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1. 仲 [zhòng]仲 [zhòng]兄弟排行次序二:~兄。~弟。在当中的:~春(春季的第二个月,即农历二月。仲夏、仲秋、仲冬依此类推)。~裁(居间调停、裁判)。姓。……
1. 舒 [shū]舒 [shū]展开,伸展:~展。~畅。~张。~卷(juǎn )。~适。~心。从容,缓慢:~缓。姓。……
汉语拼音:zhòng shū
汉 哲学家、今文经学家 董仲舒 。专治《春秋公羊传》,强调“天人之际,合而为一”之说。
三国 魏 应璩 《与侍郎曹长思书》:“才劣 仲舒 ,无下帷之思;家贫 孟公 ,无置酒之乐。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·才略》:“ 仲舒 专儒, 子长 纯史。” 唐 张说 《酬崔光禄冬日述怀赠答》诗:“才雄 子云 笔,学广 仲舒 帷。”旧题 明 王世贞 《鸣凤记·秋夜女工》:“不用 仲舒 谋,权回 范蠡 舟,旧江山都是新愁。”
This thesis focuses on sorting out his ethical and aesthetic ideas, and then makes a concise comment on them.
本文着重对董仲舒的伦理美学思想进行系统梳理,并加以简要评述。In Tang Dynasty, Han Yu pointed out his view of human nature that there are three grades in human nature.
唐代韩愈继承了董仲舒的人性论,明确提出了“性三品”说。This thesis falls into four parts: Chapter One discusses Dong's reform on Pre-Qin Confucianism and his theoretical presuppositions.
全文分为四部分:第一部分,论述董仲舒对先秦儒家伦理思想的变革及其伦理思想的理论基石。Dong Zhong-shu' theory and its proof method revealed Chinese traditional thinking mode's integrated features.
董仲舒的“天人合一”说及其子论证方式折射出中国传统思维方式的整体性特征。As an important component of Dong Zhongshu s ethics, symbolism in literature and arts has its potential system.
作为董仲舒伦理关学思想的重要组成部分,其象征文艺观也有着潜在的体系。He interpreted the relationship between nature and human by applying a theory of "heterodoxy of natural Disasters" .
董仲舒用“灾异说”来解释天与人之间的关系。In this way, Dong Zhongshu gave the proofs to the obligatoriness, possibility, reasons and authorities of his social controlling thought.
由此出发,董仲舒对社会控制的必要性、可能性以及合理性、权威性作出了论证。After Song dynasty, along with the evolution of Confucianism, the Intelligentsia has disavowed Dong Zhongshu's partial views sharply.
北宋以后,随着儒学的发展,知识界对董仲舒的部分观点进行了比较严厉的否定。Emperor Wudi was impressed by Dong Zhongshu's theories, and filled his administration with Confucian scholars.