


1. 择 [zé]2. 择 [zhái]择 [zé]挑拣,挑选:~取。~优。抉~。~善而从。饥不~食。择 [zhái]义同“择”(zé),用于口语:~不开(分解不开;摆脱不开)。~菜。~食。……


1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……



汉语拼音:zé yào







  1. 选择重要的。

    郭沫若 《羽书集·后方民众的责任》:“前方的情形想来是各位所关心的,因此我想择要的向各位报告一下。”



  1. Combine the key words into a summary, using some adverbs, conjunctions, etc.


  2. In this review, new variants of glioneuronal tumors are described.


  3. You can pick out the important bits , for it is one thing to write a letter , another to write history.


  1. 施用择要,乙可以容或掩护本身。

    By using a digest, Bob can protect himself.

  2. 如前所述, 本书是一部择要述之的历史。

    This book is, as I have said, a selective history.

  3. 你可以择要摘取,因为写信是一回事。写历史是另一回事

    You can pick out the important bits,for it is one thing to write a letter,another to write history.

  4. 择时之后便要择地了。

    After choosing the best time comes selecting the best place.

  5. 菜要择, 汤要加热。还得摆上餐具, 把酒冰镇一下。

    There are the vegetables to peel and the soup to heat. Then theres the table to lay and the wine to cool.

  6. 溺水者见草也要抓。急何能择。

    B drowning man will catch at a straw.

  7. 文章择要地阐发了钱学森的科学观。

    This article briefly explains the science outlook of Qian Xuesen.

  8. 研究综述系编者就专书及论文择要撰写之提要。

    The general review written by this editor is a summary of the contents of the relevant publications.

  9. 本文择要介绍文献报道的几种胶质神经元肿瘤新类型。

    In this review, new variants of glioneuronal tumors are described.

  10. 他要真炒你鱿鱼,你就干脆另择高枝算了。

    If he fires you, you just find another job.

  11. 在众多有生产条件的厂家中, 还要认真评审, 择优定货。

    In has in numerously the working condition factory, but must appraise earnestly, orders according to qualification.

  12. 做为程序员一定要学会适应社会,物竞天择,适者生存。

    As the programmer must learn to adapt to social selection, survival of the fittest.

  13. 要饭的哪能挑肥拣瘦。饥不择食。

    Beggars can't be choosers.

  14. 赢输对风险备择项的影响要大于对模糊备择项的影响。

    The impact of losing or winning scenario on the risky alternative should be more than on the ambiguity alternative.

  15. 克劳福特小姐可以先择她要富到什么程度。

    Miss Crawford may choose her degree of wealth.

  16. 我们要借此机会对该任择议定书表达一些关切。

    We would like to take this opportunity to voice some concerns with respect to that Optional Protocol.

  17. 人人都要在上帝的律法和人的律法之间作出决择。

    All will be called to choose between the law of God and the laws of men.

  18. 你可以任择其一是尽量少要快乐,简而言之就是无痛苦

    Their displeasure stemmed from Atkinsons failure to award a penalty after Sylvain Distin barged Ronaldo.

  19. 所谓择义恰当, 我是说要读所有的释义而不只是头一个释义。

    By wisely I mean to read all the meanings instead of the first meaning.