




1. 差 [chà]2. 差 [chā]3. 差 [chāi]4. 差 [cī]差 [chà]错误:话说~了。不相当,不相合:~不多。缺欠:还~十元钱。不好,不够标准:~等。成绩~。差 [chā]不同,不同之点:~别。~距。~额。~价。大致……


1. 万 [wàn]2. 万 [mò]万 [wàn]数目,十个一千:~户侯(中国汉代侯爵的最高一级,享有万户农民的赋税。后泛指高官)。喻极多:~物。~方(a.指全国和世界各地;b.指姿态多种多样)。日理~机。气象~千。极,很,绝对:~~。~……


1. 别 [bié]2. 别 [biè]别 [bié]分离:~离。~情。~绪(离别时离别后的情感)。分~。告~。久~重逢。分门~类。差别:霄壤之~。分类:类~。性~。职~。级~。派~。另外的:~人。~号。~字。~墅。~论。~开生面。卡住,插……



汉语拼音:qiān chā wàn bié







  1. And with every opinion about what might be the cause, there's an opinion about what new regulation might help.


  2. One thing for sure, no matter how it comes off, we all need social support as a key strategy to keep it off! ! What do you think about this?


  3. But even for those lucky enough to be in work, the pattern of employment varies widely across the continent.


  4. No two sorts of birds practise quite the same sort of flight; the varieties are infinite; but two classes may be roughly seen.


  5. Although leaders and their qualities can be a bit diverse the common characteristic that they all possess is their humanness.


  6. Although different plants produce a wide variety of toxins, many ultimately rely on two main chemicals.


  7. Search for photo manipulations practically anywhere online and you might be surprised at the varying quality you'll find.


  8. It was not the easiest of tasks since, despite their differences, Tarpals and Binks were friends, albeit mismatched ones.


  9. Alas, no miracle pill exists to help Japanese executives magically manage a global workforce of vastly different cultures.


  1. 他们千差万别。

    They differ in thousands of ways.

  2. 家长态度千差万别。

    Parental attitudes vary widely.

  3. 人们的背景千差万别。

    People with real different backgrounds.

  4. 岛上的宾馆千差万别。

    The island's hotels vary wildly.

  5. 鸟的飞行方式千差万别,

    the varieties are infinite

  6. 而各人偏好又是千差万别。

    And everybody's preferences differ.

  7. 这些信息千差万别, 令人瞠目。

    The surprising thing is how different these messages can be.

  8. 世界上的事物是千差万别的。

    Things in the world differ from each other in a thousand ways.

  9. 可共享的信息类型可能千差万别。

    The types of information that can be shared can be quite varied.

  10. 字体形状千差万别,大小不一,颜色各异。

    Fonts come in all shapes and sizes and colours.

  11. 马凡氏症患者的症状表现千差万别。

    The signs and symptoms of Marfan syndrome vary.

  12. 马凡氏症患者得症状表现千差万别。

    The signs and symptoms of Marfan syndrome vary.

  13. 不同的人对童话的想象是千差万别的。

    Various people can imagine the tales quite differently.

  14. 时是个语言学概念,不同语言的时千差万别。

    Tense is a linguistic concept, which varies from language to language.

  15. 爱在书本中定义也是千差万别的。

    It is strong affection for another arsing out of kinship or personal ties.

  16. 时是个语言学概念,不同语言得时千差万别。

    Tense is a linguistic concept, which varies from language to language.

  17. 澜沧河大峡谷表现出千差万别得形态。

    Lancang River Big Canyon shows a variety of features.

  18. 美国有许多不同的地域,各地的景色千差万别。

    America was many countries with dramatically different landscapes.

  19. 美国有许多不同得地域,各地得景色千差万别。

    America was many countries with dramatically different landscapes.

  20. 整个历史和各民族得记谱方法千差万别。

    Systems of notation differ widely throughout history and from culture to culture.

  21. 整个历史和各民族的记谱方法千差万别。

    Systems of notation differ widely throughout history and from culture to culture.

  22. 说到减肥, 男人和女人似乎有着千差万别。

    When it comes to weight loss, it often seems like men and women are from different planets.

  23. 澜沧河大峡谷表现出千差万别的形态。

    Lancang River Big Canyon shows a variety of features.

  24. 您可能知道,在世界的不同地方,邮政编码千差万别。

    As you probably know, postal codes vary widely throughout the world.

  25. 点景人物在画面中进行的活动也是千差万别。

    Point of view characters in the picture is vastly different activities.

  26. 学生是一个独立的个体,他们之间是千差万别的。

    Student is an independent individual, and between them are vastly different.

  27. 结果很可能千差万别,而这可能导致混淆和挫败感。

    Odds are there are material differences in the definitions, which can lead to confusion and frustration.

  28. 硅酮密封胶对阳极氧化铝得黏结质量千差万别。

    The quality of silicone sealant adhesion to anodized aluminum varies widely.

  29. 硅酮密封胶对阳极氧化铝的黏结质量千差万别。

    The quality of silicone sealant adhesion to anodized aluminum varies widely.

  30. 此类文书谈判和生效的时间长短可能千差万别。

    The length of time required for such instruments to be negotiated and to enter into force can vary significantly.


  1. 问:千差万别拼音怎么拼?千差万别的读音是什么?千差万别翻译成英文是什么?

    答:千差万别的读音是qiānchāwànbié,千差万别翻译成英文是 different in every possible way


