


1. 暴 [bào]2. 暴 [pù]暴 [bào]强大而突然来的,又猛又急的:~雷。~病。~动。~力。~涨。~发。风~。~风骤雨(亦喻声势浩大、发展迅猛的群众运动)。过分急躁的,容易冲击的:脾气~躁。~跳如雷。凶恶残酷的:凶~。~虐。~君……





汉语拼音:bào jūn







  1. 专横残暴的君主或统治者。

    《孟子·滕文公上》:“经界不正,井地不钧,穀禄不平,是故暴君污吏必慢其经界。” 赵岐 注:“暴君,残虐之君。”《后汉书·方术传上·樊英》:“臣见暴君如见仇讎。” 巴金 《利娜·第十二封信》:“ 亚历山大二世 ,的确是一个何等可怕的暴君了!” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第十九章:“在这个暴君统治的社会里,哪个好人能够活得下去呢?”



  1. Kaltenbrunner was a physically imposing man with scars on his cheeks, which made him look like the tyrant he really was.


  2. He said (and he was right) that the disappearance of the tyrant opens a new page in the history of his country.


  3. For force always attracts men of low morality, and I believe it to be an invariable rule that tyrants of genius are succeeded by scoundrels.


  4. But when the second leftists in turn became tyrannical, they continued to call it liberty!


  5. Tigana, perhaps his best work, takes place in a world much like medieval Italy during a time of two tyrants.


  6. In the end, such a person will be pulled apart by his lower passions, and cannot possibly find happiness with a disordered soul.


  7. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS.


  8. In response to the skeptics, Plato argues that the tyrant is not therefore truly happy, and that this can be seen in his behavior.


  9. For him, all whites, whatever their struggle credentials, are the "children of cowards and oppressors" .


  1. 打倒暴君。

    Bring down the tyrant.

  2. 残忍的暴君

    an inhuman tyrant.

  3. 邪恶的暴君。

    an evil tyrant.

  4. 暴君专制君主

    A tyranta despot.

  5. 抗议暴君统治

    a protest against tyranny

  6. 尼禄是个暴君

    Nero was a despot.

  7. 暴君被打倒了。

    The tyrant was overthrown.

  8. 象暴君那样统治

    To rule as a tyrant.

  9. 那暴君残暴无度。

    The tyrant rioted in cruelty.

  10. 推翻暴君得尝试。

    the attempted overthrow of the tyrant

  11. 推翻暴君的尝试。

    the attempted overthrow of the tyrant

  12. 那个暴君极其残忍。

    The tyrant was exceedingly cruel.

  13. 人民起来反抗暴君。

    The people rebelled against the tyrant.

  14. 人民起义反抗暴君。

    The people revolted against their king.

  15. 农民们起来反抗暴君。

    The peasants rise against the tyrant.

  16. 他父亲是个暴君。

    His father was a tyrant.

  17. 都是暴君和小丑。

    Tyrants and jesters all.

  18. 最后一位暴君的。

    The world will ever know.

  19. 那皇帝是个暴君。

    The emperor was a tyrant.

  20. 暴君老板有两类。

    Tyrannical bosses come in one of two packages.

  21. 强权的统治者,暴君

    A powerful ruler or despot.

  22. 对暴君的秘密抵抗。

    Underground resistance to the tyrant.

  23. 对此,暴君大为恼火。

    Fume with rage to this, the tyrant.

  24. 历史上有名的暴君。

    Name of tyrant, last emperor of Shang Dyn.

  25. 暴君之死,暴政之亡

    A finish to tyranny as horrible as ever visited on a tyrant

  26. 人民受暴君的虐待。

    The people were trodden under foot by the tyrant.

  27. 那个残杀无辜的暴君。

    The slaughter of the innocents.

  28. 他们指名国王为暴君。

    They designated the King as a tyrant

  29. 他用刀刺穿暴君。

    He ran a sword through the tyrant.

  30. 他们发誓向暴君复仇。

    They vowed vengeance against the oppressor.


  1. 问:暴君拼音怎么拼?暴君的读音是什么?暴君翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暴君的读音是bàojūn,暴君翻译成英文是 tyrant; despot; oppressor

  2. 问:暴君水蛭拼音怎么拼?暴君水蛭的读音是什么?暴君水蛭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暴君水蛭的读音是,暴君水蛭翻译成英文是 Tyrannobdella



“暴君”是个多义词,它可以指暴君(汉语词语), 暴君(2014年大卫·叶茨执导美剧), 暴君(《酒神》主人公姬动外号), 暴君(EVE中艾玛族巡洋舰), 暴君(电视剧), 暴君(DmC:鬼泣 - 暴君), 暴君(专制无道的统治者), 暴君(高町奈叶中国地区特有绰号), 暴君(md游戏), 暴君(《生化危机》系列游戏,电影角色), 暴君(暴君), 暴君(动漫《海贼王》中巴索罗缪·熊的外号), 暴君(小说《界王》中主人公)。