







汉语拼音:gòu zhì








  1. 购买置办。

    清 唐才常 《上父书》之七:“况 川中 书籍,多 湖南 所无,装订亦甚精緻,不趁此时购置,更待何时?” 鲁迅 《书信集·致陈烟桥》:“美术书总是贵的,个人购置,非常困难。” 叶圣陶 《小病》:“为孩子,为用钱,为购置东西,往往彼此意见不合,至于争论起来。”



  1. When you buy a car, how much you are ready to spend?


  2. I'd also like to know how much extra equipment I'd have to purchase.


  3. The acquisition of the 29-year-old Wigginton comes less than a week after Craig Biggio announced he will retire at the end of this season.


  4. But people no longer seem to be buying second cars, or new fancy cars when the old one still works fine.


  5. Just last month, the chief executive officer of local nonprofit Greenlights traded up to a bigger home for his growing family.


  6. Thank you for leading, and guiding me to the land and the purchase of it, so I may teach others.


  7. And a foreigner who has studied or worked in China for at least a year will be allowed to buy a home, but not to become a landlord.


  8. Shanghai specifically would be boosted by wealthy investors in other parts of the country increasingly snapping up property there, he said.


  9. Mr. Ng: Don't you think it might be an idea to have a microwave oven? Our colleagues can prepare a light meal for lunch if they wish.


  1. 车辆购置税

    vehicle purchase tax.

  2. 支付汽车购置税

    Pay tax on car purchase

  3. 购置武器的开支

    the expenditure of money on weapons

  4. 木地板购置要点

    Main points of wooden floor purchase

  5. 在广州购置房产

    Purchased house property in Guangzhou

  6. 调拨款项购置图书

    allocate funds for books

  7. 调用资产购置清单

    Call Up Asset Acquisition List

  8. 购置书籍, 纸张, 文具等

    buy books, stationery and so on

  9. 中心财产购置与管理

    Property acquisition and management of center

  10. 因为除了开始时购置,

    since after the initial outlay upon equipment

  11. 用抵押贷款购置某物

    to take out a mortgage (on something)

  12. 资产购置和退废预算

    Asset acquisition and retirement budget

  13. 购置生产性固定资产支出

    Expenditure for Purchasing Productive Fixed Assets

  14. 设计, 购置自动化装配设备。

    Design and purchase automatic assembly device.

  15. 购置武器的开支很大。

    The expenditure of money on weapons is very large.

  16. 他们购置了一辆小汽车。

    They made the purchase of a car.

  17. 购置音响材疑难一点通

    The Key Answer to a Trouble of Buying Audio Equipment

  18. 固定资产的购置、建造支出。

    Expenses in connection with the acquisition or construction of fixed assets.

  19. 语言实验室的购置和管理

    Purchase and Management of Language Labs

  20. 他们购置了一些高档家具。

    They bought some high grade furniture.

  21. 车辆购置税暂行条例

    Interim Regulations on the Tax on Vehicle Purchases

  22. 医院购置了一些医疗器械。

    The hospital bought some medical instruments.

  23. 他们投入巨资购置新设备。

    They have made a huge investment in new plant.

  24. 而想购置这么一个设备。

    to want to have one of these.

  25. 证券交易印花税车辆购置税

    Stamp Tax on Cecurity Exchange Vehicle Purchase Tax

  26. 你不会喜欢的你购置的物品的。

    You won't enjoy your purchase.

  27. 图1联合国项目事务厅项目购置

    Figure1 United Nations Office for Project Services project acquisition

  28. 拨款大部分用在购置图书。

    A lot of the grant goes on books.

  29. 这些购置是用现款支付的。

    The purchases were paid for with cash.

  30. 这些购置是用现款支付得。

    The purchases were paid for with cash.


  1. 问:购置拼音怎么拼?购置的读音是什么?购置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:购置的读音是gòuzhì,购置翻译成英文是 purchase

  2. 问:购置法拼音怎么拼?购置法的读音是什么?购置法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:购置法的读音是gòu zhì fǎ,购置法翻译成英文是 purchase method

  3. 问:购置税拼音怎么拼?购置税的读音是什么?购置税翻译成英文是什么?

    答:购置税的读音是gòu zhì shuì,购置税翻译成英文是 purchase tax

  4. 问:购置产权拼音怎么拼?购置产权的读音是什么?购置产权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:购置产权的读音是gòu zhì chǎn quán,购置产权翻译成英文是 title by purchase

  5. 问:购置价格拼音怎么拼?购置价格的读音是什么?购置价格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:购置价格的读音是gòu zhì jià gé,购置价格翻译成英文是 acquisition price

  6. 问:购置年份拼音怎么拼?购置年份的读音是什么?购置年份翻译成英文是什么?

    答:购置年份的读音是gòu zhì nián fèn,购置年份翻译成英文是 year acquired

  7. 问:购置成本拼音怎么拼?购置成本的读音是什么?购置成本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:购置成本的读音是gòu zhì chéng běn,购置成本翻译成英文是 acquisition cost

  8. 问:购置日期拼音怎么拼?购置日期的读音是什么?购置日期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:购置日期的读音是gòu zhì rì qī,购置日期翻译成英文是 date of acquisition

  9. 问:购置不动产借款拼音怎么拼?购置不动产借款的读音是什么?购置不动产借款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:购置不动产借款的读音是gòu zhì bú dòng chǎn jiè kuǎn,购置不动产借款翻译成英文是 real estate financing

  10. 问:购置管理系统控制拼音怎么拼?购置管理系统控制的读音是什么?购置管理系统控制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:购置管理系统控制的读音是gòu zhì guǎn lǐ xì tǒng kòng zhì,购置管理系统控制翻译成英文是 Acquisition Management System Control



购置 gòuzhì [buy and keep] 购买(多指添置长期使用的器物) 购置家具