


1. 陶 [táo]陶 [táo]用黏土烧制的器物:~俑。~粒。~瓷。~管。~器。制造陶器:~冶。~铸。喻教育、培养:~化。~育。~染。熏~。快乐的样子,使快乐:~然。~醉。~~。古同“淘”,洗。姓。……





汉语拼音:táo yě








  1. 陶工和铸工。


  2. 谓烧制陶器和冶炼金属。

    《荀子·王制》:“故泽人足乎木,山人足乎鱼,农夫不斵削、不陶冶而足械用,工贾不耕田而足菽粟。”《明史·职官志一》:“虞衡典山泽採捕陶冶之事。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·学校》:“技艺院者,汽机、电报、採矿、陶冶、製炼、织造等事。”

  3. 制作和烧炼(陶瓷器)。

    清 朱琰 《陶说·陶冶图说》:“由内廷交出陶冶图二十张,次第编明,为作图説,进呈御览。”

  4. 陶铸。教化培育。

    《汉书·董仲舒传》:“臣闻命者天之令也,性者生之质也,情者人之欲也。或夭或寿,或仁或鄙,陶冶而成之,不能粹美。” 颜师古 注:“陶以喻造瓦,冶以喻铸金也。言天之生人有似於此也。” 宋 王安石 《上皇帝万言书》:“所谓陶冶而成之者何也?亦教之、养之、取之、任之有其道而已。” 清 唐孙华 《夏日斋中读书》诗之五:“陶冶发性灵,金玉出顽矿。” 邹韬奋 《抗战以来》二二:“这伟大时代的洪炉,陶冶了多少 中国 现代的青年战士,陶冶了多少 中国 未来的青年战士!”

  5. 谓怡情养性。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·文章》:“至於陶冶性灵,从容讽諫,入其滋味,亦乐事也。” 唐 杜甫 《解闷》诗之七:“陶冶性灵存底物,新诗改罢自长吟。”



  1. She grew up traveling around the world, fed on poetry, and schooled by her mother's freewheeling example.


  2. I love the ball piano, plays the piano to be able to influence my sentiment, can cause me to forget all worries.


  3. My aim is to explore the world of literature and the world of great writers and thus to open my eyes and cultivate my mind.


  4. "If I lived for a million years, people would be more intent on lengthening their lives than on cultivating wisdom" .


  5. Originally wanted to look at the music class to refine temperament, did not think this is the beginning of torture.


  6. The religious upbringing rubbed off-- her first literary venture was the translation from the original German of a popular religious work.


  7. It seemed to her very proper that Mr. Townsend's destined bride should wish to embellish her mind by a foreign tour.


  8. outdoor sports, not just a casual way, she means a healthy, A new sports training and cultivate a spirit of reform and.


  9. Once more, sets up the situation education, influences the moral sentiment.


  1. 校长陶冶心灵

    The school master trains the minds.

  2. 陶冶大家的情操

    Where sentiments are nurtured here

  3. 陶冶性灵的书

    a spiritually uplifting book

  4. 陶冶情操的文学作品

    edifying literature

  5. 艺术创作旨在陶冶情操。

    Art was created to uplift the mind and the spirit.

  6. 並陶冶我去欣賞當中的美

    and the form of Chinese characters.

  7. 高雅的作品能陶冶心灵。

    Works of taste can refine the mind.

  8. 高雅得作品能陶冶心灵。

    Works of taste can refine the mind.

  9. 好戏剧陶冶人们的情操。

    Good theater always nourishes the human spirit.

  10. 艺术滋润心灵, 文化陶冶情操。

    Art nurtures the soul and culture cultivates the mind.

  11. 广泛阅读能陶冶你的心性。

    Extensive reading can cultivate your mind.

  12. 这是一本陶冶情操的书。

    This is an edifying book.

  13. 这是一本陶冶情操得书。

    This is an edifying book.

  14. 他们试图用音乐陶冶这孩子。

    They tried to edify the child with music.

  15. 用体育锻炼身体,用艺术陶冶心灵。

    Take exercises with sports, mould soul with art.

  16. 以优秀读物来陶冶你的心智。

    Nurture your mind with good reading.

  17. 读些好书以陶冶你的情操。

    Nurture your mind with good reading.

  18. 许三个愿望。坚强起来。陶冶情操。

    Make three wishes. Be strong. Nurture your soul.

  19. 三年陶冶,连狗也会呤诗颂词。

    After three years even the school dog will begin to recite.

  20. 他通过阅读来陶冶自己的情操。

    He cultivates his mind by reading.

  21. 治学之余,以笔墨陶冶性情。

    Beyond learning and teaching, he nurtures his temperament with ink and pen.

  22. 青山绿水是您陶冶情操的好地方。

    Green hills and clear waters are the Best place for you to mould your temperament.

  23. 陶冶学生性情,使其仁民爱物。

    To cultivate students'minds of compassionate, loving and caring attitudes.

  24. 首先,大学教育可以帮助学生陶冶情操。

    First of all, university education can help student cultivate sentiments.

  25. 我认为和内尔的交往陶冶了我的身心。

    I suppose the experience with Nell formed me.

  26. 论艺术美育对大学生道德情操的陶冶

    On the Moral Sentiments of College Students Molded by the Aesthetic Education

  27. 艺术可以陶冶心灵,艺术可以鼓舞人心,艺术可以丰富人生。

    Art can cultivate the soul, art can be inspiring and artistic life can be rich.

  28. 本软件陶冶情操的同时给您艺术的享受。

    This software edify sentiment while giving your art enjoyment.

  29. 体育很重要,但我们不可忽视心灵的陶冶。

    Physical culture is of importance, but we must not neglect the culture of mind., a.

  30. 抒情作家能通过优美的语言陶冶人们的情操。

    Lyric writers use the beautiful language for mold peoples sentiments.


  1. 问:陶冶拼音怎么拼?陶冶的读音是什么?陶冶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陶冶的读音是táoyě,陶冶翻译成英文是 mould; mold



“陶冶”是个多义词,它可以指陶冶(贵阳仲裁委员会副主任), 陶冶(大冶摩托董事长), 陶冶(浙江传媒学院讲师), 陶冶(信阳科委党组副书记), 陶冶(大连市陶冶画院院长), 陶冶(中国科学院高能物理所研究员), 陶冶(明代画家), 陶冶(文化艺术报社社长), 陶冶(北京航空航天大学教授), 陶冶(汉语词语), 陶冶(知名电视节目主持人), 陶冶(加拿大国家研究院高级终身研究员), 陶冶(湖南大学副教授), 陶冶(长江师范学院物理学与电子工程学院教授)。