潴”,水积存之处。……





汉语拼音:zhū zǎi






  1. 见“ 猪仔 ”。



  1. "Not at all! " the guy cried, "I just wanna know who son of a pig pushed me into the poor just now! ! "


  2. He said: 'We have six piglets, or weaners, at the moment and we decided to put two of them out to Longa.


  3. Ralph's lips parted in a delighted smile and Piggy, taking this smile to himself as a mark of recognition, laughed with pleasure.


  4. Ralph pulled himself out of the water, stood facing Piggy , and considered this unusual problem.


  5. Piggy opened his mouth to speak, caught Jack's eye and shut it again.


  6. "Fern, " said Mr. Arable, "I know more about raising a litter of pigs than you do. A weakling makes trouble. Now run along! "


  7. Leaving the pig judging area, we admired a sow nursing thirteen piglets.


  8. Of pig cub streptococcic with what should medication?


  9. "Do away with it? " shrieked Fern. "You mean kill it? Just because it's smaller than the others? "


  1. 这些小猪崽太可爱了!

    These piglets are so cute!

  2. 这些小猪崽太可爱了!

    These piglets are so cute!

  3. 母猪在春天产猪崽。

    The sow breeds piglets in the spring.

  4. 猪崽子担心地绞紧双手。

    Piggy clasped his hands in apprehension.

  5. 猪崽的了链球菌该用什么药物治疗?

    Of pig cub streptococcic with what should medication

  6. 一卡车的小猪崽从车上跳出来。

    A cart of piggies, which jumped our from the vehicle.

  7. 爱尔兰是一只吃自己猪崽的老母猪。

    Ireland is the old sow that eats her farrow.

  8. 猪崽子带着很不满得眼光看着他。

    Piggy watched him in disgust.

  9. 猪崽子带着很不满的眼光看着他。

    Piggy watched him in disgust.

  10. 这头猪崽忍不住要生得那么小,对吧?

    The pig couldn't help being born small, could it?

  11. 除了一头老母猪和一窝猪崽,啥也没有了。

    Nuthin''cept one ole sow an'her litter.

  12. 猪崽子没来得及脱身就给团团围住了。

    Piggy was surrounded before he could back away.

  13. 猪崽子就坐在身边, 并没有给他出主意。

    Piggy was sitting near but giving no help.

  14. 猪崽子看到微笑, 却误以为是友好得表示。

    Piggy saw the smile and misinterpreted it as friendliness.

  15. 猪崽子看到微笑,却误以为是友好的表示。

    Piggy saw the smile and misinterpreted it as friendliness.

  16. 痛苦和专注的神色又回到了猪崽子的脸上。

    The expression of pain and concentration returned to Piggy's face.

  17. 痛苦和专注得神色又回到了猪崽子得脸上。

    The expression of pain and concentration returned to Piggy's face.

  18. 除了猪崽子以外, 所有得孩子们都吃吃地笑开了。

    All the boys except Piggy started to giggle.

  19. 除了猪崽子以外,所有的孩子们都吃吃地笑开了。

    All the boys except Piggy started to giggle.

  20. 卖猪仔可能是小猪崽不听话,要用小竹笼装起来卖。

    Selling the piglets The piglets were naughty. So farmers kept them in bamboo cages.

  21. 猪崽子张嘴要说,瞥见杰克的眼神,又闭口不言。

    Piggy opened his mouth to speak, caught Jack's eye and shut it again.

  22. 我被一群猪崽子围了起来,把你最快的战士派过来。

    The sons of pigs have me surrounded. Send me your fastest men.

  23. 猪崽子没来得及脱身就给团团围住了。我从湖南大学毕业。

    Piggy was surrounded before he could back away. I graduated from Hunan University.

  24. 拉尔夫一阵脸红, 他侧眼看到猪崽子毫不掩饰的钦羡之情。

    Ralph flushed, looking sideways at Piggy's open admiration.


  1. 问:猪崽拼音怎么拼?猪崽的读音是什么?猪崽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猪崽的读音是zhūzǎi,猪崽翻译成英文是 Piglets in some regions.