




1. 冠 [guān]2. 冠 [guàn]冠 [guān]帽子:衣~。~戴。~盖(古代官吏的帽子和车盖,借指官吏)。衣~楚楚。形状像帽子或在顶上的东西:~子。鸡~。树~。~状动脉。冠 [guàn]把帽子戴在头上:沐猴而~。超出众人,居第一……



汉语拼音:guì guān







  1. 用桂叶、桂花编制的帽子。取其清香高洁。

    三国 魏 繁钦 《弭愁赋》:“整桂冠而自饰,敷綦藻之华文。”

  2. 古代 希腊 人授予杰出的诗人或竞技的优胜者以桂冠。后以指某种光荣称号。

    秦牧 《艺海拾贝·蜜蜂的赞美》:“我们尽可把蜜蜂人格化,为它献上一顶桂冠。”



  1. Still, Bruno was fully aware that he would not be able to rest on his laurels.


  2. Can you imagine if I said to Roman Abramovich at Chelsea, 'please give me five years and I will try to win you one trophy?


  3. Hill said he's not going to negotiate with Kim Kye-Gwan through the media as the two would have "ample opportunity" to talk in Beijing.


  4. Apollo was very sad, but he said that the laurel would be his sacred tree and he would wear the leaves on his head as his crown .


  5. Brazil's newly-crowned FIFA World Footballer of the Year Ronaldinho said he was committed to the fight against racism in the sport.


  6. He who would gather immortal palms not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness.


  7. who has 23 goals so far this season , would prefer to win both awards to round off one of the best seasons of his career .


  8. The period was at her highest, but the poet laureate just as stumble and terrified as a newborn little pony.


  9. Joseph Stiglitz, the group's chairman and one of the laureates, said the 292-page report was a call to abandon "GDP fetishism" .


  1. 危机与桂冠

    Crises and Laurel Wreaths.

  2. 来自凯撒桂冠上。

    Came from Caesars laurel crown.

  3. 来自凯撒得桂冠。

    Came from Caesar's Laurel Crown.

  4. 来自凯撒的桂冠。

    Came from Caesar's Laurel Crown.

  5. 胜利者获得一桂冠。

    The winner received a laurel crown.

  6. 他现在被戴以桂冠。

    He was laureled now.

  7. 我分享了她的桂冠。

    I shared her laurels.

  8. 人生何为先, 宁静为桂冠。

    Quietude is the crown of life.

  9. 赛场上, 我们夺得辉煌桂冠

    Well find the glory in the game

  10. 荣膺英联邦轻重量级桂冠

    To win the Commonwealth cruiserweight title

  11. 他是美国第一个桂冠诗人。

    He was the first poet laureate of the United States.

  12. 他们把桂冠加在他头上。

    He was crowned with laurel.

  13. 奥林匹克100米赛跑的桂冠

    Olympic glory in the 100 metres

  14. 桂冠已经不远, 奖金十分诱人。

    The crown is near and the prizes are quite decent.

  15. 鲁燕萍信仰的动力。台北桂冠。

    Tillich, P. . Dynamics of faith.

  16. 他是那么骑士对他的服务的桂冠。

    That you are to be knighted.

  17. 最佳大幅面制卡机得桂冠。

    Ress Association best large format card printing machines.

  18. 最佳大幅面制卡机的桂冠。

    Ress Association best large format card printing machines.

  19. 俄罗斯小姐摘取世界旅游皇后桂冠

    Miss Russia crowned Miss Tourism Queen

  20. 嵌齿轮后来变为了一个桂冠。

    The cogwheel later became a laurel6 wreath.

  21. 愿他们赢得的桂冠永不凋零。

    May the wreathes they have won never wither.

  22. 谁来摘取环境小卫士的桂冠

    Who will win the title of little environmental guard

  23. 老总莱文目前担任美国桂冠诗人。

    Mister Levine is currently serving as Poet Laureate of the United States.

  24. 这个嵌齿轮后来成为一个桂冠。

    The cogwheel later became a laurel wreath.

  25. 曼联丢失足球俱乐部首富桂冠。

    United lose rich team title to Real Madrid.

  26. 头顶桂冠的人从未被如此对待。

    A laureate has never been treated like that.

  27. 他是阿肯色州的桂冠诗人。

    He is the poet laureate of Arkansas.

  28. 马信行。教育社会学。台北桂冠。

    Banks, O. . The sociology of education. London Batsford.

  29. 一个由橄榄树叶做成的桂冠。

    A crown made from olive leaves.

  30. 诺基亚桂冠能否失而复得?

    Whether can Nokia regain the laurel it lost before


  1. 问:桂冠拼音怎么拼?桂冠的读音是什么?桂冠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:桂冠的读音是guìguān,桂冠翻译成英文是 laurel

  2. 问:桂冠奖拼音怎么拼?桂冠奖的读音是什么?桂冠奖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:桂冠奖的读音是,桂冠奖翻译成英文是 Laurel Prize

  3. 问:桂冠币拼音怎么拼?桂冠币的读音是什么?桂冠币翻译成英文是什么?

    答:桂冠币的读音是guì guān bì,桂冠币翻译成英文是 laurels

  4. 问:桂冠鸽拼音怎么拼?桂冠鸽的读音是什么?桂冠鸽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:桂冠鸽的读音是guìguāngē,桂冠鸽翻译成英文是 Laurel Pigeon; Columba junoniae

  5. 问:桂冠花饰拼音怎么拼?桂冠花饰的读音是什么?桂冠花饰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:桂冠花饰的读音是guì guān huā shì,桂冠花饰翻译成英文是 bay leaf garland

  6. 问:桂冠诗人拼音怎么拼?桂冠诗人的读音是什么?桂冠诗人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:桂冠诗人的读音是,桂冠诗人翻译成英文是 Poet laureate


