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1. 谷 [gǔ]谷 [gǔ]两山间的夹道或流水道,或指两山之间:山~。河~。喻困境:进退维~(进退两难)。庄稼和粮食的总称:五~。百~。粟的别称,亦指稻的子实:~物。~米。稻~。姓。……
1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……
汉语拼音:gǔ dì
The Chinese civilization grew out of a tribe called Hua Xia, which had settled in the Yellow iver valley. Hence the name.
中华文明是从定居在黄河谷地的华夏族产生的,故以此得名。and below, in a hollow, lay the four-roomed stone house which the first Patroon had built on the land granted him in 1612.
下面一块谷地中有一幢四居室的石头宅院,是第一位大庄园主1612年在封赐给他的土地上建造的。At the present time, Hawass seems to concentrate most of his efforts in the Valley of the Kings, where he hopes to uncover tomb KV64.
现在,Hawass好像将他大多数的精力致力于研究国王陵墓谷地。他希望再此发现KV64墓。But scouts I spoke to in a number of villages in the Luangwa Valley told me that Mark Owens had clearly been their commander.
但是我在卢安瓜谷地的许多村子里同巡防队员交流过,他们告诉我马克•欧文斯很显然就是他们的指挥官。The Great Basin hosts drastically varied climates, from its cold, snowy mountains to its dry, hot desert valley.
大盆地的基质彻底地多样的气候,从它的寒冷,雪山到它的干燥,炎热的沙漠谷地。This picture looks like a scene from a science fiction movie, with strange, distant structures rising over a desolate alien valley.
本图看来就是科幻电影中的场景:荒凉的外星谷地,遥远而奇异的建筑群。israeli air strikes have killed several civilians in lebanon , including at least 17 syrian farm workers on the border in the bekaa valley.
包括在叙黎边境北卡谷地的至少17名叙利亚农民在内,以色列空袭已经导致多名黎巴嫩境内的平民丧生。Soon the entire valley is to be flooded with a dam. The controversial project was first conceived in 1954 and abandoned six years ago.
没多久,整个谷地将因为大坝而完全淹没在水下。这个受争议的计划最早在1954年成形,中止于六年后。A new brush fire has broken out in the hills above Los Angles' San Fernando Valley suburbs, prompting mandatory evacuations .