







汉语拼音:shòu fá








  1. 遭到处罚。

    《左传·哀公六年》:“有罪受罚,又焉移之。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三十回:“如果走了样,少不得工匠们都要受罚。” 沈从文 《从文自传·我上许多课仍然不放下那一本大书》:“即或家中明知我下河洗了澡,只要不是当面被捉,家中可不能用爬搔皮肤方法决定我的应否受罚了。”



  1. There are companies who know they're in the penalty box, they're trying to get out, they just don't know how.


  2. Although he did not Shangxing Taiwan punished, but the pain from his own far more than the heist.


  3. You do something bad; you get a detention and have to stay after school the next day for an hour.


  4. the man who has enough good in him to feel the justice of the penalty can be punished; the others can only be hurt.


  5. As a result of stricter enforcement, speeders are no longer able to break the law with impunity.


  6. For that, she was punished. Every sound too keen was hurting my heat. From that, to look her eyes made me want to protect her, forever.


  7. 13The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming.


  8. No bad thing ever remains unpunished. It is always punished and if it does not affect the man who made the wrong, it affects his children.


  9. So here I am with the couple, the three of us shrinking at the foot of Calvary about to be up, you know.


  1. 他理应受罚。

    He was deservedly punished

  2. 他理当受罚。

    He was deservedly punished.

  3. 他们应该受罚。

    They deserved to be punished.

  4. 这孩子没有受罚。

    The boy got off.

  5. 超配捕鱼受罚

    Penalized after exceeding fishing quota

  6. 肇事者该受罚吗?

    Should the Culprit Be Punished?

  7. 因举止粗野而受罚

    a penalty for roughing

  8. 我们很幸运, 没有受罚。

    We were lucky to escape being punished.

  9. 我做错了,我该受罚。

    I did wrong, I take the blame for it.

  10. 你将因逃课而受罚。

    You'll be punished for cutting class.

  11. 凡逃学者都要受罚。

    Anyone who plays truant will be punished.

  12. 次胜者受罚竞争学习

    Rival Penalized Competitive Learning

  13. 你免除了受罚,真幸运。

    You were lucky to escape being punished.

  14. 凡挨近她的, 不免受罚。

    No one who touches her will go unpunished.

  15. 在草坪上行走要受罚。

    People who walk on the grass are liable to a fine.

  16. 如果你再迟到, 你将受罚。

    If you are late again, you'll be punished.

  17. 你把窗户打破, 小心受罚。

    You will catch it for breaking the window.

  18. 我无法相信是我代替受罚。

    I can't believe I did all his dirty work.

  19. 违反这些规则者将受罚。

    Disregard of these regulations will be punished.

  20. 你失败了, 所以你必须受罚。

    You failed, and you must pay the penalty.

  21. 受罚受到残酷惩罚的折磨。

    To suffer or pay a heavy penalty.

  22. 士兵受罚, 不准离开营房。

    As punishment, the men were confined to barracks.

  23. 他由于工作失败而受罚。

    He was punished for his negligence in carrying out the task.

  24. 你如做错事,应当受罚。

    If you do wrong, you deserve punishment.

  25. 师弟, 你不怕再受罚吗?

    Aren't you afraid of being punished again?

  26. 你不会受罚, 没有人会知道。

    No one will ever know.

  27. 大卫因工作失误而受罚。

    Donid was punished for his negligence in carrying out the task.

  28. 他由于不遵守规则而受罚。

    He was punished for not obeying the regulation.

  29. 我知道我错了, 所以我甘愿受罚。

    I know I was wrong, so I'll take my medicine.

  30. 我将因为擅自开车而受罚。

    I am going to be punished for using the car without permission.


  1. 问:受罚拼音怎么拼?受罚的读音是什么?受罚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受罚的读音是shòufá,受罚翻译成英文是 to be punished

  2. 问:受罚席拼音怎么拼?受罚席的读音是什么?受罚席翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受罚席的读音是shòu fá xí,受罚席翻译成英文是 penalty bench; box; chink

  3. 问:受罚率拼音怎么拼?受罚率的读音是什么?受罚率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受罚率的读音是shòu fá lǜ,受罚率翻译成英文是 penalty rate

  4. 问:受罚的拼音怎么拼?受罚的的读音是什么?受罚的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受罚的的读音是,受罚的翻译成英文是 penal

  5. 问:受罚恐惧拼音怎么拼?受罚恐惧的读音是什么?受罚恐惧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受罚恐惧的读音是shòu fá kǒng jù,受罚恐惧翻译成英文是 fear of counteraggression

  6. 问:受罚时间拼音怎么拼?受罚时间的读音是什么?受罚时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受罚时间的读音是shòu fá shí jiān,受罚时间翻译成英文是 penalty time

  7. 问:受罚队员拼音怎么拼?受罚队员的读音是什么?受罚队员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受罚队员的读音是shòu fá duì yuán,受罚队员翻译成英文是 penalized player




【读音】shòu fá



【示例】《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三十回:“如果走了样,少不得工匠们都要受罚。” 沈从文《从文自传·我上许多课仍然不放下那一本大书》:“即或家中明知我下河洗了澡,只要不是当面被捉,家中可不能用爬搔皮肤方法决定我的应否受罚了。”