


1. 那 [nà]2. 那 [nǎ]3. 那 [nèi]4. 那 [nā]那 [nà]指较远的时间、地方或事物,与“这”相对:~里。~个。~样。~些。~时。~么。那 [nǎ]同“哪”(一)(中国大陆地区已不用)。那 [nèi]义同(一),“……





汉语拼音:nà men






  1. 见“ 那么 ”。



  1. If he was able to get their endorsement, it would make a difference to the boys and give him the necessary boost.


  2. But if somebody has supported that child, then the children would be rude.


  3. Was the American hostess' reply immodest , as it seemed to some of the Chinese?


  4. And then there were those who defended the idea of loyalty and of patriotism.


  5. "If violence is seen as a tool to be used against management, it can be copied in other factories also. "


  6. In the countryside, the county councilor encountered the accountant.


  7. The lady appeared with a luxurious fur coat.


  8. He had the old tailor make a new coat for him.


  9. PiS maybe wasn't doing as bad as many were predicting. They did introduce some reforms.


  1. 他那们做真是太聪明了。

    It is very wise of him to do so.

  2. 孩子们惊奇地看着那们陌生人。

    The children stared at the stranger in wonder.

  3. 穿紫色大衣的那们老师是谁?

    Who is the teacher in the purple coat?

  4. 为了活动手指, 那们老太太特意用手洗小件衣物。

    In order to exercise her fingers, that old woman takes trouble to wash the small clothes.

  5. 我们已经在海上漂行了那们久, 都还没有看到半个岛的影子。

    We have already sailed for a long time, but there's no island that have seen.

  6. 法官们那阴沉的脸色

    The saturnine faces of the judges.

  7. 女士 先生们 那名外科医生是他的母亲

    Ladies and gentlemen, the surgeon is his mother.

  8. 那女孩儿们再也不害怕了。

    The girls were not afraid any more.

  9. 那女孩儿们害怕得说不出话。

    The girls were afraid and did not speak.

  10. 那老人们现在才敢出来晒晒暖。

    Only now did the old folk venture out to sun themselves.

  11. 那孩子们对学好中文感兴趣吗?

    Are children interested to learn chinese?

  12. 那探险家们大胆地在陌生的海域探险。

    Those gallantly adventured on unknown seas.

  13. 那探险家们大胆地在陌生得海域探险。

    Those gallantly adventured on unknown seas.

  14. 看到那哥儿们了吗?他是法国人

    You see that bloke? He's French.

  15. 那蝴碟们是住在干草垛里面咯?

    Les papillons, a vit dans des bottes de foin

  16. 他们带著给那岛民们的新交易品。

    They arrived with new barter for the islanders.

  17. 非典型行为并不是我们期望从孩子们那得到的那种可接受性的反应。

    Atypical behavior is not the accepted type of response that we expect from children.

  18. 听起来很有趣, 那孩子们在那天都做些什么呢

    Really, It'sounds interesting, and what do children always do in this day

  19. 他始终没有想到丧事人家的凄惨和那父母们的伤心。

    He had no more imagined to himself the blighted home, and the miserable parents.

  20. 是的,那搭们为何不在电视上播出搭们人民在危机里的尸体?

    O. K., why dem no dey show corpses of deir people during crisis for TV.

  21. 如果我的膝盖没撑住,那医生们明早多干点活就是了。

    if my knee gives, they'll just have more work to do in the morning.

  22. 在那时候工人们经常怠工。

    The workers often decided to go slow in those days.

  23. 那是词友们舞动的奇迹

    The icibears were brandishing wonders

  24. 他说那是小孩子们过的节。

    He says it's for kids.

  25. 他说那是小孩子们过的节。

    He says it's for kids.

  26. 那给动物们带来了可怕的灾难。

    It has caused terrible suffering to animals.

  27. 那是男人们在吸烟室的淫秽言语。

    It was smoking-room bawdry.

  28. 那么我们在这儿算那帮官僚们好运?

    Then the bureaucrats are freaking lucky to have US here.

  29. 那么我们在这儿算那帮官僚们好运啰。

    Then the bureaucrats are freaking lucky to have US here.

  30. 那一天孩子们都打扮得漂漂亮亮得。

    The children were all beautifully got up that day.