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1. 佛 [fó]2. 佛 [fú]3. 佛 [bì]4. 佛 [bó]佛 [fó]梵语“佛陀”,是对佛教创始人释迦牟尼的简称,亦是佛教徒对修行圆满的人的称呼:~爷。~像。借花献~。指“佛教”(世界主要宗教之一):~家。~寺。~老。~经。~……
古代官署名:太常~(古代掌管宗庙礼仪的官署)。鸿胪~(略同于现代的礼宾司)。佛教出家人居住的地方:佛~。~观(guàn )。伊斯兰教徒礼拜、讲经的地方:清真~。……
汉语拼音:fó sì
《晋书·王恭传》:“﹝ 恭 ﹞不闲用兵,尤信佛道,调役百姓,修营佛寺,务在壮丽,士庶怨嗟。” 唐 白居易 《百花亭》诗:“佛寺乘船入,人家枕水居。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文二集·在现代中国的孔夫子》:“每一县固然都有圣庙即文庙……一般的庶民,是决不去参拜的,要去,则是去佛寺,或者是神庙。”
Under this kind of cultural influence, the temple landscape of Dai Buddhism is different from that of Han Buddhism.
在这种文化影响下,傣族佛寺园林与汉传佛教的佛寺园林迥然。The temple fair began during Qianlong Dynasty , it was the first one of temple fairs in Beijing.
隆福寺为明景帝敕建佛寺,清雍正元年重修,乾隆年间开始有庙会,为京城庙市之冠。Mr. Tan, 51, said he researched sacred music, visiting Buddhist temples and inviting Buddhists to perform for him.
谭先生,51岁,他说他研究了宗教音乐,参观了佛寺并邀请佛教徒为他演奏。I attend church (or Buddhist temple), but I do not mix religion with work. I get along with everyone regardless of their religion .
我上教堂(到佛寺),不过我不把宗教和工作混在一起,我和任何宗教的人都相处得很好。The Easter egg radish with preserved carrots was like a dish from a Buddhist temple but tastier.
复活节蛋萝卜配上腌制的胡萝卜,像极了佛寺里做出来的菜,但味道要好得多。Men are very indignant, the studio under the bamboo trees pulled up with it when the monks into the Buddhist temple went.
男子非常悲愤,把棚下的竹株拔了起来,带着它进佛寺当和尚去了。Todays, a descendant of that same tree stands upon the same site.
时至今日,那棵树的后代仍竖立在那地方,并有一座佛寺建在旁边。Thai citizens were shocked to discover more than two thousand dead fetuses in a Buddhist temple in Bangkok.
曼谷一间佛寺中发现超过两千具胎儿尸体,震惊泰国人民。As you can see, each of Xishuang Banna's Buddhist temples and pagodas is different in style.