


聚合,聚在一起:~之。~数。~体。~结。汇~。概括全部,主要的:~纲。~则。为首的,最高的:~司令。~裁。~经理。~统。束系,束头发:~角(jiǎo )。经常,一直:~是这样。一定,无论如何:~归。“万紫千红~是春”。……





汉语拼音:zǒng biān






  1. If you can supply me with more information on the copyrights, I will discuss the matter with our editor-in-chief.


  2. This was in the fall of 1994, and I'll never forget the afternoon the editor-in-chief asked me if I wanted my own column.


  3. The new journalist was told off by the editor-in-chief, for the readers were averse to the front page story he had written.


  4. It was pointed out in particular by John Simpson, the OED's Chief Editor as the first word he ever worked on when he joined the OED in 1976.


  5. Guo Hongchao, a senior editor at the newspaper, said the staff was stunned by the officially sanctioned persecution of Mr. Qiu.


  6. But when they moved to Chicago so he could take a job on the Sun-Times, his managing editor ordered her to shelve her ambitions.


  7. There is a plan, described as being in its "embryonic" stage, to split the position of editor in chief from that of director general.


  8. The managing editor, Wang Shuo, announced on Twitter that he had quit but did not give a reason.


  9. The editor said she told him, without elaboration, that Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service was against it.


  1. 总编室主任

    chief of general editting office.

  2. 主编, 总编辑

    A chief editor

  3. 执行总编的助理!

    Assistant to the editor in chief!

  4. 执行总编得助理!

    Assistant to the editor in chief!

  5. 总编辑引言。

    Message from the Chief Editor P.

  6. 总编辑兼司长

    Chief Editor and Director

  7. 新来的执行总编助理?

    Daniel meade's new assistant?

  8. 这里是总编辑室。

    It is here editor in chief's room.

  9. 瑞丽女性网总编辑

    Vice Chief Editor of RAYLI NEW MEDIA

  10. 总编辑兼司长办公室

    Office of the Chief Editor and Director

  11. 总编辑删节了某些文章。

    The editor in chief docked some of the articles.

  12. 报纸总编辑应是政治家

    The Editor in Chief of Newspaper Should Become a Statesman

  13. 在我担任总编辑的职位

    In my function as chief editor.

  14. 总编辑把稿子压缩了一半。

    The general editor condensed manuscript to half of its original length.

  15. 约翰李尔庭,金融时报总编辑

    John Ridding, the chief executive of The Financial Times.

  16. 我是赞比亚法律报告总编辑。

    I am the General Editor of the Zambia Law Report.

  17. 杨福麟先生新传媒新闻执行总编缉

    Singapore Mr. Yeo Hock Lin MediaCorp News Pte Ltd Executive Editor

  18. 不,我是英语出版部的总编辑。

    No, I'm the chief editor of our English Publications Division.

  19. 弗莱先生后来加入了阿格拉公司,出任总编。

    Mr. Fry subsequently joined Agora Inc., as Editorial Director.

  20. 中华医学会系列杂志总编问卷调查分析报告

    Report of a survey to chief editors of CMA serial periodicals

  21. 里根总编在就职演说中做了许多手势。

    President Reagcn accompanied his inauguration speech with many gestures.

  22. 由南华早报出版有限公司执行总编辑

    Managing Editor of South China Morning Post

  23. 报社的职员对总编辑的辞职议论纷纷。

    The resignation of the editor in chief was remarked upon by all the staff members in the newspaper office.

  24. 群言出版社现任社长兼总编辑范芳。

    Qun Yan Publishing House incumbent director chief editor FAN Fang.

  25. 巴雷特是彭博社商业周刊的助理总编

    Barrett is an assistant managing editor at Bloomberg Businessweek.

  26. 发行量最大的报纸副总编辑也是妇女。

    The Deputy Editor for the most widely circulated newspaper is a woman.

  27. 总编辑把这篇报道原稿刻意雕缀得面目全非。

    The editor in chief embroidered the original story beyond recognition.

  28. 出版工作中总编辑决策活动的哲学问题研究

    A philosophical probe into the tactics of the chief editor in the edition and publishing activities.

  29. 作为总编必须确保我们的程序是负责任和公平的。

    The Editor in Chief must assure that the procedures of our journals have been followed responsibly and fairly in arriving at that decision.

  30. 这是一份规模较小得报纸, 目前由我担任总编。

    I've become the chief editor. It's a small newspaper, Chapman said.


  1. 问:总编拼音怎么拼?总编的读音是什么?总编翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总编的读音是zǒngbiān,总编翻译成英文是 Red Glavnyi Redaktor

  2. 问:总编号拼音怎么拼?总编号的读音是什么?总编号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总编号的读音是zǒng biān hào,总编号翻译成英文是 master serial number

  3. 问:总编辑拼音怎么拼?总编辑的读音是什么?总编辑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总编辑的读音是,总编辑翻译成英文是 Contributing editor