







汉语拼音:yǐn jiù







  1. 归过失于自己。

    汉 赵晔 《吴越春秋·勾践伐吴外传》:“会 涛 怖惧,遂自引咎。” 宋 欧阳修 《太尉王公神道碑铭》:“人有谤公於上者,公輒引咎,未尝自辩。” 胡鄂公 《辛亥革命北方实录》:“盖是时 汪兆铭 已到 上海 , 唐绍仪 已引咎辞职也。”



  1. The police superintendent, Philip Cline, stepped down in April after two videos emerged of off-duty officers beating civilians.


  2. A COMMON complaint at the height of the crisis was that too few Wall Street bosses were being forced to fall on their swords.


  3. to appease kao ' s anger at the failed deal , the bank arranged for the kanebo directors to fall on their swords.


  4. Yehude Simon, the prime minister, said he would resign once calm was restored.


  5. A report commissioned by the country's parliament said many methods used had been illegal and he quit in March.


  6. As a result of the scandal, Alibaba. com CEO David Wei, and his deputy, COO Elvis Lee, both resigned yesterday.


  7. Ecuador's foreign minister resigned after the president, Rafael Correa, criticised his officials for their handling of a scheme.


  8. On April 22nd the head of the exams regulator, who had resigned after the fiasco, told MPs that ministers had made him the fall guy.


  9. He is not the first resignation. On Thursday, an aide to the main opposition leader had to resign.


  1. 他们要求部长引咎辞职。

    They called for the minister's scalp.

  2. 引咎辞职与道德存在内在的联系。

    There is inherent relationship between Resignation and Morality.

  3. 这次丑闻导致两名主编引咎辞职。

    The scandal led to the resignation of its two top editors.

  4. 对我国官员引咎辞职现象的思考

    Some Reflections on the Officials'Phenomenon of Taking the Blame and Resign

  5. 引咎辞职, 问责制与治道变革

    Resigning with Selfblaming, Officer Concerned Be Responsible for All His Doings, and Reform of Administrative Ways

  6. 因为卷入贿赂案,他愤而引咎辞职。

    Because he was involved in the bribery, he acknowledged his mistake and resigned.

  7. 因为卷入贿赂案,他愤而引咎辞职。

    Because he was involved in the bribery, he acknowledged his mistake and resigned.

  8. 公司主席可能因为公司表现不佳而引咎辞职。

    The President may resign to take the blame for poor performances at the firm.

  9. 但我们从未见到哪个足协大员引咎辞职。

    But we never see any Association officials take the blame and resign.

  10. 目前已有数位首席执行管引咎辞职。

    Several chief executives have been forced to resign as a result.

  11. 引咎辞职制度是实现责任政府不可缺少的制度组成。

    The resignation system is a dispensable part to realize the conscientious government.

  12. 不能如期实现目标的,领导班子要集体引咎辞职。

    Cannot achieve a goal as scheduled, the leading group wants abdication of collective take the blame.

  13. 论引咎辞职制度对行政首长负责制的完善

    On the resignation regimentation for the responsibility of governance

  14. 他的辖区发生了刑讯迫供的事,他不得不引咎辞职。

    He had to acknowledge his mistake and resign because the use of torture to extort a confession happened within the area he administers.

  15. 总理耶乌德西蒙表示将于恢复平静后引咎辞职。

    Yehude Simon, the prime minister, said he would resign once calm was restored.

  16. 他犯了一个让他颜面尽失的战术错误,只得引咎辞职。

    He had made a humiliating tactical error and he had to go.

  17. 大家都想当然地认为发生了这样的事, 他一定会引咎辞职的。

    Everybody took it for granted that after what had happened, he would surely take the blame and resign.

  18. 问责制是一套完整的责任体系, 而不仅仅等同于引咎辞职。

    Accountability is the responsibility of a complete system, not just the as the and resign.


  1. 问:引咎拼音怎么拼?引咎的读音是什么?引咎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:引咎的读音是yǐnjiù,引咎翻译成英文是 take the blame

  2. 问:引咎分手拼音怎么拼?引咎分手的读音是什么?引咎分手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:引咎分手的读音是yǐnjiùfēnshǒu,引咎分手翻译成英文是 take the blame and break up, accept responsibili...

  3. 问:引咎辞职拼音怎么拼?引咎辞职的读音是什么?引咎辞职翻译成英文是什么?

    答:引咎辞职的读音是yǐnjiùcízhí,引咎辞职翻译成英文是 To take the blame and resign.




【拼音】yǐn jiù

【英译】[take the blame;hold one self responsible for a mistake]
