




1. 炮 [páo]2. 炮 [bāo]3. 炮 [pào]炮 [páo]烧:~炙。~烙(luò)。~制。炮 [bāo]把物品放在器物上烘烤或焙:把湿衣服搁在热炕上~干。一种烹调方法,在旺火上急炒:~羊肉。炮 [pào]重型武器的一类,有迫……



汉语拼音:kāi pào








  1. 发射炮弹。

    柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十四章:“从方向上判断,是 狮子塄 那面(那是野战军)先开炮。”

  2. 比喻提出严厉的批评。如:会议刚开始,他们几个就率先开炮。



  1. A sumo into a hand-guns, to determine whether he is fit, and then aim at the direction of the fire to determine the launch.


  2. Then, two years ago, he saw three of his daughters literally blown to bits by an Israeli tank that had aimed its shells at their bedroom.


  3. The Sheffield, understanding the mistake, dodged successfully and did not fire.


  4. Enraged, Koong took control of a drilling laser and blasted the Roonstone cache, knocking the priceless gems into a lava flow.


  5. After firing a gun at the Vhan Fredericka the pirates boarded her and began to search her for gold.


  6. What we did want was to ease off our guns at the enemy flagship.


  7. But perhaps the most valuable short-term effect of gunning for tax evaders is to persuade those who do pay up to keep doing so.


  8. South Korean defense officials said Wednesday that they fired warnings shots into the air from a nearby island in response.


  9. Thus was every night filled with the sound of cannon blasts hurling lead balls into the air, the shots landing randomly.


  1. 士兵们开炮。

    The soldiers fired the cannon.

  2. 开炮的响声

    the noise of cannon fire.

  3. 苏禄先生 开炮。

    Mr.Sulu,fire all phasers.

  4. 我们向敌人开炮。

    We fired our guns at the enemy.

  5. 他们对英国船舶开炮。

    They let off their guns at the British ships.

  6. 开炮之前敌人正在撤退。

    The enemy army is giving way before the cannon fire.

  7. 当开炮时, 地在震动。

    When the cannon was fired, the earth quaked.

  8. 当开炮时,地在震动。

    When the cannon was fired, the earth quaked.

  9. 我们向那座要塞开炮。

    We played our guns on the fortress.

  10. 他们向入侵的敌舰开炮。

    They let off their guns at the intruding enemy ships.

  11. 当开炮时,地在他脚下震动。

    When the cannon was fired, the earth quaked under his feet.

  12. 敌人先向周围的山上开炮。

    The enemy first directed their artillery fire at the surrounding mountains.

  13. 敌人先向周围得山上开炮。

    The enemy first directed their artillery fire at the surrounding mountains.

  14. 他们与城内的政府军互相开炮。

    They traded artillery fire with government forces inside the city.

  15. 亚瑟王的骑士们在城墙上开炮。

    King Arthur's knights fire a cannon from the top of the castle wall.

  16. 士兵们解开了绳炮索, 准备开炮。

    The soldiers cast loose the guns to prepare the battery for action.

  17. 大炮随即朝他开炮,他倒在了地上。

    Then gun cannoned into him and he sprawled down on the ground.

  18. 大炮随即朝他开炮,他倒在了地上。

    Then gun cannoned into him and he sprawled down on the ground.

  19. 他们说它抵抗不住开炮时的震动。

    They declared that it could never sustain the shock of the discharge.

  20. 我们真正要做的是对准敌人的旗舰开炮。

    What we did want was to ease off our guns at the enemy flagship.

  21. 每天都有一门大炮开炮表示一点整。

    A gun goes off every day to mark exactly one o'clock.

  22. 现在是可以对烟民自由开炮的时期。我说道。

    It's open season on smokers, I say.

  23. 赛后新闻发布会开始不久, 斯隆就开炮了。

    Sloan said near the start of his postgame news conference.

  24. 在膨胀的高空云层中, 象开炮似打着响雷。

    High up among the bulging clouds thunder went off like a gun.

  25. 我朝着出现德军火炮射击硝烟的地方开炮。

    I fired at the direction of the shot smoke of the gun.

  26. 他们快跑他们开炮,他们让比赛爽的不得了!我爱太阳!

    They run they gun, they make the game fun!I like Suns!

  27. 不过他们显然是决不会再拖延开炮的时间了。

    But it was plain that they meant nothing should delay their shot.

  28. 我们向入侵敌舰的船头前开炮,迫使该舰停下。

    We brought the intruding enemy ship to by firing across her bows.

  29. 快点开炮拦截下来啊!操作指南鼠标控制, 点击开火!

    The incoming enemy aircraft flight, the aircraft carrier. Quickly fired missiles to intercept them ah Operations Guide mouse control!

  30. 他的命令是要等敌机飞近日标明显时再开炮。

    His order was not to fire until the enemy planes presented a close and clear target.


  1. 问:开炮拼音怎么拼?开炮的读音是什么?开炮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开炮的读音是kāipào,开炮翻译成英文是 fire a cannon; fire artillery

  2. 问:开炮者拼音怎么拼?开炮者的读音是什么?开炮者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开炮者的读音是,开炮者翻译成英文是 firer



kāipào (1) [fire a gun;open fire with artillery]∶开始发射炮弹 向敌人阵地开炮.意思:发射炮弹. (2) [fire criticism at sb.]∶向某人提出严厉批评 向老朋友的缺点开炮。比喻提出严厉的批评。 (3) 情侣之间开房时,进行的性行为.也可以叫:开炮兵. (4) 在广东人口中,打麻将出错牌了,让对手糊了,也叫"开炮"