如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
包含,盛(chéng):~器。~量(liàng )。~积。~纳。无地自~。对人度量大:~忍。宽~。让,允许:~让。不~人说话。相貌,仪表,景象,状态:~止。~颜。~光。~貌。仪~。军~。市~。阵~。姿~。或许,也许:~或。姓。……
汉语拼音:xiān róng
语出《文选·邹阳〈于狱中上书自明〉》:“蟠木根柢,轮囷离奇,而为万乘器者,何则?以左右先为之容也。” 李善 注:“容谓雕饰。”本谓先加修饰,后引申为事先为人介绍、推荐或关说。
唐 司马逸客 《雅琴篇》:“自言幽隐乏先容,不道人物知音寡。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十一:“当下就央了一封先容的荐书,备了一副盛礼去謁 徐公 。” 清 李渔 《慎鸾交·拒托》:“我这个状元是他们从公定的,他们的状元也该听我从公选择,为何央你来先容?”
While thanking you for your singled support. I wish to asc for a continuance of your confidence in the new company.
在感谢您已往惠予登陆器的共时,盼愿对我新公司也游戏先容给夺信任。I feel I'll be able to understand tomorrow's meeting much better after the information you've just given me.
听了你方才的环境先容,我对来日诰日集会会议的内容能多懂一些了。And, for a total package of intelligent building industry background, development status, competition pattern described in detail.
然后,对建筑智能化总包行业背景、发展状况、竞争格式进行了具体先容。If a new website is developed, the sales page format can be extended into an informational site with a community built around the product.
假如是建立了相关的网站,那么出售页面可延伸为以先容产品消息为主,并环抱产品建立正在线社区。Listen to me carefully: let me tell you sth in regards to the writer.
请有劲听我为大师先容一些作者的情况。To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced.
为了保护情况,许多国度的政府都做了很多事情。先容了立法办法。Certainly. it would be particularly cdma goodyenging to explain our rigs over the phone. May I cma goody on you today or tomorrow?
当然能够,在电话中先容我们的钻机可能角力计算繁难,我能够在这日或翌日去造访你吗?Marry: Ms. Port- let me introduce my superior- Mr. Smith to you.
波特女士,让我来为您先容一下我的上级史密斯师长教师。By the Web site of the College, students, teaching management, presentation software, teaching and counseling the BBS parts.