




盛(chéng )饮食的器皿,上面口大而圆:饭~。茶~。盖~。~橱。像碗的东西:轴~儿。……



汉语拼音:fàn wǎn







  1. 亦作“ 饭椀 ”。盛饭的碗。

    巴金 《雪》第六章:“工役把菜碗饭碗盛在一个木盘里端进来。” 沈从文 《从文自传·我上许多课仍然不放下那一本大书》:“我们便常常过那里去看工人制造一切瓷器,看一块白泥在各样手续下,如何就变成为一个饭碗,或一件别种用具的生产过程。”

  2. 比喻生计。

    元 方回 《听航船歌》之十:“牵板船篙为饭椀,不能辛苦把锄头。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五四回:“一天停了差使,便一天停了饭碗。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致曹靖华》:“要找一饭碗,却怕未必有这么快。”



  1. If I was losing my job anyhow, at least I had the pleasure of telling my boss what I really thought of him.


  2. She told him not to jeopardize his future for nothing -- that she had already lost her job.


  3. Back in the Qing Dynasty, a drug store apprentice was always scolded by his boss. He had to bear the insult for fear of losing the job.


  4. mr tien said there was no reason to guarantee civil servants an iron rice bowl , when others had to make do with a chipped porcelain bowl.


  5. Site cheating is baidu search engine of the most can't accept a bit, you could be in the challenge of its limit, hit it jobs.


  6. If you were a regular motorman , and had been treated as we've been, you wouldn't want any one to come in and take your place, would you?


  7. There he would sit all day, holding out his beggar's cup to any who passed in and out of the city.


  8. I told him he would lose his place if he walked with you.


  9. "No job is guaranteed, so I live as if I could be fired at any time. " Manhattan, she said, is a gold mine for Dumpster divers.


  1. 他得保住饭碗

    He has to keep his job.

  2. 没有一辈子的饭碗。

    There can be no jobs for life.

  3. 而是我们的饭碗

    Now it's our careers.

  4. 演戏就是他的饭碗。

    Acting is his bread and butter.

  5. 近4000万人丢了饭碗。

    Some 40 m lost their jobs.

  6. 饭碗都保不住,怎么睡觉

    Well, it's hard to sleep when your job is on the line.

  7. 你可能因此丢了饭碗。

    And you could lose your job over it.

  8. 意味着你的饭碗砸了。

    The sound of your career circling the bowl.

  9. 他把饭碗舔得一干二净。

    He gave the bowl a thorough lick.

  10. 结果现在巴茨也丢了饭碗。

    Now Bartz is out.

  11. 我心想,我的饭碗就此砸了

    I thought, my career's over.

  12. 我清了清嗓子, 端起了饭碗。

    I cleared my throat and picked up the bowl.

  13. 我怕这个年轻人丢了饭碗。

    I feared the young man would lose his situation.

  14. 他似乎非常害怕砸了饭碗。

    He seems awfully always afraid of losing his job.

  15. 你也想丢了饭碗是不是?

    You wanna lose your job, too?

  16. 你可不要砸自己的饭碗。

    Don't quarrel with your bread and butter.

  17. 我只希望能保住我的饭碗。

    I was kind of hoping to keep my job.

  18. 你们会强掉他们的饭碗吗?

    Will you put them out of business?

  19. 电台播音员的嗓子就是他的饭碗。

    A radio announcer's voice is his meal ticket.

  20. 数以千计的人丢了饭碗。

    Many thousands of jobs were lost.

  21. 我认为你不在乎你的饭碗,但是我在乎。

    I realize that you don't care about your job, but I do.

  22. 我差点因为这蠢事砸了饭碗。

    I almost lost my job over that shit.

  23. 这一事业是我的饭碗,也是我的嗜好。

    This business is my life and my love.

  24. 他恬不知耻地说他想抢我的饭碗。

    He makes no bones about the fact that he wants my job.

  25. 肮脏的饭碗像许久没有刷过的牙齿

    While the dirty bowls are like teeth that have not been brushed for a long time

  26. 你那激昂的演说会使我丢掉饭碗。

    Your IittIe rant could have cost me my job.

  27. 要抢穷人的饭碗,是吗?你们这些贼。

    Rob the poor, will you, you thief?

  28. 劳尔温确实有理由担心饭碗不保。

    Raul temperature indeed have reason to about jobs.

  29. 雇主对丢了饭碗得雇员深表同情。

    The owner feels for the employees that have lost their jobs.

  30. 雇主对丢了饭碗的雇员深表同情。

    The owner feels for the employees that have lost their jobs.


  1. 问:饭碗拼音怎么拼?饭碗的读音是什么?饭碗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:饭碗的读音是fànwǎn,饭碗翻译成英文是 rice bowl; job



“饭碗”是个多义词,它可以指饭碗(饭碗小说), 饭碗(盛饭用的碗)。