


1. 甚 [shèn]2. 甚 [shén]甚 [shèn]很,极:~好。~快。超过:日~一日。方言,什么:~事?表示进一层的意思:~至。~或。甚 [shén]同“什2”。……


1. 么 [me]2. 么 [mó]3. 么 [ma]4. 么 [yāo]么 [me]词尾:怎~。这~。多~。什~。助词,表示含蓄语气,用在前半句末了:不让你去~,你又要去。么 [mó]亦作“庅”。“麼”的简化字。么 [ma]同“吗”。么 ……



汉语拼音:shèn me






  1. 什么。

    唐 吕岩 《赠江州太平观道士》诗:“不知甚么汉,一任辈流嗤。” 元 刘唐卿 《蔡顺奉母》第二折:“要我这婆婆好,不问要甚么,都得捨。”《水浒传》第五四回:“ 李逵 道:‘你使的甚么鸟好,教众人喝采!’” 杨朔 《三千里江山》第三段:“对江烟火更大,江桥被烟包围着,甚么也看不见。”



  1. The twelve princesses stood behind the door and listened to what he had to say.


  2. I am alive for some good reason that You know better than I do.


  3. We do not know what his parents called him. Moses is the name given to him by Pharaoh's daughter and simply means 'drawn out'.


  4. Well to receive it you ve got to be there before you know how to give it away.


  5. Don't you think it necessary to have a close study of the contract to avoid anything missing?


  6. It was as if you knew, or you felt what was coming; it was as if deep in you, it was already your.


  7. Can you think of a time youve ever been asked to turn your cell phone on in church ?


  8. And he insulted me. You know what he said?


  9. After much ado, he opens them, but without appearing to see his visitors or any other objects.


  1. 你是甚么星座

    Which constellation do you belong to

  2. 甚么是关税号码?

    What is a tariff code?

  3. 我们有甚么信息?

    And what is our message?

  4. 司法机关做甚么

    What does the judicial branch do.

  5. 甚么药物获得豁免

    What is the exemption for medication.

  6. 你为甚么活著?

    What are you living for?

  7. 独立宣言代表甚么

    What did the Declaration of Independence do.

  8. 这是甚么意思呢?

    What does this mean?

  9. 这将有甚么影响?

    And what will be the effect?

  10. 神给你甚么使命

    Believe that God has a mission for you.

  11. 第一个主题是甚么?

    What is the first theme?

  12. 有甚么方法可戒烟?

    Methods to Help Quit Smoking?

  13. 你该领受甚么祝福?

    What is the blessing you should take?

  14. 甚么是环境辐射水平

    What is ambient radiation level.

  15. 效忠誓言是甚么意思

    What is the Pledge of Allegiance

  16. 流感病毒有甚么特徵

    What are the characteristics of influenza viruses.

  17. 应采取甚么预防措施

    What preventive measures can be taken

  18. 甚么是开支预算草案

    What is Draft Estimates of Expenditure.

  19. 报告应分发给甚么人

    To whom should I distribute the report.

  20. 财政储备有甚么用途

    What are the purposes of fiscal reserves

  21. 解放宣言有甚么意义

    What did the Emancipation Proclamation do

  22. 三思而行, 再想做甚么

    Better think and pause before you wink

  23. 美国国旗用甚么名称?

    What is the name of the National Anthem?

  24. 甚么是扭伤和拉伤。

    What is sprain and strain

  25. 它究竟犯了甚么罪

    What crime can an animal commit

  26. 那警方会做甚么呢?

    And the police? What will you do?

  27. 甚么是活著的传奇

    Who can truly be described as a living legend.

  28. 你在甚么时候发觉的?

    When did you discover it?

  29. 为甚么有四卷福音书?

    Why are there four gospels?

  30. 只要有理我甚么都干。

    I will do anything in a good quarrel.


  1. 问:甚么的拼音怎么拼?甚么的的读音是什么?甚么的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:甚么的的读音是,甚么的翻译成英文是 whereof