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I am afraid the fire will get out of control, if the firemen do not arrive within ten minutes.
我担心如果消防队员无法在十分钟之内赶到的话,火势将会失控。Today a powerful army of fire fighters stands ready to help the moment a fire break out.
今天我们有一支强有力的消防队伍在每时每刻准备着帮助那些遭遇火灾的人们。Police vans and several fire trucks lined the streets near the building and a large area around the lawyers'offices was cordoned .
一些警车和数辆消防车停靠在这座大楼附近的大街上。大楼附近的大片区域被用警戒线围了起来。Woods drove his car into a fire hydrant and a tree close to his home.
当时,伍兹在家外驾车撞上消防栓,后来撞到一棵大树。You can see in this video some Nebraska firemen trying to put out a blaze.
在视频中可以看到,内布拉斯加州的消防员试图扑灭大火。Thank you. I heard, and frankly fire hydrant, I don't think it's funny or appropriate for you to call your sister fido.
谢谢,我听到了,消防栓,你叫你妹妹错币,这并不好笑,也不适当。He started by winning the support of a powerful interest group, the Hillsdale firefighters'union, who had fallen out with the town council.
赢得希尔斯代尔市消防员联盟的支持是他胜利的起点,那是一个强大的利益集团,曾经和该市议会闹翻过。The fire brigade answered the emergency call but there was no fire it was all a hoax .
消防队接到报警电话后采取了行动,但是并没有火灾这完全是一场恶作剧。Chief Paul Kashmer said, "We pried the door off and I brought the child out and lifted her up and said, 'here's my prize. '"