




1. 几 [jī]2. 几 [jǐ]几 [jī]小或矮的桌子:茶~儿。将近,差一点:~乎。~至。苗头:知~其神乎。几 [jǐ]询问数量多少(估计不太大)的疑问词:~个人?~何(a.多少,如“人生~~?”b.研究点线面体的性质、关系和计算方法……



汉语拼音:chá jī







  1. 放茶具等用的小桌。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第十六回:“只见我伯母……牀前安放着一张茶几,正伏在茶几上啜粥。” 叶圣陶 《欢迎》:“两旁四只茶几,陈设在六把椅子之间。”



  1. Unluckily spying his own figure in the glass, he made a spring over the tea table that stood under it.


  2. In the room were a couple of armchairs, a child's crib, a table and a child's table and a little chair, on which Prince Andrey was sitting.


  3. Monica and Rachel's, the gang is all sitting around the table.


  4. That the two men "fighting" was full, finally Mr. Gao Wen cripple a small coffee table to be transferred to the Fang.


  5. A wood made coffee table is in the middle of the living room which you can put candy, snacks or fruit on top of it.


  6. A third of those polled would simply like time to relax and put their feet up in front of the television or enjoy a lie-in in the morning.


  7. metres and furnished with a writing desk , a credenza for tv & minibar , two armchairs and a coffee table.


  8. I'm sorry but I spent half an hour looking for my car keys. The whole time they were on the coffee table, right under my nose!


  9. Fill it with candy or other favorite snacks and give it as a gift, or keep it on the coffee table for guests to enjoy.


  1. 沙发靠近茶几。

    The sofa are near the table.

  2. 金鱼,灵魂和茶几

    Goldfish, Souls and Coffee Tables

  3. 猫跳上了茶几。

    The cat jumps onto the coffee table.

  4. 茶几摆放得非常合适。

    End tables placed conveniently.

  5. 把杂志放在茶几上

    to set a magazine on the teapoy

  6. 套房系列, 餐桌椅系列, 茶几

    Suite Furniture, Dining Table and Chair Tea Table

  7. 沙发前有一张茶几。

    In front of the armchairs there is a coffee table.

  8. 长沙发前有一张茶几。

    There is a coffee table before the sofa.

  9. 这里过去还有个茶几呢。

    There used to be an end table here and.

  10. 这里过去还有个茶几呢。

    There used to be an end table here and.

  11. 客厅的中央是一个茶几。

    In the center of the living room is a coffee table.

  12. 茶几相应是稳重的灰色系。

    Tea table is sedate gray department accordingly.

  13. 六个灯。三张茶几。一钢琴。

    Six table lamps. Three end tables. One piano.

  14. 你的咖啡和杂志在茶几上。

    Your coffee and magazine are on the table.

  15. 茶几上放了一下报纸和书。

    There are some newspapers and books on the table.

  16. 靠近茶几的时一个什么桌子?

    What's the table next to the coffee table?

  17. 这个茶几的玻璃砖是耐高温的。

    The thick glass of this tea table can endure high temperatures.

  18. 这个茶几的玻璃砖是耐高温的。

    The thick glass of this tea table can endure high temperatures.

  19. 这个茶几得玻璃砖是耐高温得。

    The thick glass of this tea table can endure high temperatures.

  20. 餐桌,茶几也能烧水,做饭,烧烤?

    Can mensal, tea table also heat water, cook, barbecue

  21. 这个茶几跟旁边的这个沙发不搭配。

    This end table does not match the couch beside it.

  22. 她把照片接过来放在茶几上。

    She took the photo and laid it on the coffee table.

  23. 为什么它会出现在我的茶几上?

    What is it doing on my coffee table?

  24. 为什么它会出现在我的茶几上?

    What is it doing on my coffee table?

  25. 为什么它会出现在我的茶几上?

    What is it doing on my coffee table?

  26. 六个台灯。叁张茶几。一台钢琴。

    Six table lamps. Three end tables. One piano.

  27. 在沙发地前面是一个低矮地茶几。

    In front of the sofa is a low tea table.

  28. 茶几的另一边还有一张扶手椅。

    An armchair was on the other side of the coffee table.

  29. 人生就像茶几, 上面摆满了杯具。

    Life is like a tea table, with bitter cups placed all over it.

  30. 使用说明平时盖上盖板可当茶几用。

    Specification Be serviced as tea table with cover.


  1. 问:茶几拼音怎么拼?茶几的读音是什么?茶几翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茶几的读音是chájī,茶几翻译成英文是 tea table; end table



“茶几”是个多义词,它可以指茶几(小型家具), 茶几(网络用语)。