







汉语拼音:gōu hè; gōu huò








  1. 山沟。

    《左传·昭公十三年》:“小人老而无子,知挤于沟壑矣。” 续范亭 《南泥湾概况》诗:“山陵起伏森林茂,沟壑纵横雨露多。”

  2. 借指野死之处或困厄之境。

    《孟子·滕文公下》:“志士不忘在沟壑,勇士不忘丧其元。” 赵岐 注:“君子固穷,故常念死无棺椁没沟壑而不恨也。” 唐 陈子昂 《为将军程处弼谢放流表》:“收骸沟壑,返魄幽泉。” 宋 苏轼 《答王定国》:“而今而后,谁復出我于沟壑者,归耕没齿而已矣。” 孙犁 《秀露集·被删小记》:“当文化大革命期间,任性命如草芥,文字被注销,辗转沟壑,朝不保夕。”

  3. 指护城河。


  4. 汉 刘向 《说苑·立节》:“ 子思 居 卫 ,緼袍无里,二旬九食。

    田方子 闻之,使人遗孤白之裘。恐其不受,因谓之曰:‘吾假人遂忘之,吾与人也如弃之’…… 子思 曰:‘ 汲 闻之,妄与不如遗弃物於沟壑; 汲 虽贫也,不忍以身为沟壑,是以不敢当也。’”后用以比喻贪受弃赠的人。 晋 张协 《杂诗》之十:“虽荣 田方 赠,慙为沟壑名。” 明 沉采 《千金记·遇仙》:“小生虽受清贫,不以沟壑自处。”

  5. 比喻阻隔。

    庞瑞垠 《我们还会相逢》:“没有行政的干预,没有外行的指手划脚,更没有派性的沟壑。”



  1. and then you start to notice the details: The cracks in the wall, the weird little quirks, and then you think, no. . . this isn't for me.


  2. If he saw a policeman, he decided, he would have to ditch this car, steal another, and divert from his planned route.


  3. The gap between father and son, darkness and light, winter and spring, did not always yawn so wide.


  4. But occasionally the sky darkens, the air becomes heavy, and a cool torrential rain fills the dry gullies.


  5. Poured out of a deep gully of red light at my face you wantonly spread.


  6. Others gradually catch up with him. They put the crosses on their back onto the gap to make a bridge and go across it calmly.


  7. e sky, which was as clear as crystal, and I was able to appreciate the beautiful scenes of waterfalls, peaks and valleys.


  8. S: Well, they were showing these pictures of these long cuts in the ground which would be gullies here, I mean on Earth.


  9. She looked around and padded off across a ravine, toward the edge of the blue spruce and Douglas fir forest that would be her new home.


  1. 黄土沟壑地

    loess ravine

  2. 沟壑的边缘

    The rim of the gullies.

  3. 黄土沟壑地带

    loess ravine area

  4. 黄土丘陵沟壑

    gully and rolling loess region

  5. 沟壑稳定建筑物

    gully stabilization structure

  6. 峡谷深的沟壑

    A deep ravine.

  7. 填满大海的沟壑

    Crams the ravine of sea

  8. 我脸上纵横的沟壑?

    All of these lines across my face.

  9. 不连续沟壑的水力效应

    Hydraulic efficiency of the discontinuous gullies

  10. 那时不再有岩沟壑,

    when crag and chasm shall be no more

  11. 将沟壑踏平, 将厄运撕破。

    Fpen the ravine laniate the doom.

  12. 流浪,被雨水冲过的沟壑。

    Street, crossed the gully was the rain.

  13. 加强沟壑治理搞好水土保持

    Strengthening Gully Control and Promoting Soil and Water Conservation

  14. 形成冲沟形成深深的沟壑或沟渠

    To form a deep ditch or channel.

  15. 在森林划下一道金色的沟壑。

    Cutting through the forest with a golden track.

  16. 被河流划出深深沟壑的高原。

    A plateau that had been deeply incised by streams.

  17. 跌水坝可实现沟壑的快速治理

    Role of Drop Dam in Gully Control Engineering Works.

  18. 自从他让牛去过一个沟壑,

    ever since he had taken them to a certain ravine

  19. 自然界里的沟壑多半会形成更多的沟壑。

    A gouge in environment is likely to attract future gouges.

  20. 由于地处丘陵,丘岗虎距,沟壑纵横。

    As the hills is located, from the hilly tiger, and horizontal gully.

  21. 较不结实得岩石逐渐磨损形成沟壑。

    Less durable rocks were gradually worn away to form valleys.

  22. 较不结实的岩石逐渐磨损形成沟壑。

    Less durable rocks were gradually worn away to form valleys.

  23. 浅谈大学英语学习中文化沟壑的跨越

    Culture Bridging the Cultural Gap in Learning English.

  24. 沟壑是黄土高原的基本地貌形态之一。

    Gully is one of the basic landform configuration in loess plateau.

  25. 置身其中,峡谷壁立,石径萦回,沟壑幽深。

    Once there, gorge rise steeply stone paths hover, ravines deep.

  26. 河流在山得半山腰冲出了一条沟壑。

    The river washed a ravine into the mountainside.

  27. 境内万峰环列,崖悬壁峭,沟壑纵横。

    Wanfeng ring inside out, xuan bi precipitous cliffs, ravines crossbar.

  28. 那些沟壑几乎对他们有不可抗拒的吸引力。

    The ditches have an almost irresistible attraction for them.

  29. 这带来了一个在山坡上的深的沟壑。

    That created a deep gully in the hillside.

  30. 蜷曲在大地沟壑得河流,在阳光下蜿蜒穿流。

    From the cracks in the earth the rivers pinched back at the sun.


  1. 问:沟壑拼音怎么拼?沟壑的读音是什么?沟壑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沟壑的读音是gōuhè,沟壑翻译成英文是 gully

  2. 问:沟壑形成拼音怎么拼?沟壑形成的读音是什么?沟壑形成翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沟壑形成的读音是,沟壑形成翻译成英文是 ravinement



沟壑,基本释义为山沟的意思。如:世间沟壑中水凿之处,皆有植土龛岩,亦此类耳。——宋· 沈括《梦溪笔谈》 借指野死之处或困厄之境。《孟子·滕文公下》:“志士不忘在沟壑,勇士不忘丧其元。” 比喻阻隔。庞瑞垠《我们还会相逢》:“没有行政的干预,没有外行的指手画脚,更没有派性的沟壑。”