






1. 政 [zhèng]政 [zhèng]治理国家事务:~治。~府。~党。~权。~纲。~策。~令。~绩。~见。~客(为个人或某一集团利益从事政治活动的人)。~局。~变。参~。议~。国家某一部门主管的业务:财~。邮~。民~。家庭或集体生活中的……





汉语拼音:guó mín zhèng fǔ








  1. Regardless of these handicaps, the United States and Nationalist China succeeded in forging a coalition that withstood the tests of time.

  2. A military commander exercising civil power in a region, whether in nominal allegiance to the national government or in defiance of it.

  3. as such, it was the wartime seat of Chiang Kai-Shek's nationalist government and is the major inland settlement on the Yangtze.

  4. For a while, they were part of Chiang Kai-shek's national government, but maintained their own special system of taxes and finance.

  5. After Nanjing Kuomindang Government was established, the system of the party-government was put in force throughout the country formally.

  6. At the beginning the National Government practiced a policy of breaking off relations with the Japanese invaders.

  7. Chapter Two is the main body of this paper, which introduces the main content of Nanjing national government's rail combat readiness policy.

  8. In order to develop education, the National Government decided to build a woman normal higher education institution in Chongqing.

  9. The representative of National Government, Hu Shize attended "Facilitating the international flow of educational film conference" in Geneva.


  1. 武汉国民政府

    Wuhan National Government.

  2. 论国民政府的废两改元

    On Tael Altered into Dollar by the National Government

  3. 重庆曾是国民政府的行都。

    Chongqing was once the provisional capital of the National Government.

  4. 重庆曾是国民政府得行都。

    Chongqing was once the provisional capital of the National Government.

  5. 重庆曾是国民政府的行都。

    Chongqing was once the provisional capital of the National Government.

  6. 南京国民政府文官考试制度评析

    The Comment on the Civil Officer Test System of Nanjing Government

  7. 国民政府时期华北平原灾荒概述

    Brief Review on the Famines on North China Plain under Guomintang Government

  8. 北洋军阀政府及南京国民政府政治腐败。

    Beiyang government and Manjing government are corrupt.

  9. 信仰危机与南京国民政府的灭亡

    On the Credibility Crisis and the Downfall of Nanking Kuomintang Government

  10. 南京国民政府文官制度建设浅议

    On the Civil Official System Construction of Nanjing Guomingdang Government

  11. 试析国民政府前期两淮私盐的种类

    Varieties of the Unlicensed Salt in Huai River Salt Areas

  12. 论抗战时期国民政府的盐税政策

    On the Policy of salt Tax of National Government in the Resistance War

  13. 南京国民政府时期北平的交通管理

    Traffic Management of Transportations in Beijing by Former Kuomintang Government

  14. 珍珠港事件后国民政府的政治调整

    Adjustment in Politics of the National Government after the Pearl Harbor Incident.

  15. 抗战时期影响国民政府征兵因素探析

    Analysis of Factors Which Influenced Conscription Under the Kuomintang Regime

  16. 北京国民政府中央财政收入中的盐税

    The Relationship Between Salt Tax and Finance of Beijing Guomin Central Government

  17. 抗战时期国民政府的儿童福利政策述评

    The Policy of the Child Welfare of National Government in the Resistance War

  18. 南京国民政府迅速败亡的军事经济原因

    The military economic cause that the Nanking National Government was defeated and destroyed

  19. 英美日三国与国民政府的币制改革

    Paper Currency Reform of National Government and the Reaction of Great Britain, the United States and Japan

  20. 南京国民政府时期公派留学经费管理初探

    On the Funds Management to Government Sponsored Oversea Education of the Nanking National Government

  21. 南京国民政府时期救荒中的腐败问题析论

    Corruption and Degeneration in Relief of Naking Government

  22. 北京国民政府时期地方截留中央盐税浅析

    On the Withhold of the Salt by the Local Government in Beijing Guomin Government Period

  23. 对南京国民政府初期训政规划的若干考察

    Investigation of Early Mandates of Nanjing Kuomintang Government

  24. 国民政府教育行政委员会与北伐政局初探

    The Committee on Educational Administration of National Government and the Political Situation of the Northern Expedition

  25. 本组史料选自馆藏档案国民政府财政部档案。

    This group historical data is chosen from archives of treasury department of government archives countryman.

  26. 介寿公园, 园内有国民政府主席林森铜像。

    Park, the park has Linsen bronze statue of Chairman of the National Government.

  27. 国民政府文官考选制度行之维艰的原因

    The reason analysis of difficult practice of the civil official system of national government

  28. 北洋政府与南京国民政府文官考试制度之比较

    The comparation of the system of civil service examination between Beiyang government and Nanjing civil government

  29. 探析南京国民政府未能实施新盐法的原因

    An Analysis of the Reason of Nanking National Government Cannot Carrying on New Salt Law

  30. 他们随着国民政府的百万军民撤离大陆,退守台湾。

    Following millions soldiers and civilians of the national government, they retreated from the mainland and moved to Taiwan.


  1. 问:国民政府拼音怎么拼?国民政府的读音是什么?国民政府翻译成英文是什么?

    答:国民政府的读音是guó mín zhèng fǔ,国民政府翻译成英文是 civil government

  2. 问:国民政府军事委员会拼音怎么拼?国民政府军事委员会的读音是什么?国民政府军事委员会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:国民政府军事委员会的读音是,国民政府军事委员会翻译成英文是 Military Affairs Commission

  3. 问:国民政府军事委员会调查统计局拼音怎么拼?国民政府军事委员会调查统计局的读音是什么?国民政府军事委员会调查统计局翻译成英文是什么?

    答:国民政府军事委员会调查统计局的读音是,国民政府军事委员会调查统计局翻译成英文是 Bureau of Investigation and Statistics