




1. 被 [bèi]2. 被 [pī]被 [bèi]睡觉时覆盖身体的东西:~子。~单。棉~。毛巾~。羽绒~。~褥。盖,遮覆:~覆。泽~后世(恩惠遍及后代)。遭遇,遭受:~灾。~难(nàn)。介词,用在句中表示主讲是受事者:他~(老板)辞退了……



汉语拼音:huā bèi







  1. No matter how much time the flower is damaged, we'll seed it either way.


  2. Morphology of the androecium, perianth (tepals), and the inflorescence has traditionally been used to circumscribe genera and tribes.


  3. The dark cane bed is a beautiful contrast to set of a traditional Hawaiian Quilt.


  4. Any of various thistles of the genus Centaurea, having variously colored flowers grouped in a heAD with a spiny involucre.


  5. perianth lobes of female flowers usually connate into a tube, rarely strongly reduced, or absent, staminodes absent.


  6. Fruit a drupaceous capsule, ellipsoid-ovoid, puberulent, 1-seeded, perianth persistent, style persistent and developing into a beak.


  7. Tepals 6, free, often colored, outer and inner ones different in shape, apex usually with a minute tuft of white hairs.


  8. He often went into his garden at morning and he always finds that the flowers were broken.


  9. This species is variable in the shape, size, and indumentum of the leaves and in the length of the neck of the female perianth tube.


  1. 花被片形态

    tepal venation.

  2. 上升花被卷迭式

    ascending aestivation

  3. 雌花具明显的花被。

    Female flowers with evident perianth.

  4. 螺状花被卷叠式

    cochlear aestivation

  5. 花被包在叶苞内

    flowers subtended by leafy bracts.

  6. 旋转的花被卷叠式

    contorted aestivation

  7. 子房多数与花被合生。

    Ovary mostly connate to perianth.

  8. 花被野草盖没而凋落。

    The flowers were choked by weeds.

  9. 花被管发达, 部分上位。

    Floral tube developed, partly epigynous.

  10. 这种花被称为秘鲁百合花。

    This flower is known as a Peruvian lily.

  11. 花被分类成许多不同得种类。

    Flowers are categorized into many different kinds.

  12. 瘦果藏于肉的花被,压缩。

    Achene enclosed by fleshy perianth, compressed.

  13. 花被片5, 有短的爪在基部。

    Tepals 5, with short claw at base.

  14. 花被片5, 有点硬的在花后, 5脉。

    Tepals 5, slightly rigid after anthesis, 5veined.

  15. 上位的插入或位于花被之上的。

    Inserted or situated above the perianth. Used of an ovary.

  16. 外部花被片浅紫色内部裂片黄。

    Outer perianth segments pale violet inner segments yellow.

  17. 雄蕊多数,着生的在花被基部。

    Stamens numerous, inserted at base of perianth.

  18. 花大。花被56毫米, 腺点瘦果不透明。

    Flowers large. Perianth 56 mm, glandular dotted. Achenes opaque.

  19. 花被卷叠式花蕾中花被的一种形式

    The arrangement of flower parts in the bud.

  20. 花被五角的在上表面,边狭翅。

    Perianth pentagonal on top surface, margin narrowly winged.

  21. 雄蕊1, 着生在下部的花被片的基部

    Stamen 1, inserted at base of lower perianth segment

  22. 第一节论述花被女性所关注的原因。

    The first section elaboration perianth female pays attention reason.

  23. 第一节论述花被女性所关注得原因。

    The first section elaboration perianth female pays attention reason.

  24. 花被圆筒形,先端四齿裂,花瓣状。

    Perianth cylinder form, 4 tine crack tip, petaline shape.

  25. 瘦果藏于薄的凋而不落的花被。

    Achene enclosed by thin marcescent perianth.

  26. 不育的雌蕊和花被片长度等长或32。

    Sterile pistil and tepals length equal or 30.

  27. 花被蝴蝶花或相关植物外层常垂的花瓣

    The outer series of perianth in the irises and related plants.

  28. 那姑娘摘了一朵花被园丁大骂了一顿。

    The gardener pitched into the girl far her picking up a flower.

  29. 包膜, 花被或外皮中含有果实的树木。

    tree bearing fruit enclosed in a shell or involucre or husk.

  30. 四种荞麦的花被片脉迹数目是不同的。

    The number of tepal trace is various on four kinds of fagopyrum.


  1. 问:花被拼音怎么拼?花被的读音是什么?花被翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花被的读音是,花被翻译成英文是 perianth

  2. 问:花被片拼音怎么拼?花被片的读音是什么?花被片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花被片的读音是huā bèi piàn,花被片翻译成英文是 tepal

  3. 问:花被的拼音怎么拼?花被的的读音是什么?花被的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花被的的读音是huā bèi de,花被的翻译成英文是 perianthial, perigonal, perigoniarius

  4. 问:花被简拼音怎么拼?花被简的读音是什么?花被简翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花被简的读音是huā bèi jiǎn,花被简翻译成英文是 perianth tube

  5. 问:花被形成拼音怎么拼?花被形成的读音是什么?花被形成翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花被形成的读音是huā bèi xíng chéng,花被形成翻译成英文是 metanaphytosis

  6. 问:花被卷叠式拼音怎么拼?花被卷叠式的读音是什么?花被卷叠式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花被卷叠式的读音是huā bèi juǎn dié shì,花被卷叠式翻译成英文是 praeflorationprefloration

  7. 问:花被棉毛的拼音怎么拼?花被棉毛的的读音是什么?花被棉毛的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花被棉毛的的读音是huā bèi mián máo de,花被棉毛的翻译成英文是 lasianthus

  8. 问:花被异常增生拼音怎么拼?花被异常增生的读音是什么?花被异常增生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花被异常增生的读音是huā bèi yì cháng zēng shēng,花被异常增生翻译成英文是 perianthomania



花被:花萼和花冠的统称,有保护花蕊和引诱昆虫的作用。 花冠:全部花瓣的统称 花萼:萼片的统称,位于花冠下方 ;花被(perianth),花被着生在花托的外围或边缘部分,是花萼(calyx)和花冠(corolla)的总称,由扁平状瓣片组成,在花中主要是起保护作用,有些花的花被还有助于花粉传送。