




1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……



汉语拼音:měi shí







  1. 味美的食物。


  2. 吃味美的食物。

    《韩非子·六反》:“今家人之治产也,相忍以饥寒,相强以劳苦,虽犯军旅之难,饥饉之患,温衣美食者必是家也。”《晋书·傅咸传》:“奢不见詰,转相高尚。昔 毛玠 为吏部尚书,时无敢好衣美食者。”



  1. The assistant turned out did not let me down, let me in the "gourmet twisters" to find it.


  2. At night, we prepared her a special dinner, we sang the Birthday Song to her, enjoyed the delicious food. We had a good time yesterday.


  3. Therefore, we request the improvement the tastes. If this point is properly handled, to say nothing of delicious food.


  4. "I do not think the book was written at all as a provocation, " he said. "It was written with the love and care he feels for the dishes. "


  5. The Fat Duck is owned by chef Heston Blumenthal whose style of cooking is often described by foodies as 'molecular gastronomy'.


  6. "Well, " said the man, "I'm not going to give you the money. Instead, I'm going to take you home for a terrific dinner cooked by my wife. "


  7. I love watching cooking shows and I make it a point to watch the shows of celebrity chefs when I have the time.


  8. Such movement would only stir the beast, which would strike out with a sticky tentacle, and tug the meal into its waiting mouth.


  9. When you're looking for a good meal, some knowledge of social science is often more useful than food knowledge.


  1. 美食佳肴品尝

    gourmet dining.

  2. 美食保健食谱

    gourmet diet menu.

  3. 他喜爱美食。

    He has an affinity for fine food.

  4. 美食旅游资源

    tourism resources of tasty food.

  5. 请去美食部。

    Go to the Gourmet Food Department!

  6. 美食烹调法美食馆

    Gourmet cookinggourmet restaurants.

  7. 旅游美食购物中心

    Tourism and Good Foods Shopping Centre

  8. 希腊橄榄油与美食

    Greek Olive Oil and Delicious Food

  9. 美食不应狼吞虎咽。

    A good meal should never be hurried.

  10. 美食彩色铅笔画桌面

    Color Pencil Drawings of Foods

  11. 什么是美食沙拉?

    What is the Gourmandize Salad ?

  12. 对,就是那类美食。

    That kind of food, yeah.

  13. 美食,美酒,还有你。

    The food,the wine.you.

  14. 她爱美食和美酒。

    She loves good food and goodwine.

  15. 美食,美酒,还有你。

    The food, the wine. you.

  16. 美食评论家做什么

    What does a gourmet writer do

  17. 美食广场十月开张

    Food court to open in October

  18. 亚洲美食很是诱人。

    Asian food is delicious.

  19. 亚洲美食很是诱人。

    Asian food is delicious.

  20. 稳步迈向美食天堂

    On the road to food fame steadily

  21. 我真想念那些美食。

    I really miss those delicious dishes.

  22. 吾之美食,汝之鸩毒。

    What is food to one, is to others bitter poison.

  23. 新鹿湖美食之家

    Deer Lake Wonton Restaurant

  24. 天下没有免费的美食。

    Food is usually either good or free.

  25. 天下没有免费的美食。

    Food is usually either good or free.

  26. 饥者眼中尽美食。

    To hunger there are no bad bread.

  27. 美食不应狼吞虎。

    A good meal should never be hurried.

  28. 不断供应客人佳肴美食

    Plied their guests with excellent food

  29. 西班牙美酒和美食。

    Vintage Spain Wine Tours

  30. 这篮子装满了美食

    The basket was full of tasty dishes.


  1. 问:美食拼音怎么拼?美食的读音是什么?美食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美食的读音是měishí,美食翻译成英文是 delicacy

  2. 问:美食家拼音怎么拼?美食家的读音是什么?美食家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美食家的读音是měishíjiā,美食家翻译成英文是 gourmet; gastronomist; gourmand

  3. 问:美食法拼音怎么拼?美食法的读音是什么?美食法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美食法的读音是,美食法翻译成英文是 gastronomy

  4. 问:美食者拼音怎么拼?美食者的读音是什么?美食者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美食者的读音是,美食者翻译成英文是 gormand

  5. 问:美食街拼音怎么拼?美食街的读音是什么?美食街翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美食街的读音是měishí jiē,美食街翻译成英文是 Eatery Alley

  6. 问:美食主义拼音怎么拼?美食主义的读音是什么?美食主义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美食主义的读音是,美食主义翻译成英文是 gourmandism

  7. 问:美食广场拼音怎么拼?美食广场的读音是什么?美食广场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美食广场的读音是,美食广场翻译成英文是 Food court

  8. 问:美食与美酒拼音怎么拼?美食与美酒的读音是什么?美食与美酒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美食与美酒的读音是MěishíyǔMěijiǔ,美食与美酒翻译成英文是 Food & Wine

  9. 问:美食评论家拼音怎么拼?美食评论家的读音是什么?美食评论家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美食评论家的读音是,美食评论家翻译成英文是 Food critic

  10. 问:美食频道 (美国)拼音怎么拼?美食频道 (美国)的读音是什么?美食频道 (美国)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美食频道 (美国)的读音是,美食频道 (美国)翻译成英文是 Food Network Asia

  11. 问:美食猎人TORIKO拼音怎么拼?美食猎人TORIKO的读音是什么?美食猎人TORIKO翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美食猎人TORIKO的读音是,美食猎人TORIKO翻译成英文是 Toriko



