







汉语拼音:qín kěn








  1. 诚挚恳切。

    唐 柳宗元 《柳常侍行状》:“词旨切直,意气勤恳。”《随园诗话补遗》卷九引 瑶华主人 《赋得寒梅着花来》诗:“凭君勤恳意,消息慰孤鷴。”

  2. 犹勤奋。做事忠实不懈。

    宋 陈师道 《书旧词后》:“独 杜 氏子勤恳不已,且云所得诗词满篋,家多畜纸笔墨,有暇则学书。” 老舍 《茶馆·人物表》:“ 李三 --男。三十多岁。裕泰的跑堂的。勤恳,心眼好。”



  1. Stan was a good worker until his wife died and he began to hit the bottle.


  2. It would be right to describe your father, among other things, as a very hard-working person.


  3. What's more, he said I was the hardest working person in the office!


  4. Mr. Chen built a fortune out of dogged determination and a reputation for being assiduously honest, fair and respectful.


  5. He also expressed admiration for the working teams, saying that he was amazed at the devotion, faith, and diligence with which they worked.


  6. And, to work sense of responsibility, diligent steadfast, can bear hardships and stand hard work, dares to meet the new challenge.


  7. Lawmakers warn that such a limit might unintentionally hurt honest, hardworking families in rural America.


  8. I yearn for hard work to make my own country prosper, like the Chinese attitude and concentration toward work.


  9. If you worked hard and smart up until now, when your appointment is announced it is likely to be considered big industry news.


  1. 先生 我勤勤恳恳。

    Sir,I work hard.

  2. 先生 我勤勤恳恳。

    Sir, I work hard.

  3. 天禀不过是勤恳而已。

    Genius is nothing but lstomair conditionershor and diligence.

  4. 她勤勤恳恳, 一丝不苟。

    Shes very thorough and conscientious.

  5. 蠢才在于勤恳, 知识在于积聚。

    Talents come from diligence, and knowledge is gained by accumulation.

  6. 我是一个很勤恳的园丁。

    I'm a very devoted gardener.

  7. 约翰是个多勤恳的工人啊!

    Whto any hard worker John is!

  8. 他勤勤恳恳,埋头苦干。

    He industriously engages in unostentatious hard work.

  9. 你瞧, 上帝保佑忠实勤恳的人。

    You see, God protects the honest and the industrious.

  10. 他们都是勤勤恳恳的人。

    They were conscientious men.

  11. 他工作勤恳,有资格受到我们的感谢。

    His services give him a title to our gratitude.

  12. 勤恳敬业,有较强的事业心和责任感。

    Sedulous and studious, strong enterprise and responsibility.

  13. 他全心全意、勤勤恳恳地埋头工作。

    He sweated away at his work with all his heart.

  14. 我的母亲总是勤勤恳恳, 任劳任怨。

    My mother works very hard, yet without complaining.

  15. 对公司勤勤恳恳工作40年后退休。

    retiring after 38 years yeoman service to the company.

  16. 他们的勤恳精神得到了匈牙利人民的好评。

    Their diligence is well received by the Hungarians.

  17. 我得园丁为我勤勤恳恳干了10年。

    My gardener served me well for ten years.

  18. 我的园丁为我勤勤恳恳干了10年。

    My gardener served me well for ten years.

  19. 你勤勤恳恳、努力工作、知无不言,言无不尽。

    You're diligent, you're a hard worker, and you're not afraid to speak your mind.

  20. 他并不聪明,但工作总是勤勤恳恳。

    He is not bright, but he always works hard.

  21. 总之,我们的祖先是勤恳尽责而且易于相处的。

    All in all, our ancestors were conscientious and compatible.

  22. 同样,他俩都有约束自己勤恳工作的能力。

    Both, too, have the capacity to work like dogs.

  23. 他工作勤恳,应该能升迁到不错的位置上。

    He works hard and should climb the company hierarchy well.

  24. 他工作勤恳,应该能升迁到不错的位置上。

    He works hard and should climb the company hierarchy well.

  25. 他能力较弱,但工作还是勤勤恳恳的。

    He was incompetent yet hardworking.

  26. 不错,工作勤恳。你知道大家都喜欢工作努力的人。

    Good, he is industrious. You know everyone likes the one who works.

  27. 住在这里的是些善良的小人物,舒适,勤恳,自信。

    It was a world of good little people, comfortable, industrious, credulous.

  28. 真正的仆人勤恳服务,不是为了别人推崇和赞赏。

    Real servants don't serve for the approval or applause of others.

  29. 踏踏实实做事做人,勤勤恳恳写书教书。

    Be steadfast in work and life, and be diligent in writing and teaching.

  30. 勤恳,细心,焦虑。找出错误和疏忽。按时完成任务。

    Painstaking, conscientious, anxious. Searches out errors and omissions. Delivers on time.


  1. 问:勤恳拼音怎么拼?勤恳的读音是什么?勤恳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勤恳的读音是qínkěn,勤恳翻译成英文是 hard-working and conscientious