


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


父亲:“军书十二卷,卷卷有~名”。祖父:~~。姥~。对长辈或年长男子的敬称:张大~。旧时对官僚、财主等的称呼:县太~。少(shào )~。对佛、神的称呼:佛~。财神~。……



汉语拼音:dà yé






  1. 旧时大户人家仆役称排行居长的少主。

    《红楼梦》第六回:“这里 凤姐 忽又想起一事来,便向窗外叫:‘ 蓉哥 回来。’外面几个人接声説:‘ 蓉大爷 快回来。’”《儿女英雄传》第三回:“ 华忠 听公子这话,想了一想,因説道:‘大爷这话倒也是。’”

  2. 现多用来讥讽挥霍、任性的人。

    蒋子龙 《乔厂长上任记》:“有这些大爷,就是把世界上最尖端的设备买进来也不行。”

  3. 旧社会帮会中称辈分高的头目。

    沙汀 《丁跛公》:“可是当他送上几两银子,叩了一些‘响头’,求得泡水大爷承认他是一个哥老会的会员以后,情势就全然两样了。” 贺勋臣 《活跃在湘鄂边境》:“ 汪家营 的老团总,是哥老会首领,一个姓 张 ,一个姓 李 ,都是大爷班子,老资格。”

  4. 伯父,亦用以尊称男性长者。

    周立波 《扫盲志异》:“有么子贵干呀, 何大爷 ,这样着急?”



  1. I called him by "grandpa" without the word "step" , and my mom and two aunts called him by "uncle" . He always replied back with a smile.


  2. Double eyelid surgery will remove fat from around Mr. Yang's eyes and he will be able to see the world much better.


  3. This in whispers of the wind burble no escape Zhang big ears, he immediately past : " intermediary promised to you how much money? "


  4. "Oh, you are, of course, master pig. " said the cow. "Of course, " the pig said, "there is no doubt about it. "


  5. Wang neighbors who live alone one uncle, Wu can be seen every morning he walks in the garden, but did not see this morning.


  6. How did you sleep old man? " the boy asked. He was waking up now although it was still hard for him to leave his sleep. "


  7. That there Roger Cly, master, ' said Mr. Cruncher, with a taciturn and iron-bound visage. 'So you but him in his coffin?


  8. Just then an old man came and helped me. A few minutes later, he mended the bike well.


  9. Embroider hope to find job improve family life, uncle introduced her to beam housekeeping service center looking for opportunity.


  1. 你是鲁莽他大爷。

    You are reckless.

  2. 王大爷前天老了。

    Grandpa Wang died the day before yesterday.

  3. 感谢雷大爷的建议。

    Thanks for radar lee's suggestion.

  4. 姑娘扶老大爷过马路。

    The girl helped the old man across the road.

  5. 上帝保佑你还有你大爷!

    God bless you and your grandpa!

  6. 那位大爷以前赶脚谋生。

    The old man used to make a living as a porter.

  7. 那位大爷以前赶脚谋生。

    The old man used to make a living as a porter.

  8. 这是你大爷,这是你家奇大哥。

    Meet your grandfather and he's brother qi.

  9. 如果我有了钱,我也是大爷。

    If I get the money, I'll matter too.

  10. 场院的活让王大爷张罗。

    Uncle Wang will take care of the work on the threshing floor.

  11. 不要打扰李大爷了,小林。

    Leave off worrying Uncle Li, Xiao Lin.

  12. 来来来,大爷我要新技能点!

    B Cmon, cmon, Daddy needs some new skill points!

  13. 张大爷六十岁上得了孙子。

    Uncle Zhang got his first grandson at sixty.

  14. 张大爷是制作像生的专家。

    Mr. Zhang is an expert in making lifelike imitations.

  15. 张大爷是制作像生的专家。

    Mr. Zhang is an expert in making lifelike imitations.

  16. 王大爷突然停了下来, 望了望我。

    Uncle Wang stopped short and looked at me.

  17. 不用说,我指的是刘四大爷。

    Needless to say, I am referring to the old wizard who.

  18. 周大爷过去只关心自己的家。

    Uncle Zhou used only to care about his own family.

  19. 爸爸走了进来,后面跟着吴大爷。

    Daddy entered, followed by Uncle Wu.

  20. 前些日子胡大爷问到过你。

    Uncle Hu asked about you the other day.

  21. 王大爷的话还在她脑中回响。

    Uncle Wang's words still rang in her head.

  22. 王大爷握住我的手,设法安慰我。

    Uncle Wang held my hand and tried to comfort me.

  23. 刘大爷禁不住要开小红的玩笑。

    Uncle Liu could not resist teasing Xiao Hong.

  24. 你是个操大爷的我不得不说。

    You're a uncle fucker I must say.

  25. 你和我们村的徐大爷是亲戚吗

    Are you related to Uncle Xu of our village

  26. 唐大爷使双枪,跑在队伍的前头。

    Tang charged at the head of the troops.

  27. 每个人的心中都有一个你大爷。

    Everyone has your uncle in the heart.

  28. 是哪位机灵得大爷拿走了我得饭盒。

    Who's the wise guy that took my lunch box?

  29. 是哪位机灵的大爷拿走了我的饭盒。

    Who's the wise guy that took my lunch box ?

  30. 我祖宗是龙,为什么你大爷的总是孔子?

    My ancestors are long, why do you always uncle Confucius?


  1. 问:大爷拼音怎么拼?大爷的读音是什么?大爷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大爷的读音是dàyé,大爷翻译成英文是 uncle; a arrogant and wilful man



“大爷”是个多义词,它可以指大爷(称呼语), 大爷(ACFUN), 大爷(小说人物), 大爷(游戏角色)。