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汉语拼音:xià shān
They watched him leave, making his way down a mountain trail, carrying a couple of day's provisions.
他们看着他离开,沿着崎岖的小路艰难下山,只带着几天的干粮。Your father's girlfriend, Sandra, survived the initial crash, but died on the journey down after you persuaded her to leave the plane wreck.
你父亲的女朋友,桑德拉,在一开始的坠机中活了下来,却在下山途中死去,而且是你说服她这样做的。But I found I had no strength to carry him on my shoulder, so I borrowed a horse to carry him down the hill.
后来发现我扛不动他,就去借了一匹马,驼着他下山。Everest, and this was the year they decided to go and recover all the bodies of the mountaineers and then bring them down the mountain.
许多人死在珠峰上,然后今年,他们决定收回珠峰上所有的尸体然后把他们带下山。The ones that couldn't we just sort of decided to leave up at camp four.
那些不能自己下山的人,我们决定将他们暂时搁放在四号营。All that day, from morning until past sunset, the cannon never ceased to roar. It was dark when the cannonading stopped all of a sudden.
整整那一天,从清晨到太阳下山,大炮没有停止轰轰作响,黑夜中,连续不断的炮声突然停止。Then I went off down hill. I did not look back at him, but I felt very miserable, and wanted to sit down and cry like a baby.
然后我下山去。我没有回头看他,但我感到很难受,并想坐在地上像小孩子一样大哭一场。One of our favorite things to do as children was to roll snowballs down hills to see how much speed they could pick up.
我们小时候最喜欢做的事情就是滚雪球下山,并看它能滚多快。Suddenly she heard a loud bell, and a bicycle came round the corner and passed her and went very fast down the hill.