


1. 创 [chuàng]2. 创 [chuāng]创 [chuàng]开始,开始做:~造。~制。首~。开~。~立。~演。~议。创 [chuāng]伤:~伤。~口。~巨痛深(喻遭受重大的损失)。……





汉语拼音:chuàng yè








  1. 亦作“剙业”。开创基业。

    汉 张衡 《西京赋》:“ 高祖 创业,继体承基。” 宋 陈亮 《酌古论·桑维翰》:“或难于剏业而资为声援,或急于中兴而用为辅翼。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·洛翰》:“ 高皇帝 创业之初,有 洛翰 者,本 刘 姓, 中原 人。” 郭小川 《他们下山开会去了》诗:“在整个创业时期,它发挥了最卓越的力量。”



  1. It was difficult to leave, but the idea of starting something on my own had been on my mind for a while.


  2. For Lawrence, choosing a focus was one of the main mile markers she passed during her first year in business.


  3. So who knows, he may be able to quit the company and start his own business some day.


  4. It may be too much to ask from the new board for it to fix problems that have plagued the country's markets since their inception.


  5. One of the problems is that so much of this entrepreneurial activity is carried out on too tiny a scale to make much cash.


  6. Entrepreneurs chronically underestimate how much money they'll need to start a business.


  7. The technology has allowed entrepreneurs to break into what used to be one of the world's most regulated markets, telecoms.


  8. In fact, business in the door is always open for you, take the first step, you and Ma Yun in a road.


  9. Another was that startups had to decide in advance how much to raise.


  1. 创业,发迹

    carve a career.

  2. 创业成功率

    probability ofsuccess.

  3. 创业的艰难

    labor pains.

  4. 创业与成长

    starting and growth.

  5. 为自己创业

    to carve (out) a career for o.s.

  6. 创业投资基金

    Venture capital funds

  7. 创业投资环境

    investment environment

  8. 创业投资公司

    pioneering investment company

  9. 高校创业孵化器

    incubator of undertaking in colleges and universities

  10. 我想自己创业。

    I want to have my own business.

  11. 大企业创业投资

    corporate venture capital

  12. 创业难,守业更难。

    Keeping is harder than winning.

  13. 助推创业冲动

    Help to Push away Starting an Undertaking Excited

  14. 激进式公司创业

    incremental corporate entrepreneurship

  15. 创业投资产业政策

    Venture Promoting Policy

  16. 创业投资基金数目

    Number of venture capital funds

  17. 创业容易守业难。

    It's easy to open a shop but hard to keep it open.

  18. 技术创业投资基金

    IDG Technology Venture Investment Fund

  19. 他决定单干创业。

    He decided to go it alone and start his own business.

  20. 她计划自己创业。

    She had plans to set up in business on her own account.

  21. 创业容易守业难。

    It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open.

  22. 创业难守业更难。

    To start a business is difficult, but to keep it going is more difficult.

  23. 艰难创业,风雨兼程。

    Difficult venture, trials and hardships.

  24. 创业难,守业更难。

    It is difficult to start an enterprise, but even more difficult to keep it going.

  25. 创业不易, 守业更难

    Keeping is harder than winning

  26. 和创业伊始的模样

    and when you started the business.

  27. 看来他要自己创业。

    Seems that he wants to carve out.

  28. 然而, 创业板怎么玩?

    Nonetheless, how to play with GEM ?

  29. 创业公司是有风险

    It's always a little scary with a startup.

  30. 然而,创业板怎么玩?

    Nonetheless ,how to play with GEM ?


  1. 问:创业拼音怎么拼?创业的读音是什么?创业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创业的读音是chuàngyè,创业翻译成英文是 carve out a career

  2. 问:创业公司拼音怎么拼?创业公司的读音是什么?创业公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创业公司的读音是,创业公司翻译成英文是 Startup company

  3. 问:创业基金拼音怎么拼?创业基金的读音是什么?创业基金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创业基金的读音是chuàngyè jījīn,创业基金翻译成英文是 venture capital fund

  4. 问:创业夜市拼音怎么拼?创业夜市的读音是什么?创业夜市翻译成英文是什么?


  5. 问:创业资本拼音怎么拼?创业资本的读音是什么?创业资本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创业资本的读音是Chuàngyèzīběn,创业资本翻译成英文是 start-up capital, also known as 初创资本

  6. 问:创业项目拼音怎么拼?创业项目的读音是什么?创业项目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创业项目的读音是chuàngyè xiàngmù,创业项目翻译成英文是 venture

  7. 问:创业板市场拼音怎么拼?创业板市场的读音是什么?创业板市场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创业板市场的读音是chuàngyèbǎnshìchǎng,创业板市场翻译成英文是 Second board market.

  8. 问:创业者利润拼音怎么拼?创业者利润的读音是什么?创业者利润翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创业者利润的读音是chuàng yè zhě lì rùn,创业者利润翻译成英文是 founder's profit

  9. 问:创业基金投资者拼音怎么拼?创业基金投资者的读音是什么?创业基金投资者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创业基金投资者的读音是chuàngyèjījīn tóuzīzhě,创业基金投资者翻译成英文是 venture capitalist



“创业”是个多义词,它可以指创业(月刊《创业》), 创业(1974年于彦夫执导电影), 创业(新疆绿洲影视出品电视剧), 创业(电商书籍), 创业(书法家), 创业(电视连续剧《创业》), 创业(著名作家王京同名职场励志类书籍), 创业(实现价值,开创事业)。