




规矩,法式:~式。~序。章~。规~。进展,限度:~度。进~。日~。过~。道路的段落:路~。行(xíng )~。里~。启~。前~。衡量,考核:计日~功。姓。……



汉语拼音:jìn chéng








  1. Proximity to the wireless access point or router, as well as physical obstructions, can affect the quality of your Internet connection.


  2. Some of these warheads have been exported to the overseas market along with PL-12 short-range missiles.


  3. The Second Artillery, the PLA's strategic rocket forces, had already decommissioned two types of shorter-range mis-sizes.


  4. It is not possible to fit limit switches, the instantaneous position of the closing lever will be interrogated by proximity sensors.


  5. Other reports suggested that the missiles were tests of a new short-range missile.


  6. Your allies never grant cover to your enemies, and neither allies nor enemies give cover against melee, close, or area attacks.


  7. Employs the commander machinegun for close-in defense of the tank or fire against light targets at other ranges.


  8. The production process to do far, short-range real-time video surveillance and key process control.


  9. The bases of the SAF's short-range missile brigades are mostly equipped with blue-roofed missile depots.


  1. 近程教育系统

    distance education systems.

  2. 近程防空导弹

    short range air deffense missile.

  3. 近程导航装备

    short range navigation equipment.

  4. 近程无线电导航

    short range radio navigation

  5. 近程无线电导航设备

    short range aids

  6. 近程空情探测网

    Short range air information detection network

  7. 近程反巡航导弹雷达技术初探

    A Study on Techniques Against Cruise Missile by Short Range Radar

  8. 近程无线电信号的自动识别

    Automatic Recognition of Short Range Radio Signals

  9. 法杖是近程攻击, 魔杖是远程攻击。

    Wand is a short range attack, magic wand is a range attack.

  10. 一般来说,卡车适合于近程货物运输。

    Generally speaking, truck be suitable for short distance cargo transportation.

  11. 使用56式半自动步枪作为近程狙击武器

    Using 54 SemiAutomatic Rifle as ShortRange Snipe Weapon.

  12. 舰船声场的近程分布式声源模型

    Distributed sound source model of ship sound field in near range

  13. 近程简易控制火箭末修的效率分析

    The Efficiency Analysis of Terminal Correction about Short Range Simple Control Rocket

  14. 三元阵浅海近程被动定位研究与分析

    Study and Analysis of Three Sensor Array Passive Ranging of Near Target in Shallow Water

  15. 近程红外成像探测器光电转换计算方法

    The Calculate Method of transform from IR to voltage In proximate infraredimaging Detector

  16. 近程地面雷达目标回波信号分析及计算机模拟

    Analysis and Simulation about Echo of the Target for Short Range Land Radar

  17. 新技术基于电容式近程传感器,使用导线作为近程传感器。

    New Technology Based on Capacitive Proximity Sensor using a wire as the proximity sensor.

  18. 激光近程定距技术正成为世界的研究热点。

    Laser shortrange fixed distance technology is becoming the research hotspot around the world.

  19. 从达卡尔到英吉利海峡,由近程潜艇监视。

    From Dakar to the English Channel, shortrange Uboats prowled.

  20. 用于要地末端防御的现代近程防空导弹的需求分析

    Requirement analysis of modern short range air defence missiles for end defence

  21. 国外近程战术地地导弹和反战术弹道导弹的发展概况


  22. 近程导弹捷联惯导初始对准试验与仿真研究

    The Experiment and Simulation Research of Initial Alignment of the Strapdown Inertial Guidance System of Short Range Missile

  23. 近程导弹捷联惯导系统初始对准方法与误差模型

    Method of initial alignments of a short range missile with strapdown inertial guidance system

  24. 小口径火炮弹药在近程防空反导中的地位和作用

    Position and effect of ammunition for small caliber gun in short range antiaircraft antimissile defense

  25. 在进行远程箭术训练之前, 他们必须首先掌握近程射击。

    Before moving on to long range archery, they must first master short range shooting.

  26. 这个数据保存器是从击落的 幽灵近程导弹上恢复过来的

    This data storage device was recovered from that downed Wraith dart.

  27. 舰用近程反导系统中一种新型反导搜索跟踪一体化雷达

    A New Antimissile Searching and Tracking Integrative Radar in Shipboard Short Range Antimissile System


  1. 问:近程射击拼音怎么拼?近程射击的读音是什么?近程射击翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程射击的读音是jìn chéng shè jī,近程射击翻译成英文是 Close Range Firing

  2. 问:近程恢复拼音怎么拼?近程恢复的读音是什么?近程恢复翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程恢复的读音是jìn chéng huī fù,近程恢复翻译成英文是 short range recovery

  3. 问:近程救援拼音怎么拼?近程救援的读音是什么?近程救援翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程救援的读音是jìn chéng jiù yuán,近程救援翻译成英文是 Short-Range Rescue

  4. 问:近程结构拼音怎么拼?近程结构的读音是什么?近程结构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程结构的读音是jìn chéng jié gòu,近程结构翻译成英文是 short-range structure

  5. 问:近程聚焦拼音怎么拼?近程聚焦的读音是什么?近程聚焦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程聚焦的读音是jìn chéng jù jiāo,近程聚焦翻译成英文是 proximity focusing

  6. 问:近程调用拼音怎么拼?近程调用的读音是什么?近程调用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程调用的读音是jìn chéng diào yòng,近程调用翻译成英文是 near call

  7. 问:近程飞机拼音怎么拼?近程飞机的读音是什么?近程飞机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程飞机的读音是jìn chéng fēi jī,近程飞机翻译成英文是 Short-Range Aircraft

  8. 问:近程站保持拼音怎么拼?近程站保持的读音是什么?近程站保持翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程站保持的读音是jìn chéng zhàn bǎo chí,近程站保持翻译成英文是 short range station keeping

  9. 问:近程函数指针拼音怎么拼?近程函数指针的读音是什么?近程函数指针翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程函数指针的读音是jìn chéng hán shù zhǐ zhēn,近程函数指针翻译成英文是 near function pointer

  10. 问:近程函数调用拼音怎么拼?近程函数调用的读音是什么?近程函数调用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程函数调用的读音是jìn chéng hán shù diào yòng,近程函数调用翻译成英文是 near function call

  11. 问:近程制导火箭拼音怎么拼?近程制导火箭的读音是什么?近程制导火箭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程制导火箭的读音是jìn chéng zhì dǎo huǒ jiàn,近程制导火箭翻译成英文是 Short-Range Guided Rocket

  12. 问:近程反潜预警拼音怎么拼?近程反潜预警的读音是什么?近程反潜预警翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程反潜预警的读音是jìn chéng fǎn qián yù jǐng,近程反潜预警翻译成英文是 Anti-Submarine Warning Short-Range

  13. 问:近程导弹系统拼音怎么拼?近程导弹系统的读音是什么?近程导弹系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程导弹系统的读音是jìn chéng dǎo dàn xì tǒng,近程导弹系统翻译成英文是 Close Range Missile System

  14. 问:近程弹道导弹拼音怎么拼?近程弹道导弹的读音是什么?近程弹道导弹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程弹道导弹的读音是jìn chéng dàn dào dǎo dàn,近程弹道导弹翻译成英文是 Short-Range Ballistic Missile

  15. 问:近程操作方法拼音怎么拼?近程操作方法的读音是什么?近程操作方法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程操作方法的读音是jìn chéng cāo zuò fāng fǎ,近程操作方法翻译成英文是 proximate operation method

  16. 问:近程攻击武器拼音怎么拼?近程攻击武器的读音是什么?近程攻击武器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程攻击武器的读音是jìn chéng gōng jī wǔ qì,近程攻击武器翻译成英文是 Close Assault Weapon

  17. 问:近程相互作用拼音怎么拼?近程相互作用的读音是什么?近程相互作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程相互作用的读音是jìn chéng xiāng hù zuò yòng,近程相互作用翻译成英文是 short-range interaction

  18. 问:近程空射导弹拼音怎么拼?近程空射导弹的读音是什么?近程空射导弹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程空射导弹的读音是jìn chéng kōng shè dǎo dàn,近程空射导弹翻译成英文是 Short-Range Air-Launched Missile

  19. 问:近程中级核部队拼音怎么拼?近程中级核部队的读音是什么?近程中级核部队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程中级核部队的读音是jìn chéng zhōng jí hé bù duì,近程中级核部队翻译成英文是 Short-Range Intermediate Nuclear Forces

  20. 问:近程反辐射导弹拼音怎么拼?近程反辐射导弹的读音是什么?近程反辐射导弹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近程反辐射导弹的读音是jìn chéng fǎn fú shè dǎo dàn,近程反辐射导弹翻译成英文是 Short-Range Anti-Radiation Missile