


生存,有生命的,能生长,与“死”相对:~人。~体。~检。~物。救活,使人活:~人无数。在活的状态下:~埋。逼真地:~脱。~像。不固定,可移动,或处在进去状态的:~塞(sāi )。~扣。~页本。耳软心~(没主见)。生动,不呆板,机灵,有生气:……




1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:huó dòng fèn zǐ






  1. 集体中在某一方面比较活跃的人。

    茅盾 《子夜》十五:“今天下午丝厂工人活动分子大会,你的领导是错误的!”



  1. Mr. Gates said that the United States did not intend to engage in hot pursuit of the operatives into Iran.


  2. Also, its effective use by activists to help organise the revolt in Egypt has left an inconvenient halo around the company.


  3. In Lynch's view, the U. S. should also push for the release of detained activists and journalists and keep up the pressure for negotiations.


  4. Together with other activists, he seeks to prove that Barack Obama is not a true American and is therefore ineligible to be president.


  5. And if that happens, expect more peaceful activists to get caught up in the web of the surveillance state.


  6. White says Fela Kuti's mother was a women's rights activist, a teacher in Nigeria and a major influence on Kuti and his music.


  7. Authorities arrested at least 50 activists in those demonstrations, but have refrained from taking strong action against the monks.


  8. Quite a number of them, says Amnesty, are civil-rights campaigners who have plainly had nothing to do with terrorism or jihad.


  9. He said authorities have put dozens of AIDS activists under house arrest or surveillance.


  1. 我是信息活动分子。

    I am an information activist.

  2. 他是个电影制片人和活动分子。

    He's a filmmaker and an activist.

  3. 您瞧, 我并不反对您成为活动分子。

    Look, I don't object to your being an activist.

  4. 他们还袭击了一名英国活动分子。

    They also assaulted a British activist.

  5. 可是今天的活动分子大会根本就不健全!

    But the fact remains that today's activists' meeting was a flop right from the start!

  6. 据报道,一些基督教活动分子已经逃离伊朗。

    A number of Christian activists have reportedly fled the country.

  7. 全都被社会活动分子贴上了逃税者的标签。

    Each has been branded a tax dodger by activists.

  8. 反对党有记者和活动分子曾被安全部队逮捕。

    Journalists and opposition party activists have been arrested by the security forces.

  9. 据说他们的活动分子经常被逮捕,恫吓和解雇。

    Their militants were said to be frequently subjected to arrests, intimidation and dismissals.

  10. 他说, 当局软禁或监视了一批艾滋病活动分子。

    He said authorities have put dozens of AIDS activists under house arrest or surveillance.

  11. 她设下了一个基调,这给了一些活动分子一个信号。

    She set the tone that gave some activists a signal.

  12. 尼尔森就此决定成为医疗活动分子 并加入此类组织。

    Nelson decided to become a treatment activist and join up with other groups.

  13. 盖茨先生说美国不计划紧追活动分子到伊朗境内。

    Mr. Gates said that the United States did not intend to engage in hot pursuit of the operatives into Iran.

  14. 而且他们将会见电影工业的领导者,和民主活动分子。

    And they will meet with film industry leaders and democracy activists.

  15. 他说,试图打破这一封锁,是船队活动分子擅自行事。

    He said that by trying to break the blockade, flotilla activists took the law into their own hands.

  16. 我们还谴责以色列针对性地暗杀巴勒斯坦活动分子的做法。

    We also deplore Israel's practice of targeted assassination of Palestinian activists.

  17. 对贩毒分子活动的调查

    A probe into the activities of drug dealers

  18. 社会活动积极分子

    an enthusiast member of social activities.

  19. 转让有关恐怖主义组织及其积极分子活动情况的情报。

    Transfer of information on terrorist groups and movements of their activists.

  20. 他是我厂的社会活动积极分子。

    He is a social activist in our factory.

  21. 他是我厂的社会活动积极分子。

    He is a social activist in our factory.

  22. 他们会阻止丙烯醯胺这类分子的活动。

    They stop the actions of molecules like acrylamide before they get rolling.

  23. 打击清洗黑钱及恐怖分子筹资活动的措施

    Measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

  24. 并有近百个团体会员和积极分子参与活动。

    And close to a hundred corporate members and activists engaged in activities.

  25. 这些分子得活动主要是如何把自己折叠起来。

    The activity of that molecule is bound up in how it folds itself.

  26. 这些分子的活动主要是如何把自己折叠起来。

    The activity of that molecule is bound up in how it folds itself.

  27. 通过击自由分子得活动来提供大脑神经损伤得保护。

    Offer against cerebral ischemic injury by combating free radical activity.

  28. 业界防止清洗黑钱及恐怖分子筹资活动工作小组

    Formation of Industry Working Group on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

  29. 阿根廷共和国绝不容忍恐怖分子或窝藏恐怖分子的活动。

    The Argentine Republic will not tolerate the activities of terrorists or those who harbour them.

  30. 这将有助于挫败叛乱分子的活动和减少罂粟种植的收入。

    This will help sap the insurgency of fighters and of income from poppy cultivation.