


1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……





汉语拼音:zhuǎn yè








  1. 由一种行业转到另一种行业。特指中国人民解放军干部转到地方工作。

    叶圣陶 《涿鹿的劈山大渠》:“ 张雨 是一个转业军人,来到工地之后,被选为大队长。” 丁玲 《杜晚香》:“ 李桂 从 四川 的军事学校集体转业到 东北 的什么北大荒去了。”



  1. Let me see. You are twenty-two and have been a clerk, a traveller, and a porter. Keep to one job; a rolling stone gathers no moss.


  2. The eclipses are hitting some very powerful points in your chart, so even if you had not planned to switch jobs, you may do so anyway.


  3. The introducer said Y worked at the department, and was a soldier, very nice and honest, maybe I should go see him.


  4. this year she returned to the demobilized xiamen , is now preparing to participate in the civil service examinations.


  5. Many have moved into the private sector or abroad in search of better salaries, leaving the public sector with dire staffing shortages.


  6. As a result of outstanding achievements, awards and recognition has been repeatedly until the jobs.


  7. After discharge, he happened to LinXian demobilized and (in) and the adequate illumination division when section.


  8. Also, we are short of teachers and can arrange for a number of demobilized cadres to teach.


  9. In some areas, this practice has become so popular that it has spawned a whole new industry and experts in the house moving business.


  1. 作转业安置

    transfer to civilian jobs.

  2. 复员转业中心

    separation center.

  3. 转业复员干部

    demobilized officer

  4. 军队转业干部

    officers and civil cadres transferred to civilian work.

  5. 转业, 改行, 再训练

    skill conversion

  6. 经常转业不生财

    A rolling stone gethers no moss

  7. 转业复退军人

    demobilized soldiers, soldiers tranferred to civilian work and veterans

  8. 捕捞渔民转产转业

    job transfer of coastal fishermen

  9. 中央转业建设委员会

    Central Transfer to Civil Work Construction Commission

  10. 滚石不聚苔,转业不聚财。

    A rolling stone gathers no moss.

  11. 军人的转业费,复员费

    military severance pay and demobilization pay for army men

  12. 滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。

    A rolling stone gathers no mo.

  13. 滚石不师苔, 转业不聚财。

    A rolling stone gathers no moss.

  14. 滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。

    A rolling stone gathers no moss.

  15. 军队转业干部安置暂行办法

    the Provisional Measures for Resettlement of Officers and Civil Cadres Transferred to Civilian Work

  16. 当前有几十万干部要转业。

    Several hundred thousand cadres are going to be transferred to civilian jobs.

  17. 国务院军队转业干部安置工作小组

    Demobilized Army Cadre Emplacement Leading Group of the State Council

  18. 转业女军人有个北京奥运梦

    Demobilized female soldiers have a dream of Beijing Olympics

  19. 沿海捕捞渔民转产转业政策的分析

    Analysis of policy on transferring fishermen's jobs in coastal region

  20. 关于沿海渔民转产转业工作之探讨

    A Study on the Work Transferred to Other Field from Fishing for Fishman along the Coast Area

  21. 军队转业干部社会化衔接若干问题研究

    On Socialized Approaches to Bridging Officer Demobilization

  22. 三是促进渔民转产转业工程的实施。

    Promote the project of fishing industrial transfer.

  23. 当前,有一大批干部要转业到地方。

    A great many cadres are about to be transferred to civilian work.

  24. 他转业多次最终还是干回了老本行。

    Having doneother kinds of jobs, he finally resumed his old profession.

  25. 他转业多次最终还是干回了老本行。

    Having doneother kinds of jobs, he finally resumed his old profession.

  26. 绍兴海洋捕捞渔民转产转业调查与研究

    Research on Industry Transferring of Ocean Catching Fisherfolk in Shaoxing

  27. 转业后他们的就业前景也会受到影响。

    Their prospects of finding a civilian job are also affected.

  28. 然而,我们知道滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。

    Nevertheless, we all know that a rolling stone gathers no moss.

  29. 实施减船转产转业项目需要注意的问题

    Advertent Matter of Implementation of Fishing Vessel Decreasing and Fishing Population Transferring

  30. 凡是要转业到地方的干部, 都可以这样做。

    This applies to all cadres slated for transfer to civilian work.


  1. 问:转业拼音怎么拼?转业的读音是什么?转业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转业的读音是zhuǎnyè,转业翻译成英文是 change jobs

  2. 问:转业费拼音怎么拼?转业费的读音是什么?转业费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转业费的读音是zhuǎn yè fèi,转业费翻译成英文是 military severance pay

