





圈子,环绕:~围。~天。~转(zhuǎn )。~匝(a.环绕;b.周到)。普遍、全面:~身。~延。~全。~游。时期的一轮,亦特指一个星期:~岁。~年。~期。~星(十二年)。上~。完备:~到。~密。~详。~正(端正)。~折(事情进行不顺利)。……



汉语拼音:xī zhōu






  1. 朝代名。

    周 自 武王 至 幽王 都 镐京 , 平王 迁都 洛邑 ,以 镐京 在 洛邑 之西,故称 幽王 以前之 周 朝为 西周 。 晋 杜预 《春秋经传集解序》:“ 西周 之美可寻, 文 武 之迹不坠。”《通志·三王纪下》:“自 武王 元年己卯,至 厉王 四十年己未,二百八十一年;自 共和 元年庚申,至 幽王 十一年庚午,七十一年,共三百五十二年为 西周 。”

  2. 指 周 都 镐京 。在今 陕西省 西安市 西南。

    《诗·王风·黍离序》“黍离,閔 宗周 也” 汉 郑玄 笺:“ 宗周 , 镐京 也,谓之 西周 。”《国语·周语上》:“ 幽王 二年, 西周 三川皆震。” 韦昭 注:“ 西周 , 镐京 也。” 晋 潘岳 《西征赋》:“秣马 皋门 ,税驾 西周 。”



  1. In the main ideological field of Western Zhou Dynasty, there was an awareness of human beings as the main part of the universe.


  2. This Western Chou caldron was used to plant flowers. Its special features include decorative lines cut all the way to the bottom and curls .


  3. On the hole, Bangladesh is concerned, at least to the Western Zhou period of "ceremony" as holders of "in" an important standard.


  4. So Ya yue lost its function as a political instrument, and its historical fate WAS to wither away as insipid "old music" .


  5. Zhou Dynasty ritual music culture begin from "beauting music" and concluding in the time of the court music secularization.


  6. With the establishment of the Western Zhou Dynasty, from the West along the east-week cultures, the arrival of the lower reaches.


  7. Beijing emerged as a city as far back as the Western Zhou Dynasty (11th century-770 BC), when it was known as Ji.


  8. Thousands of years ago, during the Western Zhou, the Luoyang area was home to a secondary, eastern capital of China.


  9. During the Western Zhou period, ancestor worship may have been practiced only by members of the aristocracy.


  1. 西周青铜器

    Bronzes of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

  2. 西周青铜器铭文

    inscriptions on West Zhou Dynasty bronze ware

  3. 喀左西周青铜器

    Bronzes of the Western Zhou Dynasty from Harqin Left Wing Mongolian Autonomous County

  4. 岐山西周宫殿

    Palace in Qishan of Western Zhou.

  5. 商, 西周, 春秋绘画

    paintings of Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties and Spring and Autumn Period

  6. 玉器, 晚商, 西周, 殷墟

    lade, late Shang, Western Zhou,

  7. 西周初期盟誓述论

    On the Oath of Allegiance in the Early Zhou Dynasty

  8. 西周周王铜器论列

    On the Sequencing of the Imperial Bronze Ware in Western Zhou Dynasty

  9. 西周土地交易制度简论

    A Brief Study of the Land Transaction System of the Western Zhou Period

  10. 曲阜西周鲁国青铜器

    Bronzes of the Lu State under the Western Zhou Dynasty from Qufu

  11. 西周章服制度刍议

    A Discussion of the System of Official Costumes in Western Zhou Dynasty

  12. 西周时期的自然灾害及特点

    Natural Calamity and Characteristics During Xi Zhou Dynasty

  13. 西周青铜器铭文复音词研究

    A Study on the Compound Word of Xizhou Bronze Utensil Epigraph

  14. 西周卫国为方伯考

    A Study of the State of Wei in Western Zhou Dynasty

  15. 西周把都城迁到了陕西。

    The Western Zhou dynasty moved the capital to Shannxi.

  16. 西周金文中的土与田

    Western Zhou Inscription on bronze Tu Tian

  17. 琉璃河西周填嵌漆器

    Inlaid Lacquer of the Western Zhou Dynasty from Liulihe

  18. 西周早期云纹编钟的再认识

    ContentsRestudy On Chime Bells with Cloud Pattern of the Early Western Zhou Dynasty

  19. 西周婚姻家庭制度的现实启迪

    Practical Inspiration of Marriage and Family Law in Xizhou Dynasty

  20. 论西周文化的人学思想

    On the Humanistic Spirit of West Zhou Culture

  21. 论西周时期人兽母题青铜器

    On the Bronzes with Human and Beast Design in Western Zhou Period

  22. 析学在官府的西周音乐教育

    The Official Musical Education of the West Zhou Dynasty To learn English

  23. 西周郊天礼考辨二题

    Two Questions in Jiaotian Etiquette in Western Zhou Dynasty

  24. 西周青铜器断代研究的两个问题

    Two Issues about the Dating Study of Bronzes of Western Zhou

  25. 邢台南小汪28号西周墓

    Excavation of No.28 Tomb of Western Zhou at Nanxiaowang in Xingtai City

  26. 媵婚与西周婚姻礼法的哲学背景

    Philosophical Background of Concubinage and the Wedding Proprieties in the Western Zhou Dynasty

  27. 周公对西周制度的构建探析

    An Exploration into the Construction of Western Zhou's Systems by Duke Zhou.

  28. 鲁国纪年与西周王年通考

    A General Study on the Chronology of Lu Kingdom and the Chronicle Division of the Western Zhou Dynasty

  29. 陕西扶风齐镇发现西周炼炉

    The Furnaces of Western Zhou found out at Qi Town of Fufeng county, Shaanxi Province

  30. 太原建于3000多年前的西周。

    Taiyuan was founded in the Western Zhou, more than three thousand years ago.


  1. 问:西周拼音怎么拼?西周的读音是什么?西周翻译成英文是什么?

    答:西周的读音是XīZhōu,西周翻译成英文是 Nishi Amane

  2. 问:西周 (启蒙家)拼音怎么拼?西周 (启蒙家)的读音是什么?西周 (启蒙家)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:西周 (启蒙家)的读音是,西周 (启蒙家)翻译成英文是 Nishi Amane