


柴火:~苏(打柴割草)。~尽火传(chuán )(柴火烧完,又引燃了后一根柴,火永远不灭。原指人形骸有尽而精神未死,后亦用以喻思想学问、技艺代代相传)。……





汉语拼音:xīn jīn







  1. 工资。

    邹韬奋 《经历》十二:“幸而 约翰 的图书馆要雇用一个夜里的助理员,每夜一小时,每月薪金七块钱。” 老舍 《四世同堂》二五:“他生平最看不起那些拿着薪金而不负责办事的人。”



  1. Who knew how much the check would be worth in one day, let alone after a whole month?


  2. He said the baby was one of many so-called "ghost workers" found to be getting salaries without performing a job.


  3. How much salary are you expected ? why do you think you can match the salary ?


  4. "I really do not think it is a very wise use of money at this point, " a woman said.


  5. Under the strain of falling salaries and punished for a crisis they did not cause, local workers demanded a salary rise, and went on strike.


  6. The board of directors should ensure that the bank's remuneration policies do not contradict its credit risk strategy.


  7. "I really do not think it [hefty executive salaries] is a very wise use of money at this point, " a woman said.


  8. About fifty labourers forced their way into a site office to complain about the company's failure to pay them wages.


  9. Unlike union workers laid off from idled factories, salaried workers have no safety net of health care or guaranteed income for a year.


  1. 薪俸薪金。

    official income salary.

  2. 事务员薪金

    office salary.

  3. 代通知薪金

    Wage in lieu of notice.

  4. 薪金和津贴

    salaries and allowances.

  5. 工资或薪金

    Full payment of a salary or wages

  6. 办公室职员薪金

    office salary

  7. 工资, 薪金所得

    income from wages and salaries

  8. 从薪金中扣

    Deduct the tax from the paycheck.

  9. 薪金毛额等级

    gross salary bracket.

  10. 领取优厚的薪金

    draw a good salary

  11. 薪金优厚的官员

    a highly paid official

  12. 巴黎公社薪金原则

    pay principle of Paris Commune

  13. 基本薪金总额。底薪总额

    gross basic salary

  14. 优厚薪金与褔利。

    Competitive salary and benefits commensurate with experience and training.

  15. 薪金丰厚, 外加津贴。

    an attractive remuneration and Benefits package.

  16. 薪金丰厚,外加津贴。

    an attractive remuneration and Benefits package.

  17. 从薪金中扣除税款

    deduct the tax from the paycheck

  18. 薪金视资历而定。

    Salary is proportional to years of experience.

  19. 法官的薪金和津贴

    Salaries and allowances of judges

  20. 税款从薪金中扣除。

    Tax is deducted from your salary.

  21. 多少薪金你会满意

    Have you thought of your annual salary.

  22. 薪资研究和薪金调查。

    Pay research and salary survey.

  23. 财务和薪金制度改革。

    Finance and payroll system reform.

  24. 大多数人对薪金不满。

    Most people are dissatisfied with their salaries.

  25. 基本报酬或基本薪金或基本工资

    Basic pay or basic salary or basic wage

  26. 我得薪金增加到1000元。

    My salary has been increased to one thousand yuan.

  27. 我的薪金增加到1000元。

    My salary has been increased to one thousand yuan.

  28. 薪金将会与资历相称。

    Salary will be commensurate with experience.

  29. 他们为增加薪金而罢工。

    They struck for more pay.

  30. 你不必担心军衔或薪金。

    You won't have to worry about rank or pay.


  1. 问:薪金拼音怎么拼?薪金的读音是什么?薪金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪金的读音是xīnjīn,薪金翻译成英文是 salary; payment

  2. 问:薪金册拼音怎么拼?薪金册的读音是什么?薪金册翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪金册的读音是xīn jīn cè,薪金册翻译成英文是 salary roll

  3. 问:薪金单拼音怎么拼?薪金单的读音是什么?薪金单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪金单的读音是xīn jīn dān,薪金单翻译成英文是 Pay Card

  4. 问:薪金科拼音怎么拼?薪金科的读音是什么?薪金科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪金科的读音是xīn jīn kē,薪金科翻译成英文是 Payroll Section

  5. 问:薪金税拼音怎么拼?薪金税的读音是什么?薪金税翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪金税的读音是xīnjīnshuì,薪金税翻译成英文是 salaries tax

  6. 问:薪金公职拼音怎么拼?薪金公职的读音是什么?薪金公职翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪金公职的读音是xīn jīn gōng zhí,薪金公职翻译成英文是 lucrative office

  7. 问:薪金卡片拼音怎么拼?薪金卡片的读音是什么?薪金卡片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪金卡片的读音是xīn jīn kǎ piàn,薪金卡片翻译成英文是 Pay Record

  8. 问:薪金所得拼音怎么拼?薪金所得的读音是什么?薪金所得翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪金所得的读音是xīn jīn suǒ dé,薪金所得翻译成英文是 income from salary

  9. 问:薪金支票拼音怎么拼?薪金支票的读音是什么?薪金支票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪金支票的读音是xīn jīn zhī piào,薪金支票翻译成英文是 paycheck

  10. 问:薪金计算拼音怎么拼?薪金计算的读音是什么?薪金计算翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪金计算的读音是xīn jīn jì suàn,薪金计算翻译成英文是 wages accounting

  11. 问:薪金单送交拼音怎么拼?薪金单送交的读音是什么?薪金单送交翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪金单送交的读音是xīn jīn dān sòng jiāo,薪金单送交翻译成英文是 Transfer of Pay Account

  12. 问:薪金发放单拼音怎么拼?薪金发放单的读音是什么?薪金发放单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪金发放单的读音是xīn jīn fā fàng dān,薪金发放单翻译成英文是 Money List

  13. 问:薪金标准化拼音怎么拼?薪金标准化的读音是什么?薪金标准化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪金标准化的读音是xīn jīn biāo zhǔn huà,薪金标准化翻译成英文是 salary standardization

  14. 问:薪金储蓄保险拼音怎么拼?薪金储蓄保险的读音是什么?薪金储蓄保险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪金储蓄保险的读音是xīn jīn chǔ xù bǎo xiǎn,薪金储蓄保险翻译成英文是 salary savings insurance

  15. 问:薪金调整证明拼音怎么拼?薪金调整证明的读音是什么?薪金调整证明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪金调整证明的读音是xīn jīn tiáo zhěng zhèng míng,薪金调整证明翻译成英文是 Pay Adjustment Voucher

  16. 问:薪金福利确定权限拼音怎么拼?薪金福利确定权限的读音是什么?薪金福利确定权限翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪金福利确定权限的读音是xīn jīn fú lì què dìng quán xiàn,薪金福利确定权限翻译成英文是 Salary Welfare Fix Authority




拼音:xīn jīn英文:pay词义:薪金又称薪俸、薪给、薪水(按《辞海》的解释,旧指俸给,意谓供给打柴汲水等生活上的必须费用)。