




1. 角 [jiǎo]2. 角 [jué]角 [jiǎo]牛、羊、鹿等头上长出的坚硬的东西:牛~。鹿~。犄~。~质。形状像角的:菱~。皂~。突入海中的尖形的陆地(多用于地名):成山~(在中国山东省)。几何学指从一点引出两条直线所夹成的平面部……



汉语拼音:dòu jiǎo






  1. 豆荚,豆类的果实。多指鲜嫩可做菜的。

    宋 周文璞 《吴中秋日》诗:“豆角已收别无事,待同野老赴襟期。” 明 吴宽 《次韵时旸对雨喜晴》之一:“短篱垂豆角,破壁上苔衣。” 清 孙锦标 《通俗常言疏证·饮食》:“《种植书》:‘豆荚长而耑鋭如角然,故又名豆角。’” 白丁 《李堡散记》:“水中栽菱角、河藕,地下长西瓜、青椒,空中挂水果、豆角。”



  1. An old mouse was running in and out over the stone doorstep, carrying peas and beans to her family in the wood .


  2. Assistant White House chef Sam Kass carries bowls of beans harvested from the garden.


  3. To 1 month-long cowpea, does not want to tell everybody in here, the cowpea was allowed to harvest like this in 3 weeks.


  4. And here are a few ethylene-sensitive veggies: asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, green beans, lettuce, peppers and squash.


  5. Ms. Rasmussen pulled a few shots of traditional espresso, using the company's standard beans, freshly ground.


  6. Once I ate a carrot and I thought that it was good! Then I ate a green bean 'cause my mother said I should.


  7. Childhood, often students were picking beans back, Wash, into boiling water. in a language of the downtown, the weak fade.


  8. Organic carob, organic barley, chicory, organic chicory, organic dates, almonds, natural mocha flavor, organic figs, organic cocoa powder.


  9. "I was preparing rice and beans for dinner when the whole six-story [apartment building] fell flat in seconds, " she told The Sun.


  1. 豆角枯萎病

    Carob fusarium wilt.

  2. 除去豆角的筋

    to string beans

  3. 豆角在炉子上。

    The peas are on the stove.

  4. 酸豆角炒腊肉

    Fried dried pork with kidney bean

  5. 紫沙锅珍珠豆角

    Pearl Bean Cornu Stewed in Terrine

  6. 酸豆角炒肉碎

    Stir fry minced pork with pickle bean

  7. 我还想要些豆角。

    I also need some beans.

  8. 油豆角保鲜试验研究

    Study on Snap Bean for Freshness Protection

  9. 干咖喱豆角炒虾球

    Stir fried shrimp with string beans

  10. 我们的农场上种植豆角。

    We grow beans on our farm.

  11. 这盘干煸豆角炒得不错。

    This plate of deep fried beans is delicious.

  12. 这盘干煸豆角炒得不错。

    This plate of deep fried beans is delicious.

  13. 油豆角的涂膜保鲜研究

    Study on Preserving Snap Beans by Using Chitosan Coating

  14. 这是个小小的红花菜豆角。

    This is little tiny runner bean.

  15. 这是我最喜欢的豆角, 长豆角。

    This is my favourite bean, they are yard long bean.

  16. 豆角总皂苷提取工艺的研究

    The Study on the Technology of Extracting Total Saponins from Snap Bean

  17. 你种的豆角长的也非常的快。

    Your bean plant will grow quickly, too.

  18. 菜豆角中毒病人的抢救护理

    Rescuing and nursing care of patients with fresh kidney beans poisoning

  19. 采用超声波法提取豆角总皂苷。

    The ultrasonic method was applied to extract of total saponins from snap bean.

  20. 行。我想要沙拉, 鱼和豆角。

    Yes. I'd like a salad, fish, and green beans.

  21. 油豆角真空包装保鲜技术的研究

    Study on preservation of snap bean in vacuum package

  22. 女招待要豆角,青豆,胡萝卜还是花椰菜。

    String beans, peas and carrots or cauliflower

  23. 有硬丝的绿色豆角, 硬丝必须去掉。

    green beans with strings that must be removed.

  24. 二氧化氯在油豆角保鲜中的应用

    Application in the storage method of chlorine dioxide of the snap bean

  25. 沙藏对减轻豆角冷害效果的研究

    Study on alleviating chilling injury of cowpea by sand storage

  26. 我们一日三餐吃肉豌豆豆角和奶酪。

    We eat meat, peas, beans and cheese for three meals.

  27. 高压静电场对菜豆角冷害的影响

    Effect of electrostatic field on chilling injury of kidney bean during cold storage

  28. 低温处理对不同油豆角品种幼苗的影响

    Effects of the Low Temperature on Snap Beans Seedling

  29. 没有硬丝的绿色嫩豆角, 很容易咬断。

    Tender green beans without strings that easily snap into sections.

  30. 长豆角。想起了小时候到农场摘豆角的日子。

    Beans which remind me of days picking beans on the farm when I was young.



豆角(Vigna unguiculata) ,又叫做豇豆,是夏天盛产的蔬菜。属豇豆种中能形成长形豆荚的栽培种,一年生缠绕草本植物。别名豆角、长角豆、带豆、裙带豆。含有各种维生素和矿物质等。嫩豆荚肉质肥厚,炒食脆嫩,也可烫后凉拌或腌泡。豆荚长而像管状,质脆而身软,常见有白豆角和青豆角两种。在选购豆角时,一般以豆条粗细均匀、色泽鲜艳、透明有光泽、子粒饱满的为佳,而有裂口、皮皱的、条过细无子、表皮有虫痕的豆角则不宜购买。豆角营养成份很好,是蔬菜中肉类。