


1. 假 [jiǎ]2. 假 [jià]假 [jiǎ]不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。……


1. 休 [xiū]2. 休 [xǔ]休 [xiū]歇息:~整。~假。~闲。离~。停止:~业。完结(多指失败或死亡)。旧指丈夫把妻子赶回母家,断绝夫妻关系:~妻。不要:~想。~提。吉庆,美善,福禄:~咎(吉凶)。助词,用于语末,与“罢”、“……



汉语拼音:jiǎ xiū






  1. 休假。




  1. The psychologists believe that people who break vocation apart gain more fan from it than those who take a long vocation at a time.


  2. Australia's market was closed for a holiday.


  3. Markets in Japan were closed for a national holiday.


  1. 是阿, 老板刚刚才要我把还没休的假一次休完。

    Yeah, the boss just asked me to take all my vacation days at once.

  2. 我这个月一天假也没休。

    I haven't had a day off this month.

  3. 偶尔休一次假

    have a holiday once in a while

  4. 你工作太辛苦了, 需要好好放个假, 休整休整。

    You've been working too much. What you need is a good holiday to recharge your batteries.

  5. 我想再休一次假。

    I could manage another holiday.

  6. 我实在是需要休个假。

    I really need to take some time off.

  7. 王先生应该好好休个假。

    Mr. Wang owes himself a holiday.

  8. 我们需要休个假来振作精神。

    We need a holiday to boost.

  9. 你看起来很累。你需要休个假。

    You look rundown. You need a holiday.

  10. 辛苦工作后,她值得休个假。

    She deserved a vacation after a long travail.

  11. 最近哪一天,我先休一次假。

    One of these days, I'd like to take a vacation.

  12. 最近哪一天,我想休一次假。

    One of these days, I'd like to take a vacation.

  13. 我看你只要休一次假就行了。

    I think all you need is just a vacation.

  14. 自从做这份工作起,我就没有休过假。

    I've never taken a holiday since starting this job.

  15. 没有比刚休完假得人更需要休假了。

    No one needs vacation so much as the man who just have one.

  16. 没有比刚休完假的人更需要休假了。

    No one needs vacation so much as the man who just have one.

  17. 从打我到了这家公司,就一直没休过假。

    I have never taken a day off since I came to this company.

  18. 从打我到了这家公司,就一直没休过假。

    I have never taken a day off since I came to this company.

  19. 他们通常在七月份休假,可是去年是在九月份休的假。

    They usually go on holiday in July, but last year they went in September.

  20. 上周前, 我的编辑还在礼貌地向我建议, 我需要休个假。

    By last week, my editor was gently suggesting that I need a vacation.

  21. 但休完假后,我才意识到自己是多么地需要休整一下。

    But I did not realise how much I needed a break until I was taking it.

  22. 戴里克,你不觉得应该去休个假吗?一两天也行啊。

    Terri Derrick, dont you think you should take a vacation Even one or two days would be fine.

  23. 特里戴里克, 你不觉得应该去休个假吗一两天也行啊。

    Terri Derrick, dont you think you should take a vacation Even one or two days would be fine.

  24. 他休了一天假。

    He took a day off.

  25. 她休了两天假。

    She took two days off work.

  26. 她休了两天假。

    She took two days off work.

  27. 我没法休一整天的假。

    I can't take the whole day off.

  28. 我没法休一整天的假。

    I can't take the whole day off.

  29. 老板让我圣诞节期间休几天假。

    My boss gave me some leave over Christmas.

  30. 从年初以来, 我们已经休了三次假。

    We have had three holidays since the beginning of the year.