


1. 假 [jiǎ]2. 假 [jià]假 [jiǎ]不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。……





汉语拼音:jiǎ zhī






  1. 假若。

    《荀子·正名》:“假之有人而欲南、无多,而恶北、无寡,岂为夫南者之不可尽也,离南行而北走也哉!”《荀子·性恶》:“假之人有弟兄资财而分者,且顺情性,好利而欲得,若是则兄弟相拂夺矣。” 王引之 《经传释词》卷九:“之,犹‘若’也……《荀子·正名》篇曰:‘假之有人欲南而恶北。’《性恶》篇曰:‘假之有弟兄资财而分者。’‘假之’,皆谓‘假若’也。”《战国策·魏策四》:“假之得幸,庸必为我用乎?”



  1. Understand methods of hypothesis development and testing.


  1. 你的美, 以或真或假之情

    And loved your beauty with love false or true

  2. 假革命之名

    usurp the name of revolution.

  3. cristianoronaldo是假摔之王。

    Cristiano Ronaldo is the king of faking injuries.

  4. 他假友谊之名与她约会。

    He had a date with her under the name of friendship.

  5. 你能假人之手制造国际事端。

    You can create an international incident by proxy.

  6. 至其断而不属,则猥以假人而续之,是以其论曲而不通也。

    To its not being broken, then the humble to the renewal of the dummy is based on his theory of music and not pass also.

  7. 最终, 哈尔顿博士估计假阳性将超出假阴性达七十五倍之多。

    As a result, Dr Hartung estimates that false positives could outweigh false negatives 75 times over.

  8. 迪斯尼启动太空之旅模拟飞船以假乱真

    New Disney Space Ride So Real

  9. 考试之後放个假有助於弛缓紧张情绪。

    A holiday will help you relax after your exams.

  10. 了解研究假之建与检定之方法。

    Understand methods of hypothesis development and testing.

  11. 这些工人是否有权享受诸如病假和带薪假之类的福利?

    Are such workers entitled to benefits, for example, sick leave, and paid leave?

  12. 假统一之名,行独霸之实。

    Autocratic rule has been imposed in the name of unification.

  13. 假使少妇不胜饥寒之苦呢?

    What if the Jungfrau were hungry?

  14. 当我回来之后,我看了八分之三的电影假结婚。

    When I got back, I watched three eighth of the movie The Proposal.

  15. 假使我们发现自己不能助人,至少我们能够不再做害人之事。

    If we find we cannot help others, the least we can do is to desist from harming them.

  16. 假缝,疏缝用大的长针脚疏缝,以使之暂时缝合。

    To sew loosely with large running stitches so as to hold together temporarily.

  17. 最常见得是像假阳具, 震动器之类得胶状物。

    The most common being the jelly like dildos and vibrators.

  18. 最常见的是像假阳具,震动器之类的胶状物。

    The most common being the jelly like dildos and vibrators.

  19. 含假蓝宝石的变质岩石之原岩未必是富镁泥质岩。

    It can therefore, be deduced that the protolith from which sapphirine was derived is not necessarily magnesiorich pelite.

  20. 雇员于每七日中至少应有一日并获得正常工资之例假日。

    The employee shall have one regular day off with pay in every seven days.

  21. 乔伊和他的死党以一场海滩之旅来为璁假揭开序幕。

    Joey and his buddies kicked off their summer vacation with a trip to the beach.

  22. 黄山之家短租公寓是您渡假,旅游,休闲,商务的绝好去处!

    Huangshan rent apartment house short is your vacation, tourism, leisure, an excellent place for business!

  23. 汤姆趁工作之暇匆匆来此渡一短假,他说,假期过得太快了。

    Tom had snatched a short holiday from his work to come here. He said it ended all too soon.


  1. 问:假之形花亚群拼音怎么拼?假之形花亚群的读音是什么?假之形花亚群翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假之形花亚群的读音是jiǎzhīxínghuāyàqún,假之形花亚群翻译成英文是 Subgrex Nothosigmantha