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1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……
汉语拼音:xiù zi
《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二十:“﹝ 萧秀才 ﹞再三不接,拂着袖子,撇开众人,径自去了。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四八回:“后来 小云 输了拳,他伸手取了酒杯代吃,我这边从他袖子里看去,却是一件羔皮统子。” 丁玲 《母亲》一:“‘唉,命啦……’ 幺妈 的眼泪又模糊了眼睛,扯起大袖子轻轻去揩。”
If you imagine trying to solve all the world's problems at once, though, you're likely to quit before you finish rolling up your sleeves .
假如你想在片刻之间解决世上所有的问题,那么你有可能在卷起袖子准备大干一场前就知难而退了。"A little vodka, " she said to Korableva, wiping the tears with her sleeve and sobbing less frequently.
“最好弄点酒来喝喝,”她对柯拉勃列娃说,用衬衫袖子擦擦眼泪,只偶尔抽搭一声。"This new class of Chinese consumers is ready to spend money on quality and style without showing it on their sleeves, " says Ms Cheung.
张宇表示:“这个新的中国消费阶层愿意把钱花在质量和风格上,而不是展示在袖子上。”Palpatine produced a lightsaber hidden in his sleeve and let the dark side of the Force flow through him.
帕尔帕廷拔出一把藏在袖子里的光剑,让原力黑暗面贯通全身。She walked with her arms away from her sides and her sleeves tucked up, her bare arms all covered with fruit juice.
她走过来的时候双臂远离两跨,袖子卷了起来。只见她裸露的臂膀上全是果酱。Sometimes, when the young man was lying in bed, he saw the snake slip in and out of his empty boots or up the sleeve of a coat he had worn.
有的时候,年轻人正躺在床上,就看见蛇爬进他的靴子里面然后又爬出来,或者爬到他的大衣袖子上。It's an ugly sweater with red plastic buttons and a collar and sleeves all stretched out like you could use it for a jump rope.
这是一件丑丑的毛衣,钉着红色塑料纽扣,领口和袖子松松垮垮地耷着,都可以拿它来跳绳。"Harry wears his heart on his sleeve and will tell you if you're playing badly, " he said.
“哈里把他的心都装在袖子里面,他会告诉你的表现,”他说道。When he went to put it on, a pair of my granny panties fell out of the sleeve.