







汉语拼音:jiǎo dāo






  1. 剪刀。

    唐 曹唐 《病马》诗之四:“欲将鬐鬣重裁剪,乞借新成利铰刀。” 唐 李贺 《五粒小松歌》:“緑波浸叶满浓光,细束龙髯铰刀剪。” 王琦 汇解:“铰,交刃刀也,利以翦,盖今之剪刀也。”

  2. 一种金属切削刀具。具有较多的切削齿刃,用来修光工件上已经加工出的孔,可提高孔的精度和光洁度。有手用铰刀和机用铰刀两类。



  1. Tests have shown that qualified diamond electroplating layer for reamer performance can be got through this kind of process.


  2. The most common machine tools have two or more cutting edges such as drills, reamers and milling cutters.


  3. Insert non-standard hardware Series: Dovetail Reamer, floating boring knives, floating reamer, Huo drilling.


  4. Grinding milling cutter , reamer , disc lathe tool, gear shaper cutter, slide way of machine tool and tool guide .


  5. The tools introduced include drill, millstones, reamer, grinding head, grinding wheel, grinding shaft.


  6. The basic hole system is efficient when standard drills, reamers , and machine tools are available to give precise hole sizes.


  7. Then discussing the influence of heat treatment of quality of half-round reamer and cutting compound choose to component quality.


  8. Pass me that reamer for making spirals.


  9. A guide pin is inserted and the femoral head and neck are reamed with an adjustable reamer.


  1. 莫氏锥度铰刀

    Morse taper reamer.

  2. 锥柄莫氏锥度铰刀

    Morse taper reamer with taper shank

  3. 铣刀,铰刀,拉刀和其它刀具。

    Grinding milling cutter, reamer, broach and other cutting tools.

  4. 装配在铰刀上的刀片

    Blade, for fitting into reamers

  5. 铰刀外径公差受多种因素的影响。

    Reamer OD tolerance is influenced by many factors.

  6. 铰刀外径公差受多种因素得影响。

    Reamer OD tolerance is influenced by many factors.

  7. 磨削硬质合金,铰刀,石材,玻璃等。

    For grinding the rigid alloy reamer stone material glass etc.

  8. 直柄或莫氏锥柄机床装卡铰刀

    Machine chucking reamers with parallel shanks or Morse taper shanks.

  9. 用截管器尾部的铰刀清除毛边。

    Use the reaming blade on the end of the tube cutter to remove any burrs

  10. 铰刀的精度是以胎具的制造精度为基础。

    The precision of reamer depends on the precision of die.

  11. 焊接式有螺旋立铣刀,铰刀,燕尾铣刀,梯形刀等。

    Have spiral welded end mill, reamer, milling cutter swallowtail, trapezoidal knives.

  12. 镶硬非标系列燕尾铰刀, 浮动镗刀, 浮动铰刀, 锪钻。

    Insert nonstandard hardware Series Dovetail Reamer, floating boring knives, floating reamer, Huo drilling.

  13. 铣刀 铰刀,盘形车刀,插齿刀,机床导轨和刀架。

    Grindingcutter, reamer, disc tool, gear shaper cutter, slide way of machine tool and tool guide.

  14. 研究了电镀金刚石铰刀的结构和刀具形状。

    The structure of reamer body and the shape of electrodeposited diamond coating blades are investigated.

  15. 直柄钻头及铰刀用转动榫及套筒尺寸规范

    Specification for dimensions of driving tenons and sockets for parallel shank drills and machine reamers.

  16. 利用内镀方法制造金刚石铰刀是一种精密铰刀制造方法。

    Inside holding electroplating process is a precise technique in producing diamond reamer.

  17. 精铰挤光复合铰刀在气缸盖加工中的应用

    An Application of a Composite Reamer for the Finishig and Burnishing in the Processing of Cylinder Caps

  18. 内镀工艺是一种新的精密金刚石铰刀的制造方法。

    Electroplating process in holes is a new technique for precise diamond reamer manufacturing.

  19. 铰孔或攻丝时,不要用力过猛,以免折断铰刀或丝锥。

    Do not overexert when reaming holes or threading, lest breaking off the reamer or the tap.

  20. 用镶齿套式精铰刀加工汽缸套内孔成形球铰刀

    To Machine Internal Holes of Cylinder Bushing with Inserted Shell Finishing Reamer Formed ball reamer

  21. 将铰刀改进成组合式,便提高了工作效率和加工质量。

    A combined reamer has been modified by the author, consquently the working efficiency and repairing quality are improved.

  22. 摘要内镀工艺是一种新的精密金刚石铰刀的制造方法。

    Electroplating process in holes is a new technique for precise diamond reamer manufacturing.


  1. 问:铰刀拼音怎么拼?铰刀的读音是什么?铰刀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铰刀的读音是jiǎodāo,铰刀翻译成英文是 reamer; scissors

  2. 问:铰刀螺丝改拼音怎么拼?铰刀螺丝改的读音是什么?铰刀螺丝改翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铰刀螺丝改的读音是jiǎo dāo luó sī gǎi,铰刀螺丝改翻译成英文是 reamer section tap



铰刀具有一个或多个刀齿、用以切除已加工孔表面薄层金属的旋转刀具, 具有直刃或螺旋刃的旋转精加工刀具,用于扩孔或修孔。