






1. 熏 [xūn]2. 熏 [xùn]熏 [xūn]气味或烟气接触物品,引申为长期接触的人或事物对品行、习惯的影响:~染。~陶。~制。利欲~心。火烟上出:~蒸。气味刺激人:臭气~人。暖和:~风。熏 [xùn](煤气)使人窒息中毒。……





汉语拼音:qì yàn xūn tiān








  • 【解释】:气焰:气势。形容盛气凌人,十分傲慢。
  • 【出自】:清·李宝嘉《文明小史》第四十一回:“比时康太守正是气焰熏天,寻常的候补道都不在他眼里,这位因为是亲戚,所以还时时见面。”
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义


  1. na.
  2. A person'

  3. s arrogance stinks to heaven.

  1. 臭气熏天。

    The smell was quite foul.

  2. 不行,你臭气熏天。

    No.You stink.

  3. 腐烂的鱼臭气熏天

    an overpowering stench of rotting fish

  4. 烧焦的橡胶臭气熏天。

    The stench of burning rubber was overpowering.

  5. 到了夏天, 就会臭气熏天。

    In the summer, it will stink to high heaven.

  6. 工厂的污水使这个湖臭气熏天。

    Factory waste has smelled up the lake.

  7. 那个垃圾箱使这条街臭气熏天。

    The dust can is stinking up the street.

  8. 这个垃圾场使整个城市臭气熏天。

    The city dump stinks up the town.

  9. 小胡同, 小巷子呢?臭气熏天, 无人问津。

    The small alley, the small alley It'stink to high heaven, no one is interested.

  10. 你没有!这臭气熏天,简直无法忍受。

    No. you didnt. The stinky smell is unbearable.

  11. 他们生活在臭气熏天的污浊环境中。

    They live amid reek and squalor.

  12. 工厂的污水使这个小镇臭气熏天。

    The sewage from the factory stinks up the small town.

  13. 把那臭鱼扔了吧,臭气熏天的!

    Throw that decayed fish away, It'stinks to high heaven!

  14. 那些臭蛋把这个地方搞得臭气熏天。

    Those rotten eggs have stunk the place up.

  15. 又不是没有旅馆,你这个臭气熏天的乞丐。

    This ain't no hotel, you stinking bum.

  16. 有什么东西使邻近得房子全都臭气熏天。

    Something is smelling up the whole neighborhood.

  17. 有什么东西使邻近的房子全都臭气熏天。

    Something is smelling up the whole neighborhood.

  18. 冷冰冰的外表裹不住一颗色欲熏天的心。

    Frosty appearance does not wrap a concupiscence to fume the heart of the day.

  19. 滂沱大雨挽救了局面, 让伦敦免于臭气熏天。

    Heavy rain saved the day and rid London of its smell.

  20. 这鱼肯定有一个星期了, 已是臭气熏天了。

    The fish must be a week old. It'smells to high heaven.

  21. 随处可见破烂的住房、肮脏的庭院和臭气熏天的小胡同。

    Here were crumbling tenements, squalid courtyards and stinking alleys.

  22. 你把这地方弄得臭气熏天。这种幽雅的地方不是你呆的。

    You're stinking the place out, You don's belong in a nice place like this.

  23. 悲剧的是他年龄是我的三倍大,而且身上屎臭熏天。

    Too bad he was three times my age and stank heavily of poo.

  24. 你上次是什么时候打扫狗窝的?现在可是臭气熏天了。

    When was the last time you cleaned out the dog kennel? it sticks to high heaven.

  25. 你跟牛马苦役作伴, 只配住在肮脏的臭气熏天的环境里。

    You belong with the oxen and the drudges, in dirty surroundings among smells and stenches.

  26. 不过,能把那带血的牛排和那香气熏天的奶酪端给我吗?

    Would you mind bringing me my rare beef and my smelly cheese ?

  27. 突然之间,车内臭气熏天,卡罗在接近死亡时括约肌松弛了。

    Carlo's body, sphincter released by approaching death, had voided itself.

  28. 把那臭鱼扔了吧, 臭气熏天得!

    Throw that decayed fish away, It'stinks to high heaven!

  29. 在恶臭熏天的货舱中日复一日的生活是什么样的?

    What was it like day after day in their fetid cargo bay?

  30. 第一天,在桌子下面生一堆小烟熏火来驱赶苍蝇。

    Build a small smoky fire under the drying table for the first day to keep the flies away.